Showing posts with label honoring people in our lives. Show all posts
Showing posts with label honoring people in our lives. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

I Remembered It Was Iszak's Birthday . . .

                               [This is one of my Christian devotionals which I wrote]

I moved to a different apartment during the late summer, in a new neighborhood for me, and got to know the staff of the nearby family discount store fairly well as I frequently bought things from there in the process of my getting settled. Being mindful---  most of the time---  to try to reflect God's love to others, in a more personalized way whenever possible, in my sphere of influence as a Christian, I made a mental note to myself one day when the store manager, Iszak, told me in our conversation at the checkout that his birthday was (months from then but) a few days before Christmas. Then, I wrote it down on my calendar as soon as I got home, before I could forget it amidst all the other things I had going on in my own life to think about. I felt that it would be meaningful to him for me to honor him with that acknowledgement, come December, with me also planning to thank him, once again, on that day, for all his help to me. 

I regularly went to him with my ever-evolving list of things that I needed or wanted in my life but wasn't finding easily, or at all, on my own, and he always graciously made himself available to help guide me to the right thing at the right time, meeting my needs. Iszak was always a very diligent worker, which included his willingly, even graciously, taking the time to listen attentively regarding my ongoing search for whatever it was that I was looking for at the time in order to make my life more satisfying. As we talked together, over time, whenever I would stop in, with my list in hand, to find him still faithfully working to provide me and others with exactly what we were in need of, he sometimes shared with me how he felt unappreciated, in general, for all he was always doing to keep things going as conscientiously as he did, day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year. It was never ending, for him, and often a thankless-seeming cycle, to be sure!

I admired how he held up under all of that, while still remaining charitable toward everyone, especially when it was clear at times that he was wearied by the extensive ingratitude, sometimes even feeling drained by the demands placed on him. It was a fairly thankless position, that he was in, and it was obvious that the return, on the investment of himself, seemed to be much less, by comparison. He wasn't really a complainer, by nature, either. He was just honestly stating the facts when he described how one-sided it often felt to him, with him giving his all while receiving so little in return from so many! He was definitely worth more, for being who he was, and for doing what he did, than he was often treated like.

When my calendar informed me in December that Iszak's birthday had finally arrived, the designated day to celebrate his taking his place on this planet to make his mark on it, including all the things he accomplished through his work, which I directly benefited from, and truly appreciated, I went over to the store to seek him out. While also getting what I needed for myself, to prepare for what the weather man was assuring us would be a significant change coming along with the first day of winter, I found Iszak there, still faithfully working as hard as ever, even on his own birthday. I told him that I had taken note of the fact that this day was his birthday, heartily wishing him the very best day, thanking him again for all that he did to help me, and spending some time talking with him about what the events of the day meant through his eyes. 

Seeming unused to such mindful care being shown toward him, he thanked me, after recovering from the sheer shock of the sentiments shown him. He was so used to doing all of his work, often behind the scenes, day in and day out, largely unnoticed, unless someone sought him out with a complaint, or they needed something from him that they hadn't been able to get, on their own, that he hardly knew how to receive the honor and thanks that I was giving him, for what he did for me and everyone else, all the time. I had just wanted to let him know, especially on this significant day to him personally, that he, and all that he always did for me, mattered to me, and that I appreciated him. He deserved to know that, directly from me.

The next morning, in the early quiet, while I was giving my praise and adoration to God as I do every day, because of the intimate relationship we share, and because of His joy, in receiving that from me, I was mindful of the approaching birthday of my Savior, also. I thought about the challenge we have as humans, who are all too often preoccupied, distracted, multitasking, life-juggling people, to not only consciously center Jesus foremost in our celebration of Christmas, but at times to even remember to invite or include Him at all, in the midst all the activities that surround this holiday. But it's His birthday!

As I recalled the care I had taken to note the date of Iszak's upcoming birthday, months ahead of time, in order for me to remember to personally honor him when the day finally came, by my acknowledgement of its significance to him, along with my simply taking the time to seek him out, and thank him, on that day, I felt a blush of shame, and a pang of sadness, from my sudden realization that in the many Christmas memories I have from over the years, of family, food, holiday lights, music, and presents, MY SAVIOR, Jesus, seemed to be conspicuously absent from much of that. And it's HIS birthday!

Christmas far too often seems to be about our celebration of so many other things, than His birthday, among us. He gets forgotten, or forsaken, under piles of glittery gift wrap, festively decorated cookies, and shiny new purchases beckoning us to explore and enjoy them. But it's His birthday! HIS birthday. So much of the time, it seems, our including Him at all has been relegated to only being an afterthought, at best. Christmas is also often remembered as being either a 'good' or 'bad' day by us, based on how things unfolded for us, in our interactions and experiences on this special day, with hardly a thought in our heads about whose birthday it actually is, or how the day went for Him. I wondered to myself why we so often have so much trouble keeping in mind what the celebration is truly for?

We humans are always so personally needy! And that very neediness can cause such selfishness in us. As Jesus' birthday, the Christmas celebration really isn't even about us, as much as it is FOR us! Because it's HIS birthday! And He was born to die, FOR us. That precious baby, lying asleep amidst the livestock, "did come for to die" as the carol 'I Wonder As I Wander' describes. We are to celebrate the birthday of Jesus because He was born, among us, as Emmanuel---  God WITH us!---  and through His coming, living, and dying FOR US we are redeemed from our sin and SET FREE by Him, to live eternally, and joyfully, with Him! That all began, for us, with His birthday. That is worth our taking note of, our honoring Him, and our celebrating, WITH Him!

While the ordinary people in our everyday lives are often so unused to being shown honor by us, or our actually celebrating them, as part of our appreciation for their contribution to our lives, that it causes them to be shocked when it happens like Iszak was on his birthday, God is also largely unused to being honored by many of us. However, with Him being God, He is also acutely aware that He alone is truly THE ONE deserving of being given all of our praise and appreciation!

God created us for a very personal relationship with Him, and our honoring Him on a regular basis, and especially on His own birthday, is a very important part of that. Happy Birthday, Jesus! I took note of the fact that it's Your special day today, and I want to thank You for all that You do every day, even on Your own birthday, to help me, and to guide me to exactly what I need from You, at any given time, in my life's journey. May those of us whom You have saved not ever neglect, or ever forget, to include You in our Christmas celebration.

          I Wonder as I Wander*

     I wonder as I wander out under the sky,
       How Jesus the Savior did come for to die.
       For poor on'ry people like you and like I...
    I wonder as I wander out under the sky.

              When Mary birthed Jesus 'twas in a cow's stall,
                    With wise men and farmers and shepherds and all.
                  But high from God's heaven a star's light did fall,
        And the promise of ages it then did recall.

   If Jesus had wanted for any wee thing,
    A star in the sky, or a bird on the wing,
         Or all of God's angels in heaven for to sing,
                He surely could have it, 'cause he was the King.


Luke 17:11 - 19; John 5:17; Psalm 103:1 - 5; Luke 2:11 - 14; Revel. 4:11; Psalm 100:1 - 5