Monday, October 31, 2022

Still Sorting Through Mementos I've Saved

I am still sorting through alot of old papers and photographs, and some interesting items have been discovered in that endeavor, that I plan to share in my November blog post. Many of them I did not even realize that I had saved, over the years, at all, and others, I knew I had, but did not know where they were, until now. I have to finish sorting one last container, and then I can start the process of transcribing their texts into the post for next month and downloading some photographs that I will share. There will be much more variety than there was in these October posts.

I've felt emotionally taxed, as I have looked at and read through these things that are from my past. This time, I'll be sharing some things that people wrote, to me, more than things that I have written, although, there will be more of those, too. I have lived through so much in my life. It feels as if I've lived several different life-times, in this one. I'm REALLY TIRED, at this point. One thing that really surprised me was how many love letters I have gotten from various men who made emotive declarations toward me, and yet I honestly cannot even recall who several of them were. I think quite a few of them were club customers enamored with 'Stevie', my stage persona when I was a dancer. I was surprised to come across cards and love letters from my second husband, Jim, that I do not recall ever getting, from him! I find that both puzzling and sad. Something, about the realities of that relationship, obviously, overshadowed, my taking those to heart. I really do not know what that would have been, though. I loved him, much more than any man I have ever been involved with; even referring to Jim as 'the one man that I will love forever', in the blog posts that I have written about him. But, I also recall that, I didn't want to be married to him, in the way that it happened, because I felt like, the only reason he married me was because I turned up pregnant unexpectedly, and that colored how I saw everything about that marriage. I didn't FEEL loved. I didn't FEEL wanted. In fact, I also came across the court ordered paternity testing that he put me through when I started the divorce, which was both horrible and humiliating for me, since I am actually extremely monogamous by nature, and had deeply loved-- only-- him.

There are some things I came across which were written to me, about transferring the custody of my son when he was so young. I will put this in the November post also. It will unintentionally coincide with his November birthday. Jay will be 41, on November 15, 2022. It is raining, right now, as I type this. I've always said that it seems like tears from Heaven. I've been honest in my blog posts, and now I have also found hardcopy documentation, that backs up alot of what I've written about.

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This Blog is more like a personal journal, with its very detailed, and honest, look at my various life experiences, and how those, and the people involved in them, have impacted me. In creating and sharing this Blog with you, it is my hope that each of us will fully appreciate the remarkable power that a word has, for us, and from us. My prayer is that we are all affected by that truth, for better. I appreciate your input, and interaction, here. [Please note that Comment Moderation is activated.]