These are turbulent times.
Upheaval, and uncertainty, and strife, seem to be everywhere. There's simply no escaping it anymore, as much as I would like to because I'm burned out by it all. More than anything in the world I would just like to have some real PEACE in my life. That precious privilege has eluded me for most of my life. I burst into tears, today, from feeling totally tired of trying to attain that, because it just seems so, impossible, to me, now, to either find it or keep it. It seems like such a waste of my limited energy to expend the effort to even try to find it or have it. It seems pointless to me to try to get there, from where I am, mentally, and emotionally, almost all the time, anymore. I feel so depleted, even drained dry, at this point, from trying so hard for so long to achieve even a miniscule measure of peace. I just teared up, again, typing that sentence. I am struggling to see my computer screen and keyboard, through my eyes filling with tears, which are now trickling down my cheeks. I have longed for loving relationships my whole life because of coming from a family that was not affectionate, or even particularly affirming. It left me with such a hunger in my soul, to know what the warmth and joy of that would be like; and I am far from the only one. This is such a love-starved world.

Bars exist because people are seeking some peace of mind. There may be longing for love involved, or many other reasons, that patrons come through the doors of those establishments, including, a craving for some excitement, of some sort. But when it is all said and done, if they achieve their goal, whatever that is, they gain some peace of mind. At least, for awhile, and, usually, ahead, of any hangover, or regret sinking in. Churches exist because of people wanting to find some peace of mind. 'Comfort food'* is called that because it brings people peace of mind. When someone inflicts self-harm by cutting themselves, they do it to distract them from mental or emotional anguish, in order to obtain even temporary peace, by feeling some relief, in their troubled soul, despite it being a desperate, and dysfunctional, act, on their part, which has no positive, long term, benefits, for their overall well-being. Whether we're seeking peace through relationships, food, some sort of self-harm, reassurances about eternity, or a lot of other things, what we are craving is that peace. How can anyone possibly find, and hold on to, pervasive or permanent peace, while living life on this planet, that's becoming more turbulent all the time?

The Bible has many verses that say it is indeed possible to live and walk in peace while being on this planet. I have never found any way to do that for longer than mere moments, though, all things taken into account about my life with all of its heartbreak, deprivation, terror, and trauma. Having a deep and profound faith in God and His Grace and Mercy has helped me to have the moments of peace, that I cling to as my strong, sure foundation as I go about living life in this constantly convulsing world, but it doesn't shut out all the sadness and strife that affect me so deeply, which come from the conflict and chaos, that pervade the planet, now. I can barely stand to watch the news anymore because it is so anxiety-producing for me. Everything seems to be experiencing a constant crisis: shockingly severe weather events, that many say are due to global warming approaching a point of no return, important elections which will have an impact on everything about our lives, in some way or another, acts of violence, that we have seen are possible to occur, without warning, anywhere, anytime, and, mutating, viruses, that are mild for some, but deadly for others, and there is simply no way to calculate, how this might affect us, if we become ill. Even, deep faith in God, offers no guarantee, of the outcome, should such things happen to us. The gift of life is far more fragile, than we seem to realize, necessitating, at least for me, that it's always held with deep gratitude and an open hand, even amidst all that is distressing, depressing, and dismaying. For me this is easier said than done, though, and I confess that I have given way to pure despair at times. Especially in recent years, as I confront the uncertainties and unknowns that come with aging and the implications of the many ways that this issue alone can cause disruption, and destruction, to my life. I'm a loner, who lives without much of a support system. Health, financial, or any number of issues can develop into something which prevents me from continuing to maintain my lifestyle in the way I prefer it to be, which would affect my peace.

