Wednesday, January 19, 2022

People Are Stressful For Me To Deal With!

[NOTE: The reason I decided to name this blog Ascent Through The Dark Night Of The Soul was because I knew it was going to be about the hard and hurtful things in my life that I was grappling with, and getting counseling because of, in order to process these things better and heal my broken heart so that I could live happier. These things, that I talk about here, so honestly and openly, are the things that I am held back by because they have deeply affected me. Some scarred me for life, leaving me to have no choice but to deal, head-on, with their lasting legacy in my life. These are the things that have let me down, failed me, hurt me, violated me, angered, saddened, and sometimes, even, broke, me, and nearly, my will to live.  I am not often mentioning the sweetness and light that is also a part of my life. I don't need to wrestle the things that make me happy, as a general rule (although there are actually some exceptions, to that, for certain reasons). I just wanted to take a moment, here, now, to let you know, in case you didn't know, or had been wondering, that despite all that I have been through in my life, perhaps even due to it, I am an extremely grateful person who sees that, my life is filled with much beauty and many blessings. Whether I'm savoring the taste of a juicy pear, or I'm enjoying the clean, fresh, feel of stepping out of a hot shower, or thanking God, I am still in very good health overall for someone who will turn 66 next month, I'm truly grateful, both for what I have in my life and for what isn't in my life in some ways. You can get, a skewed view, of how, I see, my life, as a whole, if you fail to remember that this blog is where I, mostly, spill my guts about my sorrows, sins, and struggles. I want you to know-- because, I do-- that I am a blessed woman.]

Just for the record, in case someone takes what I am saying here in my blog as a slam against Southerners, I happen to have been born and raised in the Carolinas but I've also lived various places all around the U.S. and moved back to the South after living most of my adult life in Omaha, Nebraska. I was raised in a very small 'Mayberry'-like ( town, 'til I was a teen, and we moved to a, somewhat, larger city. So, I was raised with Southern speech, food, and behaviors. Every place, has good and bad to it, but what I describe here is based on, the behavior of the individuals, who are not unique to the South, with how they choose to act. That being said, there is a quaint, and undeniable, charm to Southerners, that has really touched my heart, since I have returned, and have been living around that again. There are some notable positive differences, in how Southerners behave. I appreciate all that is good, about my return to the South. I don't show 'blind loyalty' to anyone, or anything, if it, bumps up against the truth, though. The truth, is the truth, and, it matters, to me, to speak it, when it's about others who are affecting my life; and confess it, when it's about me. Regardless of who it is, what it is, or where it is, I describe, situations, and people, as accurately as possible. Including myself. As you read this post, you'll see that, I don't always behave 'sweetly'. If you've read, other posts, about my life, in this blog, I am sure that you, already, know, I am not exactly, a 'shrinking violet', in what I say, or do!

Honestly, there is a real reason, that many of the specific stereotypes got started, about Southerners, even though it can make Southerners feel frustrated, and also angry, seeing their specific culture, and citizenry, portrayed in such a way. As one, of them, myself, I think it is important that, we, all, realize that, Southern, charm, shines through, as much, as anything else, in these portrayals. This is also not the only subculture in America that is strongly stereotyped. I admit I was a bit thrown by being referred to as 'Ma'am' and 'Miss Deborah', when I moved back, but I find it refreshingly respectful, too. Frankly, it makes me smile; and I'm all for anything that does that. Especially, in these times. Thinking back to 40 years ago, my own, unselfconscious, expression, of my, Southern, heritage, is, exactly, what, stole the heart of the one man that I will love forever. My winning his heart was, sadly, only temporary, as it turned out, but I, still, remember, that young Air Force lieutenant from Elmira, New York literally crowing with delight when I called him by his name and the 3-letter "Jim" became the 2-syllable "Jee-yum", as it came out of my very Southern mouth. His, 'New Yorker' ways, equally charmed and fascinated me, too! I would describe the behavior, of those, written about, in this post, the very same way, as I document it, here, regardless of where they are, or are from. People are relocating here, from all over the country, as well, so my neighbors are not simply limited to being Southerners. I just write about my life, and whomever is a part of it, in, whatever, way, I see it; striving, to be, accurate, and honest. It is what it is.

People are, often, either, stressors, of me, or stuck on stupid, which, stresses me. 
I am feeling exasperated, because of my having to deal with so many people that stress me out! Some, are just stressful, for me, to deal with. Others, just seem to be stuck on stupid*, which is, especially, stressful, for me to deal with, since they are also so clueless as to why they get the reactions that they get, from me. I am almost always glad that people can't read my mind as I am interacting with them. However, there are also times that, I wish they could see themselves, through my eyes, so that, my reactions, to, their behaviors, which, they don't seem to like, or understand, would at least make sense, to them (one, can only hope!). The sheer subjectivity of human beings is a problem within our species. People do what they want to do, because of how it makes them feel-- about themselves. This behavior often occurs, without, much real thought, about the wisdom of this, or the impact it will have on others, affected by their actions. I'm as guilty of that as anyone, at times, but I believe that overall I tend to at least act in my own best interest, and some people don't even do that. It's a matter of self-preservation! In spite of that, so many people simply don't seem willing, or able, to think things through, before they decide to do them. When their doing that impacts my own life, adding, to my stress level, and therefore, my blood pressure reading, I, really, resent it! It is, an infringement, and, an impingement, on, my, peace of mind, which, especially, as I have aged, is of great importance, to me. This post contains some examples, of it.

I don't do well with winter. Even though, I moved back to the South, last summer, I still feel down, on gray, cloudy days; even depressed, if they go on long enough, and I'm deprived of the sight of a bright, blue, sky, with heating degrees from the sun, to warm both my soul and my body. I seem to have SAD** to some extent. I am much more outgoing and upbeat during warmer weather. I feel closed in when it is cold outside, and I am staying inside, to avoid that, as much as possible; and the ongoing pandemic only amplifies that feeling in me, since it has caused me to stay self-quarantined, for what is becoming an extremely extended period of time. Add the flu season to that, which we are now also in, and I am a veritable hermit.

The last couple of days have even added another layer of frustration and stress to my life. A winter storm is upon us, that poses risks to my new home that I bought just 5 months ago. I have lived in apartments virtually my entire adult life, except for briefly living in houses during my last two marriages. This move has created a real learning curve, for me, for many reasons, as I struggle to deal with the extra responsibilities, and liabilities, of home ownership, at 65 years of age, for the first time in my life. Although, I know, that the Lord directed me to come here, and He gave me this house as a blessing, I have cried alot of tears these last months due to feeling overwhelmed by this move. I am having to grow into the role of being a homeowner, and I hope that I can also, relax, into it too, when I finally have more of this figured out, and feel like I can handle it better than I have been, in several cases. A new home, a new town, new neighbors, and a, potentially deadly, Covid-19 virus that keeps reinventing itself and becoming more and more contagious, at this point, is alot for me to take on, all at once. The situation with my sister didn't help me, transition, smoothly, either.  [Ascent Through The Dark Night Of The Soul: My Life Reflections: 'Bossy Bitch' is NOT a LOVE LANGUAGE.]  I was burned out, by all the sustained, and acute, stress, from, my landlord issues, back in Omaha, Nebraska, before, I ever even moved, here.  [Ascent Through The Dark Night Of The Soul: My Life Reflections: It's Said, When Life Gives You Lemons . . .]  I was, physically, mentally, and emotionally pushed past my limit of what I felt I could either cope with or endure by the time the rental truck was loaded up, with all my belongings in it, for me to drive halfway across the country, to arrive at this, new, and uncertain, adventure. 

