During many of the years, that I was a nightclub dancer, I was aggravated, during my time off from work, by an Omaha police officer, who was, inadvertently, acting as my own private security guard (however unwanted, that was, by me). Because of that, I also nicknamed him 'Stalker Cop'. Any woman who has been stalked can tell you that, there is nothing enjoyable, about that. Although, having him, almost always, around, wherever I was, and wherever I went, when I was out and about, anywhere, in the downtown/Old Market area of Omaha (where I lived, for most of the years that he did this to me) may have given me a sense of my having 'police protection', from, other, types of crimes, it caused more harm, than good, for me. His doing this to me and my trying to get the Omaha Police Department to take it seriously, when I finally made a formal complaint to them about it, would lead me down a very dark road in my life. This set of circumstances of my turning in a law enforcement officer, for breaking the law, was the situation that led directly to my doing prostitution. If my life has been anything, it has been very full of twists and turns, which took me places, that I would never have believed, that I would go or end up, when I was growing up as a naive little girl that took things at face value. As I became more and more aware of how the world really was, versus how I was taught that it was 'supposed to be', I was troubled, and even sad, by the fact that almost nothing, almost no one, was what they had seemed, or 'should' have been based on, the stereotypes, that are, generally, applied, to whatever, or whomever, it was. He didn't fit the description, of the honorable public servant, we are taught that police officers are; and before the fallout, from all this, was finished, I, would no longer fit the stereotype, of the type of girl, that we think of, as one that would never do prostitution. Nevertheless, the facts were, that he was a cop and I was a prostitute. Sometimes it's hard to get our labels to match us or us to match them.
Having a uniformed police officer, who is sworn, to protect and serve, stalking me, is a good example of something, someone, not living up to who, and what, society teaches about, and expects of, them. His playing, this game, with me, with my life (and then, mocking me, with glee, and even laughter, in my face, about it, when I took his, constant, attention toward me, as, surely, being a sign of someone really caring, about me), created a confusion within me, that was, very, distressing, and damaging. I simply could not fathom the fact, that a police officer would play with another person's thoughts and emotions, for no other reason than to alleviate the boredom of their generally mundane workdays, while simultaneously feeding their ego, and nothing more. He had put, so much--- extreme, prolonged--- effort, into it, that I didn't think it could possibly indicate anything other than I was genuinely cared for, by this other human being. I had thought that he was a clown, from the moment I first set eyes on him, but had nevertheless opened my heart up to him, when I thought, he must really care, about me, to expend so much energy, to 'be in my face' ALL the time. EVERY time I have SECOND-GUESSED my initial opinion of someone, and gone on, to give them, the benefit of the doubt, with me, I have lived to REALLY REGRET that decision. It went from frustrating to infuriating when even after he--- bluntly--- cleared that up for me, he CONTINUED to DO it; with a smirk on his face! I'm sitting here, shaking my head in disbelief at this, but it was all too true. He did this to me for years. ELEVEN years, in fact, to some extent, or other. Until, I finally took him to court, for it, to stop it. But, I get ahead of myself here with that though. Consider my background before I begin to detail his crime.
