Wednesday, November 9, 2022

A Note To My Readers

For those of you who have been checking to see if my next blog post is here yet, I want to let you know that I am planning to post it on Wednesday, November 23rd, which is 2 weeks from today. There are several things people wrote to me over the years that I came across while sorting old papers and photographs that I'll include in that post, so it will take awhile, for me to do that, as some of them are lengthy. In the meantime, colder weather is on the way, and I am still trying to get through my big sorting project, that has been constantly derailed, the last couple of weeks, due to aspects of my current life, having to, finally, be dealt with, to some degree.

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This Blog is more like a personal journal, with its very detailed, and honest, look at my various life experiences, and how those, and the people involved in them, have impacted me. In creating and sharing this Blog with you, it is my hope that each of us will fully appreciate the remarkable power that a word has, for us, and from us. My prayer is that we are all affected by that truth, for better. I appreciate your input, and interaction, here. [Please note that Comment Moderation is activated.]