My apprehensions were all heightened, by this move taking place in the middle of a, worldwide, pandemic, where, no place, is safe, and people, here, almost never wear face masks to protect themselves, or others. It has been very unsettling for me, as I try to integrate into this community, while staying safe, from the risk all these people pose to me individually. I continue to try my best to self-quarantine as much as I can even though I have had both Pfizer vaccinations. I cannot get a booster shot until spring, based on the, current, guidelines. Several neighbors on the small street that I have moved to have had Covid-- just since I've lived here! Another neighbor that lives here but on another street, just came home from the hospital, after being, in the ICU, then, at a rehab facility, with their bout of Covid. Yet, the people here are, largely, unvaccinated, by their own choice. They also do not wear masks, socially distance, or take any of the, recommended, precautions against exposure, and transmission, as a general rule. They're more careful when they are around me though, for the most part, because I've made it very clear to anyone coming near me that, I am doing all I can to avoid catching Covid. I want to live through this pandemic, with, my, health, as intact as possible. It is frankly annoying when my 25-year-old, next-door neighbor, a young man, who works on an ambulance transporting patients and who's had Covid while he has been living next-door to me (and who didn't use a mask even while he had it, unless I asked him to) tells me, after he recovered, that I, just worry too much. I have 40 years on him, and I have respiratory, and heart, vulnerabilities, that all place me in the high-risk category for serious illness or death if I should catch Covid. No one else has the right to put my health at risk or tell me to take protecting my health less seriously! I only have one life, and I am the one, living, my life. Not any of them. All, of this, background, information, about, where I am coming from, in both my attitudes and actions, will come to bear when I describe the incident with another neighbor, which just happened, that raised my blood pressure, and pissed me off.

The local-- and national-- news, reported for, at least, the last full week, that this area of the country, was about to get a, significant, winter storm. Something that the people, in this part, of the country, are not used to seeing, or dealing with. It was covered from every conceivable angle, for several days. When it was coming, what was coming, what to do, and, not to do, before, during, and after, it arrived.  I moved here from Omaha where winter storms are a normal, and expected, part of living there, so I am already well-versed in the survival skills and conventional wisdom on how to hunker down and get through it, as well as possible. The news reports got more specific, and detailed, as the storm approached, so no one here had any real excuse for not knowing what to do once this thing hit. The residents were told, to get groceries ahead of the storm, not to use, generators, indoors, in a power outage, and anything, and everything, else, they could, possibly, need to know, to prepare for this situation. The TV news anchors and weather forecasters told their viewers things like, "There is a massive winter storm on the way, with 5 states declaring states of emergency (one of which is ours, according to the map, that accompanied this report)", and "Duke Energy estimating 750,000 customers could lose power at some point due to the winter storm". The TV screen began to have the banner crawling across it, with all the current information, closures, and such, as we entered the Winter Storm Warning. People told me when I came here that we would be lucky to even see snow here, at all, and if we did, it would likely be just a dusting that would vanish as quickly as it came. This, was not that! This was a bigger deal; but, the news media did an over-the-top job of educating folks about what to expect, and what to do. As the big storm began to arrive, they told people, "Unless it's an emergency, don't go out in it. Just stay home." Forecasters said that it wasn't just snow, coming, but sleet, and freezing rain, as well. The ice was making travel, especially, dangerous, they warned, as they added full-length, emergency newscasts to their programming to keep everyone very well-informed.


U.S. sets somber record as Covid deaths surpass 800,000, more than any other country

Of course, that wasn't all they reported on though. Along with this information we were also told that the, highly contagious, Omicron variant, of Covid, was causing the current cases to hit new record highs, and that, we should each do all that we can to help the burned-out medical workers and the overwhelmed hospitals by not getting ourselves in a situation where we would need to be seen for some medical condition, or weather-related injury. Although, most people in this area behave as if there is no pandemic going on, including those who have already had it, at least once, articles like this are being published and posted all over social media and on news outlet's websites: U.S. sets somber record as Covid deaths surpass 800,000, more than any other country ( The news reads like "Jan. 16 (UPI) -- The United States has surpassed 850,000 total COVID-19 deaths just one month after reporting 800,000 fatalities related to the virus according to current data released Sunday. Data, collected by Johns Hopkins University, shows that the United States has reported 850,247 COVID-19 deaths since the start of the pandemic along with 65,404,580 infections, with a seven-day average, of more than 800,000 new daily cases nationwide amid the presence of the Omicron variant." Some, of the people, who have had Covid, have gotten it, again, and those who are vaccinated, can still experience breakthrough cases of Covid. The current Omicron variant is especially contagious. This has been widely reported, for weeks, now, if not longer. I take all this very seriously, and have told people-- anyone, and everyone, that, I have had to deal with, since the pandemic first started-- that I take all possible precautions. My landlord, in Omaha, delivery drivers, neighbors, contractors that came to work on some issues with my new house, postal employees, the medical personnel who have given me my 2 Covid-19 vaccinations. I think that there must be something, about, how I look, or come across, to people, that, for some reason, causes them to not take me seriously, when I am being very serious. Sometimes, it just seems like people simply don't think that I mean what I say, which is, really annoying, to me. I don't talk just to hear myself make noise! I say what I mean, as clearly as I can, and I mean what I say! So, I just don't get the disconnect, between that and how people respond and behave toward me, that conveys my communication isn't regarded or remembered by them. This troubles me. Alot. I feel disrespected, too.

I know that I am an unusual person. The assumption, especially about females, is that, we want to be, loved, liked, cared about, more than anything, and will make great sacrifices, to have that, from people. That is not true, of me. I don't care so much about who loves or likes me or cares about me, especially if they expect me to suppress who I am, and what I feel, in order to have that, from them. If I can't BE 'me', then it wouldn't BE 'me' that they would be loving, liking or caring about, anyway! I read once that, insecurity asks, "Do they like me?" but confidence asks, "Do I like them?" I have that, latter, viewpoint. I do, want people, I love, like, and care about, in my life, but the bottom line, is that, I don't need people, enough to twist myself into a knot, and deny who I truly am, in order to get that from them. I would much rather be respected than loved, if I have to choose. My personal pet peeve is someone disrespecting me. That'll damage or end a relationship with me.

Whether it was my sister, Pam, pitching a pure hissy fit, when she visited my new home for the second (and final) visit, on 9-11, of last year, when I began to share with her in a calm, but direct, discussion, how she could behave more respectfully and supportive toward me versus her habit of criticizing and invalidating my views and feelings about things going on in my own life, that I shared with her (after I'd said to her, during her first visit, on August 20-21 of last year, due to her, hostility, and haughtiness, toward me, "DO NOT DISRESPECT ME! I WILL NOT ALLOW IT."), or a neighbor, whom I have repeatedly told, I have allergies and asthma, but they keep blowing their cigarette smoke in my face, I cannot fathom what causes them to continue treating me in the very same ways that I am protesting. To me that is extremely disrespectful. It's one thing if they've never been told by me, but when they have been told, and yet they continue to ignore or override my wishes about it, with that affecting, my life, my health, my safety, my peace, in some way, then I start to feel, really pissed off, about it. I live my life as a loner, for the most part, and the primary reason for this is that, I find human beings to be much more of a hassle and heartache than a source of help or happiness, for me. My experiences, with other people, over my lifetime, have left me burned out, and burdened, worn out, and wary, sad, and skeptical, angry, and apathetic. If I avoid, dealing directly with people, I don't have to deal (at least directly) with their BULLCRAP in my life.