I had already had my heart irrevocably broken by finding out that parents are not always loving. That, a husband, who takes vows, and marries you, to become one with you, may not, even love you, or mean those vows, he took; and, even worse, may actually be your most dangerous and abusive enemy. I had learned, the hard way, that climbing into a pickup truck to accept a ride home from a semi-stranger, who, had, genuinely, seemed, to just want to be helpful, could end with, my being raped, by that person, who was, really, not trying to help me, at all. I had become completely demoralized, when I swore an oath to serve my country in the military but found myself backtracking on that, and saying to my commander, "Sir, if THIS is what, SERVING my country, is going to BE like, for me, I don't want to be here" because of the, tremendous, unrelenting, sexual, pressure, on me, by the military males, I was, greatly, outnumbered by, which, culminated, with, my turning in my own commander at the time, whose organization I was loaned out to as I awaited a further security clearance, to be able to work where I was, actually, assigned, in my orders to Offutt Air Force Base. He had continually sexually harassed me, until it got to the point that I was terrified of being raped again, after he ordered me to get into his car, with him, where he had touched me, inappropriately, and told me, that he and I WERE going to have sex, in the future. I ended up, forfeiting, my Air Force career, that had started out so well, to escape, such terrible treatment, that he and his male fellow enablers put me through, because I finally turned him in to stop it. I had, already, been through all this, and much more, by the time this cop came into my life. Perhaps cynically, due to, my own, life experiences, I think that it is a disservice, especially to innocent, trusting, children, when people are taught to believe that 'parents' are loving, nurturing and protective toward us; that when someone says, they 'love' you--- no matter who they are--- that they mean it and have the most sincere intentions toward you; that 'serving your country' is truly a noble endeavor where you can expect to be treated with respect for your sacrifice and have your compatriots looking out for your safety and well-being; and 'police' are there to protect us, from criminals. STALKING, is, legally, a CRIME. But, doing all that he did to me for as long as he did all that to me, was also unconscionable.
Clearly misogyny took some forms which I never could have anticipated in my life as a female that I would unfortunately have to learn about through the nightmare of being subjected to them. I think it has to be what his behavior toward me was. Dictionary.com defines misogyny as hatred, dislike, or mistrust, of women [which is] manifested in various forms, such as, physical intimidation, and abuse, sexual harassment, and rape, social shunning, and ostracism, etc. This cop, Darren, was harassing me continually by stalking me. In doing that, he destroyed my sense of privacy, and peace, to the point where I actually developed chiropractic problems, in my neck, because I was continually looking back over my shoulder, to see if he was doing this to me, yet again, because so much of the time he was! This would go on for years, with him. I tried to ignore him, for much of that time, to no avail, until I started to think that only a man who was deeply attracted to a woman can act this way, this much, and this long, and began, to consider the possibility, of it, since nothing, I could conclude about it, made any sense to me, regardless of his motive. Because he was also a police officer, who had a gun on him, and this was not standard operating procedure for police officers, it would also classify, per the definition of misogyny, as physical intimidation. Even, all these years later, I have never really known why he chose to do this to me. It isn't just him, that torments women, for no real reason. I have already covered many, other, men, in my posts that have harmed me, and therefore, the course, of my life, by their treatment of me. Since women normally do the far greater majority of the raising of boys, I do not understand, how misogyny can be as pervasive, as it is, in the mindset of the male gender. It is a complicated issue, but women pay a very high price for it. For me, I think that, men fear the power which women, naturally, possess--- because from birth on, they need us, more, than we seem to need them, and they learn to resent, and try to compensate for, that fact, which disturbs them, so deeply. Boys are often given a Free Pass to misbehave, and girls often suffer the consequences of boys' bad behaviors. It often just seems like another 'sport', for males, and it's difficult to tell if they really have any awareness of the damage they do, to female lives. Do they, just not know? Or, do they just not care? I don't have the answers, to this, perplexing, issue, but I can describe things that I have been subjected to, by men, and the impact, those have had, on my life, which many posts are about.
OPD used the community policing* model, of law enforcement. So, it did not take long, for each officer, assigned to this area that I lived in, to know who everybody was--- including me. In fact, we all got to know one another on a first name basis and those who worked in this part of the city, were known as such, as were those of us who lived in this part of downtown Omaha. Because, the same officers were patrolling, the same beat, they also knew the regular routines of the citizens, that were usually in this area; and since I only had a few hours to do my own thing, in the early afternoon, before I had to start getting ready for work, 6 days a week, I was even more predictable than most, to the police officers on patrol. Since I also preferred to do all of my dating 'on my home turf' so to speak, for safety reasons, I was often under the watchful gaze of the officers, assigned to the area, then, as well. While I, sometimes, had other, personal, interactions with some of the other officers, who were around on Darren's days off, and on other shifts, none of them did anything close, to what Darren did, toward me, by placing himself, wherever I was, much, if not most, of the time. As I got more familiar with how he acted in a given situation, I eventually realized that he was very careful, about how he went about that, to avoid detection of his, questionable, behavior, by the other officers, as well as his shift supervisor who sometimes drove through the area in his patrol car, to check on whether things were going smoothly, with law enforcement goals. It is difficult for me, to describe, Darren's behavior, for this post, because to some extent, I have to be able to make sense of it, to find the words to do that here, as it also leaves me at a loss, for words, because, it was so, outlandish, baffling, and mind-bending. All I can say is, I told God, that if I were going to start writing this blog, I would be as honest and factual as possible about everything, or I wouldn't write the posts at all; and, I have done that, with every post. Although, there are certain individuals who are spoken of in my posts who would most likely deny the truth, that I have told about them, here in my blog, because it incriminates them, and documents their bad behaviors. I also discuss my own dark side, too, though. So, now, the details about Darren, since this eventually led me to do prostitution!