The entire world is continually trying to achieve peace. It's just how we go about it that differs so greatly. Some people marry because they seek a peace that a sense of security brings, while others, divorce their spouse, to find peace for themselves, since they didn't find peace in the relationship. Wars are started because someone seeks their own peace at the expense of someone else's. Homes are built, to have the peacefulness of privacy, that flooding and fires demolish. I doubt there is even one American parent of school age children that sends their kids to school without having at least some subconscious apprehension about the possibility of a shooter.
Peace, offers humanity the best chance for survival, and prosperity. Proverbs 17:1 in the Bible (Contemporary English Version) says that, "A dry crust of bread eaten in peace and quiet is better than a feast eaten where everyone argues." There are people we depend on in our communities to keep the peace, including when there are others who are disturbing the peace. Without peace there is no, real, sense of security. Right now, in my personal life, and in America and throughout the world, there are so many threats to peace. The reason that I keep to myself so much, is to try to have, and maintain, my sense of peacefulness, if at all possible. I began to live this way-- as, a loner-- when I was a child, growing up in a household that didn't ever feel truly peaceful to me, at all, or anything else, that was particularly positive. Keeping to myself was a quiet act of desperation, to try, to minimize the damage done to my soul, from sensing the constant undercurrent of tension from the dysfunction of the family dynamic. I never felt emotionally, or mentally, 'safe' in that environment. To this day, I shut down around and shun anyone that gives me that feeling. Even so, it is nearly impossible for me to find much peace inside my own home, all alone, because of 24/7 news and other stressful shows, on the television and on the internet. Everything going on throughout the entire world is almost all reported on, by someone somewhere, making its way into news feeds. Because much of the news affects me, to some degree or other, I feel like I can't just look away, or 'unplug', from seeing or hearing all these things, even as I feel my stress level and blood pressure elevating as I try to assess the implications of it all. We live in a world where mutually assured destruction is a possibility at any time, and some people get into politics for personal gain, rather than for altruistic reasons. If those, who are in control of the situation, aren't caring and careful, we could face things that, if we survived them, would, annihilate, our sense of peace. I long for peace, but I am at the mercy of others, who may not value it, so highly.

There is truth to the saying that 'Ignorance is bliss.' Little children wave at anyone and hug everyone. Then they are taught biases and prejudices. They get hurt, and maybe even violated in some way that scars them for life, by the people they care about and trusted. Their youthful optimism gets severely challenged, as their view of this world they live in enlarges with new information and understanding. I recall how shocked and sad I felt, as a high school student, when we were shown a film,
about the atomic bomb, and the devastating destruction that weapon caused. The realization of such a thing being unleashed on this planet was hard for me to bear.
Now, I know so much more, about human nature and politics and governance and wars. I don't have the luxury of any naivete regarding what's at stake and what is possible. Underneath this and other overarching threats to my very existence, I'm just trying to be as happy as possible, given my situation. As the years gave gone by, that has gotten a lot harder for me. I have more financial vulnerabilities now. I have more health issues now. I have less time in my lifespan now. These facts and more, crowd into my thoughts, and emotions, at random times, on any given day.

I try to focus on the positives and there are many of those but it's a daily struggle and a constant challenge. Music helps. Exercise helps. Laughing helps. Nature, can help, such as when I hear beautiful birdsongs outside my window. But underneath everything is my feeling of frustration that some of my deepest heart's desires are not happening for me, and perhaps never will happen for me. Especially given the world as it is now. Even the fact that thousands of men in my age group died, in a war, as young men, depriving thousands of women from the chance of knowing or loving them, very possibly including me, makes me both sad and angry. It may be the sole reason that I never met my Mr. Right. Guys who were just ahead of me in school were drafted to fight in Vietnam. What was really accomplished with all the sacrifice of those lives? Those men could have loved and been loved, instead of it. I have, still, NEVER KNOWN, what BEING LOVED, WELL, BY SOMEONE feels like. I often think about those men, that died in the war of my generation, because of it.
Although stress enters my life though the media inside my home, the most stress for me has always come from interacting with other people. I have come to dread it, because it is so often such a letdown to me, and even worse, does me damage in ways. I have been truly traumatized by peoples' treatment of me, which affects me a lot. Perhaps their behavior is how they handle their own lack of peace, but I can't handle more cruel blows to my psyche, at this point, so I mostly avoid other human beings, now, to try to avoid additional harm being inflicted on me by them.
That creates a conflict inside me, though, because I can't find my person, or other loving, and nurturing, relationships, if I do not go outside my house and socialize. I can either, cut my losses, or take a risk. I have become very risk averse, though.
I do think it's vital to not expose myself to people who have shown me that, they are not for me, and do not have my best interests at heart. I will NEVER want to be around or socialize with people that I don't genuinely enjoy their company. It isn't worth it to me to settle for that. I would rather do without altogether. If I'm not blessed by someone's presence in my life, then I prefer their absence. I love to smile and laugh! The people that I most enjoy being with are those who bring laughter to my life. The person that I have loved most, was someone who made me laugh, so easily, and so often. They were such a blessing to me because of it.
Most of my life is lived now, so I am more selective than ever about who I spend my time with. I realize, more than ever, how very, very, precious time itself is. If someone or something does not make me happy, I don't want it in my life, at all.