My life experience has taught me that, they 'drain my tank', more than they fill it. I just can't afford to feel that depleted, anymore, by interacting with other people, now that I am almost 66 and my daily supply of stamina is not what it used to be. It, NEVER WAS WORTH IT, before. It is, ESPECIALLY, NOT WORTH IT, to me, NOW. I honestly try, to be as caring and conversant as I can, when I am forced to speak to others, but they usually take that for granted as their due, and don't realize it's quite a huge sacrifice, often, of my own peace of mind, that I am making for their benefit, when I engage in interactions with them. They expect my graciousness in every encounter, irrespective of, my previously expressed preferences. What I tell them I need, is not taken into account, if it isn't in line with what they want to do. This is especially distressing to me when I can SEE that, they are REALLY TRYING, in their own way, to be nice, to me, by whatever they are saying or doing, when it is, actually, showing me, complete disregard, and disrespect, if it goes against the boundaries that I expressed, to them, that I need in place-- particularly for health and safety reasons. That is when their 'niceties' lose alot of, or all, points with me. I hate, being blamed, for being an 'ingrate', when, for whatever reasons, I have to restate and reassert my needs and boundaries, with them, again, while they glare at me as if I'm the wicked witch of the west and say indignantly, "I was just trying to be NICE!" That may very well be, but there is a saying that is also applicable to such interactions, between people: The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

Friday, I contacted the property manager, by email, asking, if he could tell me, or show me, where, my main water shutoff valve is, to my new house, in case pipes should burst, during the approaching winter storm (which began Saturday night); along with some other concerns, that I had backlogged, because I put off dealing with people as much, and as long, as I can, anymore. He wanted to show me the neighbor's valve, when he came over, because my neighbor had frozen pipes, the day before, and the storm wasn't even here yet, making me feel anxious that his pipes could burst, and potentially, cause damage to my home, next-door. I didn't want to become responsible for touching this neighbor's fixtures, though, due to, possible, liability, issues if I should do something wrong involving his home; so, I refused, to involve myself, with that. The property manager-- a busy man!-- left, without, showing me the cutoff valve for MY house, though. So, I considered that interaction to be a waste of, both, of, our valuable time. After several phone calls back and forth, following that, with him asking me, to hold, while he was tied up, with other things he was taking care of, then not returning to the phone for such extended times that I 
finally had to hang up, he, unexpectedly, showed up again, scaring me, by suddenly banging on the window, at the side of my house, when I had no idea he was even back, or that it was him, doing that out there. I was left feeling a bit jumpy, by his doing that, although, at least he showed me the valve; telling me how 
to work it if an emergency did arise. I try to, proactively, prepare. 

When I moved here, I discovered that, there was mold growing in my newly-built house, which the warranty doesn't cover even though it's brand new. I have been slowly trying to address the fix for that, myself, after I pressed the point with the man who sold it to me, but the two things that were done to address it, by them, were to send someone to spray it with something (but it continued to spread due to its origin being along a recessed door which they didn't remove to access that) and send a company contractor of theirs who did remove the mold-damaged door and also sprayed (though it continued to grow into the drywall, at that point) and stuffed some insulation into the still-wet area where the problem originated which kept the moisture trapped that had created the conditions for mold forming in the first place. I asked him, that day, what he had done, there (below my house, in a crawlspace) and what he told me, to my face, turned out to be an outright lie. He even admitted that to me, when I confronted him, about it, later, after I hired my own contractor as a follow-up, who initially did a free inspection, for me, and they took video and photographs, documenting what they found. It was, disheartening, to not only have mold, in a brand-new house, that had already damaged it, but to have it spread, with 'band-aid' solutions, and lies, being offered as 'fixes', while, I was having allergic reactions, and asthma attacks (and finally, an anxiety attack), because, of this issue. It was enormously stressful for me. It was also clear to me that the problem was not seriously being addressed and alleviated; which is when I took matters into my own hands, as the homeowner, and began trying to pay to get it fixed, correctly, myself, while, navigating, the risks, of being around people, in my own home, during this Covid-19 epidemic. I have only lived here 5 months!

As I am writing this, I am only halfway through the needed repairs and mitigation measures that I have had to deal with due to the mold issue, that was created by water and moisture problems. I have spent $2,000.00 of my own money on it, so far, which took me down to a near-0 bank balance, at that point, since, I had just paid for a new house, and an expensive move to come live in it. While waiting for this current, extra-contagious, Omicron variant wave, of the coronavirus to end, I have been trying to recover some, financially, by saving some money. The budget will only be strained again, even more, when I am able to resume paying my own contractors to restore my home to as good a condition as possible, at some point. Between trying to budget for the unexpected 'emergency' expense from that, and decide when it's safe, to risk, having contractors come back into my home when I am doing all I can to stay away from people during this pandemic, I was, already, stressed before the weather reports started saying an unusually big storm for this area was headed our way, and warning us of the potential for power outages, and broken water pipes. The last thing I need is any more water-related issues to deal with, or having to hire contractors, to do, even more, repairs on my new house! I haven't gotten through the first round, of all that, yet! This explains some, not all, of the reasons that my blood pressure was rising higher and higher, as I asked for the property manager to show me the main water shutoff valve to my house (and I was nervous about my next-door neighbor's frozen pipe-issue he had just before the storm hit here). We were actually on a phone call discussing it, when this man suddenly banged sharply on the window outside, frightening me! He had not used the phone, in his other hand, which he was talking to me on at that very moment, to simply tell me that he was back, and standing outside of my house. I was glad, for his help, but, any extra stress, in my life, is just not something I need, now. It mattered to me, to proactively learn where the valve was, before the unusual-for-this-area storm arrived, because, it wouldn't help much, to wait, until after, a pipe broke, during the approaching extreme winter weather conditions, and then, have NO idea WHAT to DO; and possibly, be unable to reach anyone, at that point, who could come out, in the bad weather, and help me in that emergency situation. The newscasts were telling people to stay off the roads altogether when the storm hit.

There have been, and still are, other challenges, to my being a new homeowner. I have felt fairly stressed, fairly often, as I grow into this, new, role. It is a different lifestyle, for me, than I have ever experienced before. It has extra responsibilities, and liabilities (including, legal, ones); some of which, I am, still, unaware of, I am sure. I feel, especially, vulnerable since my savings 'cushion' was used for hiring a contractor to begin to address the structural problems with my house due to mold and moisture issues, that were here to greet me as an unwelcome 'Welcome Gift', when I arrived. This is, still, a MUCH BETTER LIFESTYLE for ME than what I had to deal with as an apartment tenant, renting from a jerk landlord. This house is, still, so pretty and enjoyable, in many ways, and the lifestyle is more of what I needed, to soothe my soul, in that, I am surrounded by nature, now, rather than concrete, and crowds, sirens and stressful city-living. But, suffice it to say that, at this point in my life, and my experiences with people overall, I prefer to be left alone for the most part. I have been, conditioned, by what people put me through, to see them as being treacherous creatures who are more than willing to victimize me in some way, and are far more likely to leave me disappointed, let down, or with an added problem that I didn't have, before their presence in my life, than to be a source of happiness, joy, safety, security, peace or blessings. My Life Lessons have hurt me.

In between the property manager's coming, and leaving, without showing me my water shutoff valve, and then coming back later, unexpectedly, to finally show me where it was, along with the long hold times I endured, on several phone calls, to try, to coordinate, his schedule with my needs, questions, and concerns, I started to get a headache-- the type that I have learned I get when my blood pressure is spiking upward.  Sure enough, as I put the cuff on my arm, to take a reading, my blood pressure was high. When, I get so stressed, that it goes up, like that, it can sometimes take days for me to get it down to safe levels again; especially, during cold weather. I was already feeling extremely anxious about the fact that this was going to be the first, severe, storm that my home was going to go through. I was also concerned by the weather forecasters warning that there was no way around the fact that it would, definitely, produce power outages (which happened but not here this time; thank God!). Before, I left Omaha, last summer, we had a several-days-long power outage, in the hot weather, which, spoiled hundreds of dollars of food, that I had just bought to have for the entire month. I had to throw ALL of it away and buy it again, which was a huge blow to my budget. Then, after I moved here, we had a power outage, that lasted only a few hours. But, when, an outage happens, you just don't know, at the time, HOW LONG it WILL LAST, making that, very, anxiety-provoking. I'd told the property manager that, I planned to stay up, through the night, on Saturday, to do all that I knew to do, to help keep my pipes from freezing, and/or bursting. So, I knew, that by Sunday, I would be very tired.