It started off innocently enough, it seemed. Since I lived either downtown or right in the small, self-contained, community of the Old Market, during the years that I was a dancer, I spent my time off from work close to home, for various reasons. I would meet lunch or dinner dates at restaurants, in the area, to avoid getting into a car with them, and to be able to simply exit the situation, and go home, if it did not feel safe or enjoyable to me for whatever reason (such as the occasional man trying to grope or pressure me into a sexual interaction with them although I had only agreed to eat a meal with them). Once a man from an online dating site met me, in the Old Market, for the first (and last!) time, pulling his truck into an alley, which I refused to get into (been there, done that; ended in RAPE), and, then, he pulled a large plastic jug with a small amount of brownish liquid in it out from the backseat, as we stood, by his vehicle, and told me he made me some 'homemade sweet tea' for me to drink. I refused and he persisted, so I finally just went home. I am sure it was laced with something--- probably the 'date rape', knockout, drug that was being reported in the news at the time, as something men were doing to women. I never told most of these men, I dated, where I lived. The few that I did tell couldn't access my apartment. I made a point to only live in security buildings with locked entries. Since I, mainly, worked night shifts, while I was a dancer, and usually 6 nights a week, I did most, of my socializing, on the job. So, it was really hard for any man to get me to talk with them when I was off work, because it felt like I was at work, doing that. The questions and conversations were all the same. So, even though I did date, some, men, out of the many, who asked me, my time off work was precious to me, and I preferred spending most of it alone, in privacy. As much privacy, as I could find, in the bustling Old Market and downtown district.
Music is one thing that I have never felt tired of! Even after working in clubs, as a dancer. Sitting alone in the afternoon, I enjoyed listening to a street musician in the Old Market or live bands playing at some of the festivals that were held in the downtown area. It would, relax me for awhile. However Darren came up to me to chat at times, when I would just be sitting there. Asking me questions, about my life, he soon knew my name, where I lived, and where I worked. (I normally did not give all that personal information to men, who walked up to me, inquiring about such things. But, there is an ingrained feeling, for many of us, that we have, no choice, but to reply honestly to the police whenever they ask us any questions.)
Sometimes, I would be sitting, at a, sidewalk, table, at one of the restaurants, with my date, enjoying a meal, when Darren would stop by our table. I was in my 'Stevie' persona, for my dates, so, what I was wearing, and, how I was acting, was all to, keep up my image, as, the 'nightclub performer'. Darren, stood by our table chatting as his eyes looked me over, from head, to gold-painted toenails, while, I amused myself, by, subtle, little gestures, like sucking on my straw in my drink, in a somewhat suggestive way. With both, my date, and Darren, it was fun flirting, and none, of us, took it beyond, superficial, though supercharged, sexual energy. Looking, just a little sweatier, than when he first stopped by to talk to us, Darren eventually dismissed himself by saying (eyes still on me, and not the food on our plates), "It looks . . . really good", leaving me to smile slightly, as he went on his way. This was just out-in-the-open, nothing to hide, back-and-forth banter, between us, and whoever else, was around, at the time. It was, lighthearted fun!