I think that everyone wants peace, but when someone takes it at someone else's expense, it will never truly be peace; for them, or for the one(s) they deprived of it. That often has both unforeseen consequences and a ripple effect on more than just the person(s) they took peace away from to have their own at their expense. These are people who want something else, more than they want to live in peace. For me, I gauge the 'success' of my day based on how peaceful it was, as well as how productive. I always feel better on the days I get things done, but I only feel it was a 'good' day if I came through it maintaining my sense of personal peace. I have a lot of daily struggles, with anxiety, and OCD, and sometimes, even darker, things, like depression, and despondency, so it is really notable and unfortunately rare, in these times, if I get through a day feeling relatively at peace in my world.

Having a home of my own is a haven for me for having more peace in my life, for many reasons, but because of the viciousness of the clique defamation of me with all the gossip, and lies, that has turned so many against me, I have been, terribly traumatized, here, too. So, the bad has canceled out the good, so far, and I am in an 'existing' mode, rather than a 'living fully' mode, as I try to deal with the huge drain on my soul, of all that evil that has been unleashed against me here, mostly by OTHER CHRISTIANS, who SHOULD know, they are ACCOUNTABLE TO GOD, for this. I have called the Veterans Crisis Line, many times, because of the distress it causes me, and I have telehealth counseling sessions with a mental health doctor due to it, also. This situation has sadly stolen my joy, which I really miss having. I love the sense of security I get in the peace and quiet of my own home, but peace is hard to have even with the shades drawn and the door locked, because of being
surrounded by these people. I am in constant emotional conflict because my home is the BEST earthly blessing God's EVER given me but the community the house is in does not feel 'safe' for me mentally, emotionally, and sometimes, physically. My faith in God, is what's kept me, through all this, and my knowing that, He blessed me with my home. It will be, three years, in August, that I came here, because of God blessing me with my house, but this campaign of cruelty, against me, started MY VERY FIRST DAY here. It has REALLY TAKEN A TOLL ON ME. I have asked God, at times, if He has changed His Will that I be here, but He CONTINUES to TELL me that HE HAS A REASON for ME to be HERE, and HE DOES NOT LIE, so I trust Him.

PEACE is VERY HARD to FIND here, for me, but GOD is my peace, especially when I can't find it in my circumstances or situation. I can tell you for a fact I would not have made it this far in my life, or living in this kind of heartbreaking meanness, if it were not for God being my life, my everything, and my all in all! My attempts to find peace, in other ways, have not gone very well. I often end up getting agitated
BECAUSE I am trying to center myself, in a sense of peace, but, it is ELUDING me. I usually do better when, I just, cry to out God, for his Grace, to help me, because IT MAKES SUCH A DIFFERENCE, in my day. There is nothing like the Grace of God!
Rather than STRUGGLING TO FIND PEACE, I just RECEIVE HIS PEACE, as a gift, to me, and as long as I REST IN THAT PEACE, it REMAINS, WITH ME, throughout, the day. If I start fussing and fretting, that amazing Grace lifts from me, leaving me to struggle, in my own strength, because of taking my focus off of God. It is nowhere close to being adequate to deal with all of the stress in my life now, though, that's
constantly coming from so many sources, of all sizes. God's GRACE is what makes EVERYTHING easier to bear, easier to cope with, easier to do, and easier to rejoice in, despite the trials and tribulations that come with these things. I am grateful to God, but even more than that, I AM GRATEFUL FOR GOD. HE is truly, my all in all.
Amazing grace, how sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost, but now am found
Was blind, but now I see
'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear
And grace, my fears relieved
How precious did that grace appear
The hour I first believed
When we've been there ten thousand years
Bright shining as the sun
We've no less days to sing God's praise
Than when we've first begun
Amazing grace, how sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost, but now am found
Was blind, but now I see
*Comfort food- food that provides consolation or a feeling of well-being, typically any with a high sugar or other carbohydrate content and associated with childhood or home cooking.
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This Blog is more like a personal journal, with its very detailed, and honest, look at my various life experiences, and how those, and the people involved in them, have impacted me. In creating and sharing this Blog with you, it is my hope that each of us will fully appreciate the remarkable power that a word has, for us, and from us. My prayer is that we are all affected by that truth, for better. I appreciate your input, and interaction, here. [Please note that Comment Moderation is activated.]