He also, didn't wear a mask, when he came to show me the valve, although, he is someone who has, normally, been extra considerate, about my wanting to socially distance, etc. So, when he was showing me, I asked him to keep a good distance, from me, because, Omicron, is, especially, contagious. I have masks, but they are telling us now that most of these masks that we are using aren't effective, against preventing Omicron, and I don't have the, recommended, N95, mask, or such, for that; only the, papery, surgical masks, and the cloth masks, to layer. I wear, both, at once, usually, whenever I have to be around people. Just ONE breath, could be the death of me, if someone I am close to is contagious, with Covid. That singular fact is the main driver of my determination to avoid other people at all costs; and even more, than I normally used to, prior to the pandemic. It is stressful to know that, one, careless, interaction, could be, the death of me! Or, if not death, cause me to be hospitalized, in some horrible fight, for my breath, and my life, that, if I survived, could leave me suffering symptoms of Long Covid, and struggling, on a, modest, fixed, monthly, income to pay off my part of a huge medical bill, since no insurance coverage pays for all of that. Healthcare in the U.S. is extremely costly! I have become, more, and more, of a 'better safe, than sorry' girl, as life goes on. If I let people get close to me, and I do not advocate for myself or protect myself, and they are not, taking Covid-19 seriously, as I am, then, I risk allowing them to harm my health, and possibly, cost me my life. Covid-19 is nothing to take lightly.

I was grateful for being shown the water shutoff valve, although, I ended up with elevated blood pressure, and a near-anxiety attack, before all the back-and-forth was done between me and the property manager; such as, him saying to me, he would do something to my new house if it was what I wanted even though it was the wrong thing for it, to which I said, 'How is that helpful, if you're teaching me, what is best for me as a new homeowner, but then you say, you will do whatever, when you know that I'm on a big learning curve, with all of this, and I often don't KNOW, what is BEST, for the house?' I didn't bother to detail alot of it, here. Even though, he sometimes is, not so good for my stress level, he is not someone that  I am referring to in this post, as seeming to be 'stuck on stupid'. (He's shown me care and concern, including when, I had a full-on anxiety attack, once; and made me smile and laugh in spite of my being really stressed at times, which helps me, alot!) I am saying, other, people, seem to be stuck on stupid, like, some people, I heard about, on the, local, newscasts, today, as it related to the storm; which did finally arrive here, late, Saturday night, and went on throughout much of Sunday. As sweet as she is, I am also referring to one of my neighbors here, too. She was well-intentioned. I am certain, of that! She is such a nice person. Probably, in her 70s now, at least. However, she 'officially' earned her way into my viewing her as being somewhat stuck on stupid, due to what seemed, to me, to be her complete thoughtlessness, and utter disregard, for either, my safety, or her own, with what she did, in the midst of the slick snow and sleet that was just dumped on us. The news reports said, we got 9.5" of assorted types of frozen precipitation, this time.

I had told the property manager that I would be staying up all night, on Saturday night, into Sunday, to help my house not to have pipes bursting in the cold winter storm. The high risk of a power outage greatly added to my stress level, because there would be no hot water and no heat in the house, to help warm the pipes, if that happened. It made for a long, and anxious, night, for me. I had not felt well, either, after my blood pressure went up because of the stress of trying to get the information I needed, to prepare myself, to protect my new home, on top of that. By the time Sunday came, and there was an end in sight, for the storm, mid-day,  I finally laid down to sleep. I wasn't asleep more than an hour or so when I woke, because, I thought, I heard a knocking, at my door. I got up, got dressed quickly, and looked out the front door, but I didn't see anyone. Just, the fairly deep snow, everywhere, through my tired eyes. I felt edgy, now, and, being awake made me aware again of my needing to try to keep the pipes warm, still, as the wind gusts were strong, at the time, adding to the wind chill, in the air, and the temperature never got above freezing, the entire day. So, with almost no sleep, I decided that  I would begin working on this blog post. I was concerned that, with the threat, of power outages, I wouldn't be able to get this post composed, on my computer, or even get it online, on time, if the power went out at any time during the storm or its aftermath. I was tired. I was stressed. I was worried. Trying to make the best of a bad situation, that was largely out of my control, I comforted myself that, at least, I would have a calm, quiet, day to myself, inside my house, because of the storm outside. All the newscasts were telling people, not to go out in it, unless, it was a true emergency. I had my shades shut to help keep the cold out, and I felt the luxury of pure privacy for a change as I sat down at my computer to work on this post. The houses here are extremely close together, so even when I'm inside my own home I often have no real privacy, if the shades are open and people are out and about. With only the hour or so of sleep in the last 24 hours, I had barely begun to work on this post, when I thought I heard a knock at my front door, as I had thought I heard earlier when I was asleep, and which, woke me up, after only about an hour and a half, leaving me feeling frustrated, and short-tempered, from fatigue. I hoped it was just the wind or the weather as I wearily got up to go look.

Going over to the door, I opened the shade, taking care not to open the door, and let the heat out, which was protecting my pipes. I have, already, had to deal with finding, and hiring, contractors for the, necessary, repair projects which I had not expected with a, brand-new, house, that I have only lived in for 5 months, so far. It is an extra expense that I had not foreseen, this soon into being a homeowner, and I wasn't financially prepared for that to happen so early on. Strained, by this, financially, it just makes sense, to me, to do all that I can, to avoid having, more, home projects, to have to budget for. I, also, want to stay well! Medical expenses can bankrupt people, because the cost of a simple band-aid can cost hundreds in  a hospital setting! It really is outrageous. Newscasts have been saying that Covid cases are rising right now; "skyrocketing", with doctors they interview saying it is 'a war zone' with ZERO ICU beds available, and their patients being treated in the hallways. I'm doing all that I can to never have to go through such a truly terrible experience-- physically, or financially! I have conscientiously let everyone, I come anywhere near, know, that I am, self-quarantining, social distancing, and all other protective and preventive measures that are recommended, to avoid catching the Covid-19 virus. No one's going to advocate for, and protect, my health, more than me. But, when I consistently let other people know that I take this pandemic very seriously, they really have no choice, but to comply, with the protective measures, or stay away from me, altogether. After all, I am staying away from all of them, in my own house, which protects them as much as it does me. There really isn't any, totally safe, middle ground, with that. As it was, about a week before Christmas a neighbor lady had knocked on my door, and although, I resented, the visit, due to my having already told her that I'm isolating all I can during this pandemic, it was the holidays, so I went beyond, what I felt comfortable, risking, to talk with her at my door, for a bit. She was the only person I was anywhere, physically, close to in that timeframe. I caught a cold, just after that, although, other than talking to her I had stayed closed in my own home, all alone, with no other people around me. I had to have caught that, viral, respiratory illness during my close exposure to her.

I was, sniffling, sneezing, and run down-- throughout the entire Christmas week-- due to catching cold. It really negatively impacted my holiday enjoyment, as I had to constantly address my symptoms, day and night, for about a week and a half. I was scared, too, because they were just reporting, then, that the Omicron variant of Covid could be mistaken for a cold, in some people, and I did not have a test to take; nor was I willing to venture out anywhere, with the news reporting Omicron was rampantly spreading everywhere and was by far the most easily caught strain of Covid, so far. Sure, she was 'just trying to be nice'; and feeling more, obligated, than friendly, when she showed up, at my door, while I was trying my very best to avoid all other people (which I had told this woman; more than once), I, also, was 'just trying to be nice'. I got sick, though, after that, and almost certainly because of that-- which I really resented. WE ARE IN A RAGING PANDEMIC! I DON'T NEED PEOPLE COMING TO MY HOME, WHERE I AM TRYING TO ISOLATE, TO CHAT WITH ME! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaggghh!!! She could surely see the fear, in my eyes! She told me how she had just had a mini stroke. She is an older woman who is therefore more vulnerable and at risk, for many illnesses and injuries, now. She had previously had a car accident, shortly after moving here (which was after I had moved here) because she wasn't paying proper attention and had also been following too closely apparently, so when a truck stopped suddenly in front of her, she had rear-ended them, and had to get her car towed. The tow truck driver was the one who dropped her off at her house, which is, just across from mine. She is exposed to strangers, in that way, when transmission of Covid is high everywhere right now, and even more so here than many places, because almost no one here wears masks and/or follows the protective protocols. She also constantly goes out in public, to go shopping, and such. She makes the choice to do these things, that could lead to, her catching Covid-- especially, as it is spreading, so fast, right now, with a record number of cases. The national news reported tonight that 99% of all counties, in the U.S., are reporting, increased, or record, numbers, of Covid cases.