I remember standing in the park, one, summer, afternoon, just listening, to a live band playing, when a nice-looking man came up to me and began trying to get to know me. But, Darren, was standing there, nearby, as an ever-present 'threat', to my freedom to JUST BE 'ME'. He was watching me closely, and by that time I was completely under the mind control of his actions, regarding me. He had imprinted me, psychologically, to be 'his', in some sick way, and I didn't want him coming at me with the police cruiser up on the sidewalk again, or pulling his bicycle between me and this nice man who was trying to talk to me now. I felt totally controlled by Darren. I felt panicky, seeing him, see this man, trying to talk to me. So, I turned to this man, and said something that was the COMPLETE OPPOSITE of what I was ACTUALLY FEELING. I WANTED, to meet, a NICE guy, and maybe have, a healthy, happy, relationship, in my life! But, by then, my mind and emotions had been, so conditioned, by Darren, that I didn't think I was ALLOWED TO, BY HIM. The silent stalker, that followed me, EVERYWHERE, ALL THE TIME, but, had also, laughed in my face when, beaten down by it all, I finally approached him to try to determine if a real relationship with me, was what he was actually after. I had really wanted to talk, to that man, in the park! Instead, seeing Darren, standing off to the side, straddling his bicycle, watching me closely, I turned toward him and with a, crazy sounding, desperation, in my voice, I said, "I AM JUST HERE, TO LISTEN, TO THE MUSIC! LEAVE ME ALONE!" He, rightfully, looked shocked at my outburst, and he backed away, from me. Darren smirked. I had said to that man, what I had really wanted to say, to this stalker cop. Only, after so long, I knew, that, it was no use. He had shown me, convinced me, BRAINWASHED ME, that he would, never, stop.
[NOTE: As I was sorting stacks of old papers and pictures, in October of 2022, to get rid of more of them now, due to space limitations, I found a photo (below) of the actual officer that this post is about. The very one that stalked me, for years. It is not a very clear photo, but I think that it is the only one that I have of him.]
Pension spiking
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaPension spiking, sometimes referred to as "salary spiking", is the process whereby public sector employees are granted large raises, bonuses, incentives or otherwise artificially inflate their compensation in the time immediately preceding retirement in order to receive larger pensions than they otherwise would be entitled to receive. This artificially inflates the pension payments due to the retirees.
Upon retirement any employee transitions from receiving a paycheck from the employer to a pension check drawn on the assets of the retirement fund; this amount is typically determined as a percentage of the employee's regular salary by state law or statute. When an employee due to retire receives a "spike", the amount of money the employee will receive does not reflect the percentage of salary the employee and employer haves contributed for the majority of the employee's career, and places a burden on the economic viability of the pension fund. This practice is considered a significant contributor to the high cost of public sector pensions.
https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Gaming_the_system
Gaming the system (also rigging, abusing, cheating, milking, playing, working, or breaking the system, or gaming or bending the rules) can be defined as using the rules and procedures meant to protect a system to, instead, manipulate the system for a desired outcome.
******** Stalking:
The term “stalking” means engaging in a course of conduct directed at a specific person that would cause a reasonable person to fear for his or her safety or the safety of others or suffer substantial emotional distress. https://www.justice.gov/ovw/stalking
‘the following of a person about or the watching or frequenting of the vicinity of, or an approach to a person’s place of residence, business or work or any place that a person frequents for the purposes of any social or leisure activity’.
Stalking involves a persistent course of conduct or actions by a person which are intended to maintain contact with or exercise power and control over another person. These actions cause distress, loss of control, fear or harassment to another person and occur more than once.
Stalking can involve threats or sexual innuendo and the stalker generally tries to intimidate or induce fear in the person they are stalking. The person being stalked may only realise they are being stalked once they identify a pattern of strange or suspicious incidents occurring, such as:
phone calls
text messages
messages left on social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter etc.
notes left on the their car
strange or unwanted gifts left at their home
an awareness that they are being followed
being continually stared at or gestured to by another person.
The person being stalked can often develop a sense of loss of control over their lives and can be forced into changing their routine and behaviours.