I appreciate that this neighbor does wear a mask lately, when she decides to show up on my porch to 'visit', for no real reason. Clearly, that is on my behalf, because I never see her wearing one, around here, otherwise, even as she is talking to the other neighbors, on our street. At least, whenever, I see her. People can get Covid and not have symptoms. The news has frequently reported recently that someone comes to the hospital for a completely unrelated reason only to be surprised when they are also diagnosed with Covid-19, when tested. When she decides to pay me these visits-- that I would really rather she not do, in the first place-- even though there is a mask barrier, hers was loose, and kept falling below her nose, which she kept pulling back up, over and over and over again. I have papery surgical masks, and cloth masks, to layer over that, but N95 and other such medical-grade masks are now being recommended for use, instead, because Omicron's so contagious it is causing alot of breakthrough cases, even when people are fully vaccinated, and are wearing masks and such. I can't get my booster until Spring. I've had both of the Pfizer shots, last year, and that, is all; aside from, my, isolating, masking, etc. This neighbor woman, or anyone else around here, has every right to choose how much they do, or don't, take risks, with their health. But, she doesn't have a right to bring those risks, that she takes, with her health, to my door-- especially for no good reason-- and, by doing so, put my health, safety, and even my life, at risk of serious illness, or death, should she spread Covid, by engaging in risky behaviors!

On this snowy day, when I was stressed and sleepy, and wanted and needed to be left alone, I looked out the shade, thinking that, surely, in this weather, I wouldn't actually see someone standing there, intruding in my life at a moment when I felt least willing, or able, to deal with that, I saw the neighbor woman from across the street! Although, she's not been the only one, doing this, despite, my telling them all that I am trying to stay quarantined, I was not happy to see someone standing there, at all, regardless of who it was, or why. I felt bewildered, angry, concerned, stressed, because she had made this trek, across the slick, snowy, street, climbed my not-swept-or-shoveled steps, walked onto my, mostly snow-covered, porch, in her bathrobe, and she is, at least, in her 70s. My eyebrows, arched sharply, into a look of absolute incredulity, as I stared through the glass, at her. Was there, some EMERGENCY, I wondered, as I looked, at her, through the window, with my face in a frown, as I mentally calculated how much risk to my own health and safety, this woman posed for me, in this moment, that I so wished, she wasn't standing here, uninvited, and unwanted, at my door, in this storm. I had checked online, to see if there was a, legal, resident requirement, to shovel snow off of my front steps and porch leading to my door, and there was nothing listed, for this area; likely due to this type of weather occurring so seldom here. When I lived in Omaha, there were laws, that sidewalks, steps, and so forth, had to be cleared, of snow or ice, within a short span of time, after, the precipitation had finally stopped falling. Even so, a maintenance man, or even the landlord, at times, took care of doing that, when I lived in apartments, back in Nebraska. It was something that, I never had to deal with, myself, which, is why, I do not own a snow shovel, so far. No one, including, me, thought I would ever have any real need, for one, here in this southern state.

I was TIRED. I didn't WANT to HAVE TO DEAL WITH this 'visit' from this woman. I just stood there, not even bothering to grab my masks, by the door. I did nothing to indicate that I was going to open the door because I had no intention of it. Had I had my masks on they would have hidden, half of, my facial expression. I didn't try, to hide my annoyance, this time, though; with a mask or anything else. I just stood there while my soul silently screamed within me, "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT?!?" Despite the fact that, I prefer my own company, to that of most, of the people, I have encountered and interacted with, in my life, I have not been a bad neighbor, nor have I been, uncaring, toward them, or particularly unfriendly, even though, out of eventual desperation, I have become much more direct with them, at times, such as, when they violate my boundaries, a few too many times for me to hold my tongue, or my temper, about it, at that point. To my mind, this woman was doing that now, even though, as we all know (LET'S ALL SAY IT TOGETHER!), she was 'just being nice'; in her own mind, at least. >sigh!< She was standing on my porch, in her bathrobe, holding a plastic container with some baked good in it. I don't want to LOSE MY LIFE, taking a COOKIE, BUN, or PIECE OF CAKE from the hand of someone that in no way lives by the very restrictive safety measures that I do during this pandemic. That may sound like I am just being dramatic, or even extreme, but I've never heard anyone sound less than surprised and often scared when they come down with Covid, in the midst of whatever way they had decided they were going to navigate the landscape of living in these times. NO ONE has a right to make those decisions FOR ME by PUTTING ME AT RISK-- especially, when it isn't necessary to do so; such as, to bring over some baked item in a container!

That isn't even all, there was, to it, though. I haven't even gotten to the part of it, where, I describe WHY, to me, I view this well-meaning woman as being, stuck on stupid, to a large extent. It is ALSO the reason that I didn't hide my ANGER at her in my facial expression. She has not lived here, more than a couple of months, so far. In that time-- this very short time, that I've known her-- her carelessness has caused a serious car accident, and, this same, carelessness, could well lead to her catching Covid. She continually lets her dog run loose outside, without a leash, to poop where she pleases (the dog, not the woman), which this woman doesn't pick up, and dispose of properly, then-- ALL in VIOLATION of COMMUNITY POLICY. She has allowed that to occur in MY yard as well ever since she first moved here. I did politely, but clearly, discuss it with her when I first saw that, but she simply chose to ignore what I said while doing as she pleased. I have to be mindful, every time I'm walking outside of my house, now, to avoid getting a shoe sole full of dogshit. After all, I would have to clean it up if it happened even though I am not at fault! Yet, I KNOW, that if I, openly criticized her, for doing this, I would be made out to be the villain in the situation because 'She is such a sweet old lady'. Even though, SHE is the one, VIOLATING the rules, which is negatively impacting me, and I am NOT, violating, the rules. This, kind of person, and situation, really, frustrates me!

That brings me to the reason that I felt, and looked, so angry, with her, when she chose dangerous weather conditions to decide to come over to my house, the day of the snowstorm we just had here. Normally I tend to stuff my emotions down in me, and not express alot of them-- especially toward people that are perpetrators of something that is upsetting to me, in some way. That is a, coping, tactic, that I learned, growing up in my dysfunctional family of origin; and it does not serve me well; at all. In my experience, avoiding direct discussion, and coddling people who are doing something that goes against my comfort level, values, or boundaries, in order to avoid confrontation, usually means, the relationship will still be damaged, by the stress, and resentment, I feel toward them, for whatever that is; and it will often, eventually, blow up, anyway, with me saying something, in anger, that they did not see coming, because, to them (since, I was 'stuffing' my feelings, and not, speaking them, out loud), whatever it was, that I just blew up at them about, had 'never bothered me, before' (even though, it did; it REALLY did). Although, it isn't healthy, for me, to keep my feelings, bottled up, inside, when something is, really bothering me, I have also learned that, even if I speak up about the situation in a conversational, rather than, confrontational, way, the recipient, often, still doesn't receive it well, regardless; and treat me as if I had no right to bring it up to them. What this means is that I can choose to either be mistreated, or blamed, by them.

Human relationships, feel like, a minefield, of mutual missteps. Even when I show them, great acceptance, respectfulness, caring and friendliness, often well beyond what I truly feel, toward them; just in trying to, treat others, as I would like to be treated-- which is the adage that we are told to live our lives by. But, the moment I ask even the smallest thing, of them, that, I need, their, respectfulness, for, they often, either completely disregard my request or expressed need, or they get mad at me for-- finally-- saying something directly to them about it, which made them, accountable, by the fact that, they have, now, been told by me directly, that I feel disrespected by their behavior. These, people, really, already, knew that, before, I said anything to them about it; and neither then, nor now, do they want to bother with, changing, their, attitude, or behavior, that's been, negatively affecting me. It isn't THEIR problem, they feel-- it's MY problem, because, I am the one, suffering, from, and disliking, their attitude or behavior. They are not experiencing being the victim, of, whatever, it is, as I am. It is SO FRUSTRATING to me, that I was taught to treat other people like I want to be treated, by them, but, when I do, they revel in that, enjoying being treated so well, but don't reciprocate it in kind, toward me. This isn't always the case, but, sadly, it is often the case, when I deal with people.

As a result of how difficult it is for me to deal with people, in my private life, I feel like, they are, little more than a liability, for me, and I try to avoid them, as much, as I can, to, in effect, cut my losses. Because of, my deep aversion to dealing with other human beings, generally speaking, you may be surprised, by the fact that, I received a great many-- a very notable amount!-- of Customer Service Excellence recognitions, during the years that I worked in retail sales, following my career as a dancer; when that was finally forced to come to an end. This principle that I am talking about here of just treating people the way that I would want to be treated worked extremely well in that career field and was the sole reason for the success I had in sales and service to the public. It has just never worked well, at all, in my personal relationships. Those that I have much more at stake in personally. Those that matter, the most, in my life. I don't know why, it works so well, with people I don't know, but not well with those that I am around, and interact with, regularly. Could it be because as customers reciprocation is not expected of them in return?  I'm shrugging my shoulders as I write this and ponder it. Perhaps it is like the old saying goes, 'Familiarity breeds contempt.' Humans, do seem to, take for granted, disrespect, even mistreat, or abuse, those that they are closest to, emotionally, or even, geographically, and/or care, the most, about, or are, socially, invested, in. I know, there are exceptions to this, but that has been my experience in life-- that, the relationships that should, by all rights, be the most, mutually, respectful ones, whether, it's been, family, a significant other, like a lover or spouse, or neighbors, have not been very reciprocal, responsive or respectful. I avoid relationships now, as much, as I can, while still trying to be, as pleasant, as possible, on the surface. For me, people have proved to be more trouble than they're worth. I see them as a problem more than as a blessing. I'm a product of my Life Lessons good or bad.

The neighbor woman, in her 70s, who told me that, she had suffered a stroke, as recently as last month, was seen as a source of stress, by me, this past weekend, on that day of the snowstorm here. It was alot for this area. She had moved here from the coast. I have no idea if she's ever lived around or been exposed to snow to know how to deal with it, wisely, and safely. I also know her to be careless. So, when she suddenly showed up, ON MY FRONT PORCH, in the middle of weather, I wasn't even going out in (and I came here from Nebraska, where, we are used to severe winter weather), apparently just to bring me some singular sweet (which I didn't want, and didn't take, from her, due to the possibility of the transfer of cold germs, from her, again, if not worse viral pathogens), I felt ANGRY, about it. I am self-isolating, to literally try to save my life, in this pandemic; bottom line. She is, continually, out and about in public, and interacting with others; often unmasked.
Omicron, is currently rampant, and highly contagious, even causing breakthrough cases in vaxed people. Record numbers of Covid-19 cases are happening, all over.


I don't need, someone, coming to my door, short of, an actual EMERGENCY. If she had slipped on, my, snow-covered steps, climbing, up to, or down from, my porch, it would have caused me to be put at risk, of illness, or injury, or both. I could not have simply, left her there, injured, if that had happened, while, she was, taking it upon herself, unbeknownst to me, to take that big of a risk, with, her own, health, and safety, just to walk over, with some, small baked item, during, a winter snow, sleet, and ice, storm. SHE MADE ME RESPONSIBLE FOR HER SAFETY by her doing that, and SHE PUT MY SAFETY AT RISK, by doing that, as well. It was stupid, and, actually, selfish, of her, to put me in that position, where, I would have had to risk my own health and safety at almost 66 years of age, to go outside and try to help her, if something, bad, had happened on my porch, my stairs, or my lot . . . . She may have THOUGHT, she was 'just being nice', but, given her age, her health, the pandemic, and the snowstorm, it was NOT nice, of her, to put ME, squarely, in the middle, of such, a foolish risk, as that, and for such a silly reason. I told her when she came to my door at Christmas, that I stay well-stocked, by ordering all I need online, to be delivered, for the most part, and that I am not wanting to take risks, by bringing any unneeded or unwanted items into my home, that others bring by.


When I spent a week and a half or so feeling like I had a cold, through Christmas, I DID wonder, if I had ACTUALLY been, exposed to, and gotten, a, milder, case, of Omicron (since I am vaccinated). Whatever it was, this same woman was the only person I had compromised my isolation for, by allowing her around me, when she came to my door that other time in December. This second time in January, I was NOT DOING IT AGAIN! I let her SEE my face looking annoyed, and even angry, at her. I wasn't going to 'just be nice' and act like it didn't upset me. After all when I let her know that her behavior of letting her dog roam around anywhere and poop in my yard was something that, should not, be going on, and was actually against community policy, but I stated it firmly WITHOUT letting her see how much it was really pissing me off, at her, she apparently thought it didn't bother me that badly and she kept allowing it to continue; disregarding the rules and disrespecting me. That, told me alot, about how selfish, she actually was, underneath, 'being a nice person'. (It isn't, just her. Alot, of people, are like that. It's a pet peeve, of mine.) 
By 'stuffing' my truest, deepest, feelings, about her 'bad' behaviors, I seemed, to her, to actually be accepting of them; and that only reinforced the very behaviors that I need her to STOP DOING. I was not making it CLEAR enough, to her, that I DO NOT APPROVE of her behavior. There's a saying that WE TEACH PEOPLE HOW TO TREAT US. We, also, have to pick our battles, wisely, and then be very CLEAR. By not doing so we encourage the troubling behaviors to be repeated or continue.

Perhaps, it was due to, my being, extremely tired; therefore operating on, a short fuse, and resenting her interrupting my attempt to sleep and invading my privacy, but, she SAW, on my face, through the glass, as I refused, to even open the door, that I WAS NOT HAPPY WITH HER BEHAVIOR. I openly scowled at her, waved my arms indicating NO, and raised my voice at her so she could hear me through the glass, that I DID NOT WANT THE 'BAKED GOOD', because, I AM QUARANTINING! Then, I shut the shade, waited, a moment, for her to GO AWAY, and then, feeling the resentment from her burdening ME with HER SAFETY AND WELL-BEING when  I was desperately TRYING to STAY AWAY FROM PEOPLE and PROTECT MY OWN, I opened the shade again, just long enough, to watch her, struggle, back down the snow-covered stairs, and shuffle safely, back over to her own house. If she'd had another stroke, out in that cold, or fallen, and broken a hip, or an arm, or, in any way, had needed help, or rescue, out in that weather, because of her stupid stunt of walking over to my house in that weather just to bring some bun I would have felt FORCED, to RISK, MY OWN HEALTH, SAFETY, AND, LIFE, as, ALSO, a SENIOR CITIZEN, who is also only about half her weight. Picture it, to know what I mean. If she fell, outside my house, and started crying out, how would it have looked, if  I didn't go out and help her, even though I would then be risking injury myself, or possibly, another, viral cold, or even Covid, in the process of that. Her, 'just being nice' was shortsighted, and selfish, in light of the great potential for harm to both of us by her doing that. It REALLY PISSED ME OFF, and THIS time I let her SEE it.

While I'm writing on the subject of my seeing someone as being 'stuck on stupid', 
I actually laughed out loud, shaking my head in disbelief, when the news reported on Sunday that they had been asked, by law enforcement officials, to request that citizens of this area, in the midst of this storm-- which we were warned about, for several days, to prepare for, before it came-- please stop calling 911 and tying up that emergency line, to ask, when, the roads would be clear, and, if they could go to the grocery store. They, also, instructed the local citizens to not call 911 "if you have a power outage. Call your local power company." This lack of understanding, or care, about the actual purpose of 911, by these people, was astounding, to me. People that can't breathe because of catching Covid, need to reach 911 operators.
We are, currently, experiencing the most Covid cases, ever, breaking records, and virtually no one, here, wears masks, does social distancing, or practices any other safety precautions. Even after they have caught it, they will tell people-- like me-- that we 'worry too much', although, they should at least be aware of the fact that no one, actually, knows, how sick, they, will become, from it, unless or until, they get it, and, by then, if it's serious, or deadly, for THEM, it is too late, to turn back.

Do these people not see the news stories showing person after person lying in the hospital, hooked to all kinds of tubes and machines, saying, "If I'd only gotten the shot. Don't go through this. Get vaccinated." Or "My loved one didn't get the shot, and now, it's too late. They are dead. If only they had gotten the vaccine! I would do it differently; NOW." HOW MANY CAUTIONARY TALES DOES IT TAKE for people to WAKE UP? I happen to be-- even, at almost 66 years of age-- the biggest baby, about not wanting to get jabbed by a needle. Yet, I understand, that I can greatly lessen the severity of the disease, or death, from it, should I catch Covid, despite, all the precautions, I am doing my best, to take. I have had, 2 shots, for it, so far, and plan to get the booster, whenever I am within the, recommended, timeframe. I want to live! More, than that, I want, to live healthy. Our health is so important! Omicron, is so extremely contagious that, for the first time, I am hearing officials say that, the entire country, could very well become infected, with this variant, of Covid. >sigh!< I am TRYING HARD to stay WELL. So, it MAKES ME MAD when the people around me take risks with my health, when they know that I am doing ALL the protective protocols, to avoid catching Covid. I have made, my, position, clear, to them, conveying that from the outset of our interactions. So, their disregard, of that, is selfish. They don't have the right to put me at risk like they sometimes do. I don't ever do that to them. I treat their health as carefully as I do my very own!

While I did not quote, this article, in my blog post, its content is certainly right on point, with what I have described, here, about the difficulties, and frustrations, of dealing with other people, and, their treatment of us. I recommend you read this:
We Teach People How To Treat Us: What Lessons Are You Teaching? - Lisa Merlo-Booth ( Here, is a quote, from this:  "Too often people take a passive position in response to poor treatment. Many people think that if they lay low, do what the person says  or simply try to  not get the person angrier,  things will  get  better. This  could  not  be  further  from  the truth. Other than domestic violence situations (physical violence in a relationship), our silence in response to poor  treatment  often  incites  more  poor  treatment. I  realize  this  is  counter-intuitive, however  when you silence in response to poor treatment, you send the message that  the poor treatment  is okay. Inherent in your silence is acceptance. When people know they  can treat you any way they’d like—they will do just that. In essence you are TEACHING them to do just that. Why should  they  treat  you better? If you’re fine with it, why shouldn’t they be?"

stuck on stupid. adj., in a prolonged state of being completely clueless, or unable to think straight.

** SAD - Seasonal Affective Disorder. Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a type of depression, that's related to a change in seasons. Most people with SAD show symptoms in the winter months. SAD can sap your energy and cause you to feel moody. Less often, SAD causes depression, in some people.

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

I Married My Third Husband Two Times

[Ascent Through The Dark Night Of The Soul: My Life Reflections: The Boy From Brooklyn That I Married . . .  is the post that precedes this one, in my life story.]

There were some parts of my first marriage to Tom that were not covered in the other blog post that I wrote about him; about us. So, there is still more to tell. I  can describe these things and their effect on me from different approaches, and each would be true, but only part of the story. That frustrates me, because I am trying my best to be as honest and accurate as possible in every single post; yet my account of it could sound very different depending on my frame of reference. For example, I could say, and rightfully so, that, in one sense, these issues were not just about Tom, and I, alone. After all, we both manifested different types of damage done to who we became as people, by each growing up in dysfunctional homes where our parents modeled both unhappy and unstable marriages for us. Neither of us learned the skills that were needed for happy, healthy relationships  in our families of origin. So, I could describe how those things, that were passed down to us, led to the issues in our relationship; which is true, to a large extent.

I could also tell my story from the point of view of my being an empath. That's a very relevant aspect to how my life has unfolded, because empaths attract those people that are wounded in their own lives who are subconsciously seeking to be healed by someone. Because 'hurt people hurt people' they wound us in addition to what those in our lives before them already did because they didn't know how to do any better either. An empath becomes aware that this is who we are in this world, at some point in our lives, and it is a fearsome thing, for us, to try to bear up under. We are rather like the person who swims out to save a drowning victim but they grab hold of us in such a way that they harm us, or are the death of us, in the process. People are drawn to the healing light in an empath. They drain us dry in their insatiable neediness to heal themselves, while also having nothing to really offer, of any substance, in return, because of their incessant woundedness. Not everyone seems to be capable of, or care enough to, follow, the Golden Rule, to treat others as they would like to be treated; and none of us do it consistently.


For most of my life, I felt obligated to respond to this higher Calling upon my soul by nurturing others, often at my own expense, until I became so burned out, and bitter, by my own needs not ever really being met, that I finally realized, I had to set better boundaries with people. I gave so much more, than I got back, putting myself at risk of being used, and exploited; which others often took advantage of, in various ways. Whether, it is the amount of words, I use, the affirmations, I say, or my being supportive, or understanding, the motivation for it, with me, is that I am trying to give to others what I feel will be a blessing, for them. Nurturance. It still scares me that, I'm far more prone to do this than not. It is not good for me; and in opening my heart, outward, to others, like this, I allow them to bring their toxicity and trauma into my life, when I am already struggling to survive my own brokenness. Adding insult to injury with this (behavioral) losing proposition that I do, is the fact that, in doing this, I often, allow people the space and the grace to avoid taking rightful responsibility for their own actions, inadvertently preventing them from taking proper proactive steps to improve the situation for themselves. What I have learned, the hard way, over the course of my life, is that, people will welcome your propping them up, in whatever way makes life easier, and/or more pleasant, for them, for as long as you are willing to do it; and that if the situation was begun by some ill-advised interaction between this person and myself, it will,  inevitably, lead to my paying, far too big a price, for engaging in the relationship.  I bear the brunt, of their bad behaviors. I improve their life. They, damage mine.

              From Twitter: "Empathy without boundaries is self-destructive"

Any good social worker, psychologist, or minister, can confirm, as well, that those of us who grew up in dysfunctional families have lower chances of having healthy marriages, ourselves. Compounding this issue, is the fact that, with each divorce, we have an ever-increasing likelihood that, any subsequent attempts at marriage will also end in failure. Honestly, by the time, I married Tom, even that first time, it was against, God's Leading in my spirit, my better judgement, and with my full knowledge that I was very much throwing all my baggage in with his baggage for a hope-against-hope that anything good could really take root, and grow, from it. He was the quintessential Peter Pan who refused to grow up and be a responsible man; and he was my marriage number 3, AND number 4, which clearly showed I had already long lost my belief that, in my own damaged state, I would ever find anything any better. I was, 'damaged goods', myself, in so many ways, by then. I knew I had some attributes that could help this young man, though, and because  I needed to feel needed, I climbed on board, his 'sinking ship'; saving his military career, which was in real jeopardy according to his own First Sergeant, due to his nonpayment of personal debts after already being reprimanded and counseled on that very issue previously. To CARE, we need someone or something to care FOR.  I would have been much better off, if I had sworn off marrying men, much sooner than I did, and had simply rescued and nurtured an abused animal from a shelter. Pets, seem to at least be appreciative, and affectionate, toward us, when we care. Tom was neither, of those things, toward me, except for rare, and brief, moments.

I had no illusions, that he loved me. I'd met him in the club, where I worked as a dancer, while he was waiting for another dancer to come sit with him who he had  a crush on. Even so, I married him. I was just burned out, on jerks, in the bar, at the time, and assholes who were always propositioning me for sex. I needed love even if, that meant, my giving it, and not getting it. I was, already, living life as a celibate. So, when Tom turned out to be nonsexual toward me, and nonfunctional in bed as part of that, it didn't alter my lifestyle, in that way. It was disappointing, though; and was enough of a deprivation, for me, that I tried to coax him to want to have sex with me after we were married, but with, little-to-no success. I never knew, why, Tom wasn't sexual toward me. It remained a real problem, at least for me, through both of our marriages to one another. He continued to be asexual, as far as, I, was concerned. I don't THINK he was gay; but he never would discuss it with me. He had shocked me by having a yobo during his one year tour of duty in Korea; almost from the time he arrived there. I'd heard the sad stories, that even the (military) ministers, known as chaplains, had such a woman there, to 'service' them sexually. In my mind, Tom was the male least likely to be involved in such a thing. It was the one thing that I truly thought he was incapable of. So, I felt even more shortchanged in our marriage, when he not only did that, almost as soon as he got there, but that he also did it while we were still married to one another. He actually admitted to me that he had even hit her, in their relationship. I think that my being a strong woman, so sure of myself in many ways back then, intimidated him; and that the sheer submissiveness of that, servant-like, woman who was his yobo, allowed him, to feel like, he was, more, of a man, in his own weakness.  He just seemed like a child-- oblivious, to any, of the expectations, that a wife has of her husband-- the, man, that she marries. Tom escaped into his own inner world. His lifelong obsession with comic books, almost above all else, was his trademark.

I have read that an attribute of an Aquarius, which I am, is that we NEED to care, even MORE than we need to be CARED ABOUT. That is, not only, TRUE, but, it is a good thing, that this is the case, with me, specifically, or my heartbreak, from not really experiencing mutual, and reciprocated, love, relationships, in my life, would be even worse, than it is-- which is still, some really deep heartbreak, in me. Tom needed the guidance that I gave him. But, he also rebelled against that very help. He needed me, but he didn't want me. The only need of mine that he met was his needing me. It was clear to both of us that his life improved by my presence in it. He couldn't have done as well, on his own. He wasn't doing as well, without me in his life. Even his First Sergeant said that, to me, in no uncertain terms. They were tired of trying to babysit him because of his irresponsibility. They were planning to discharge him from the Air Force had I not entered his life and intervened, turning his financial mess around. I knew, that I should not have married him-- and I had almost backed out that day. I thought so little of my own future prospects by then though, that I cast my lot in life in with his, just because, I saw that, I could really make a positive difference in his, messed up, situation. Sadly, I no longer believed that any guy would make a positive difference in mine, so, nothing to hold out for.

The thanks I got, from Tom, for saving his Air Force career, and getting him out of debt by putting him on a budget and teaching him financial responsibility, was his resenting me so much that he began to act out violently toward me. On top of his moving in and out and in and out and in and out, because he really disliked being held accountable to function as an adult, he lost his temper and lashed out at me. When I went to soak in the tub, one day, to destress from all of this, with him, he knocked the wine glass out of my hand, and broke it, sending shards of glass into the bath water with my naked body. He pulled a knife on me one day, while I was on the phone, with a chaplain, at the military base, to get marriage counseling for us. He told me that he had dreams, about harming me. Even about killing me. He mostly just, withdrew, and sulked, like a 12-year-old. Apparently, by all accounts, he was, a completely different guy, at work, than he ever really let me see. There was a whole other side to him causing him to be known as being the guy with the silly sense of humor-- the FUNNY guy-- in his weather forecaster unit at the base. The clown making the others who worked with him at Global Weather at Offutt Air Force Base laugh alot. I NEVER saw that side of him! He kept it separate from our life together. At home, he would perk up, and get really excited, when he had just unlocked the next level of one of his video games, which he spent alot of the time at home playing. He wasn't very interactive with me. He liked my cooking, for the most part. But, he wasn't really interested in, or affectionate with, me. Tom never sought me out to have sex, which most men seem more than willing to do, with a wife, even if they otherwise don't care much for her. I don't think either one of us was in love-- at least, not with one another. We shortchanged ourselves that way. If there is such a thing, as a soulmate, in this life, how, can that person even find you, if you're married to someone you weren't even supposed to marry whom you don't even love in that way? It skews the lives of several people. Not just the two.

Another, point of orientation, that I could use, to describe my marriage to Tom, is that I am an ISFJ-T ( It is from the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator inventory, a useful tool to identify an individual's personality type* (  This is a passage from the website's Romantic Relationships section for ISFJ types like me:

"... in Defenders’ relationships can be too easy for their altruism and kindness to be taken  advantage of, maybe even  without their  partners  realizing  it, while leaving  Defenders’  own  needs  and  dreams  unfulfilled. This  is  something that Defenders’  partners,  and  Defender  personalities  themselves, must look after if they  want  the sort  of long, fulfilling relationships  they dream about. Expressing appreciation  is  often  more   than   just   the  right  words,  it  is  reciprocation."  I gave, so much more, effort, and supportiveness, and caring, to Tom, than I ever got back from him. Even though I have a drive, a need, to love people, more than I need to be loved, by them, in return, that does not mean that I don't need to be loved, in return. I have needs too. When I feel a relationship is not going well and is not good for me, and it shows no signs of improving, despite all measures to do so, I eventually advocate for myself and remove myself from that relationship. No matter if it is the relationship with a husband, a parent, a sibling, a friend or even an employer. If it just isn't going to be a happy relationship to be in, but is largely causing me nothing but, forms of, pain, and suffering, I do myself a disservice if I stay enmeshed in this. Despite what some people may think, I am not the type of person to just walk away from any familial relationship, unless I am acutely aware that it is not a healthy and/or happy one to be in for either of us involved in it and the other person involved does not act as if they have an interest in improving the situation between us so that my needs are also respected and addressed by them. Two people make or break a relationship. One can't be making all the extra effort! That person will become resentful, and eventually, burn out from the bullshit of it.

Scott Stafford wrote, in his online article, 'ISFJ Feelings & Emotions: How the ISFJ Handles Inner Feelings', that ISFJs like me will "usually push aside their own inner emotions in hopes of tending to the needs of those around them." He writes, "For  the ISFJ  taking this time  to prioritize themselves  and their own  inner needs can feel  like  they  are  being  self-centered.  They  don’t  want  to be  someone  who expresses  their own emotions  at the expense of  those around them. Sometimes their own  inner feelings  can seem  a bit like  a burden  to the  ISFJ, and so  they ignore them. They often find it easier to push these feelings aside and cover them up by focusing on  the needs of those  around them. This can  certainly cause  the ISFJ's own  inner emotions  to fester and build up over time. Ultimately neglecting their  own   personal  needs   can  lead  the   ISFJ  to feeling  stressed  and  a  bit overwhelmed  down the line. They might  have moments  where they crash, since they just haven’t  spent enough time  caring  for themselves  and tending to  their own inner needs and desires. For the ISFJ this is something which happens over a long period of time, after they have spent too much energy ignoring these feelings and needs." Read the full article, at: Neglecting, my own, needs, took a real toll, on me. Not just with Tom, but in every relationship in my life that I have subjugated my own, real, and normal, needs, for the sake of, the person(s) in the relationship(s) with me. It becomes impossible to meet another's needs when our own needs are consistently not being met. It's especially hurtful when these other people don't seem to really make an effort for me. My righteous indignation flares up at the very thought of this. How dare they, treat someone, so caring, so badly!

The religious bigots and ignoramuses who attempted to ignore and negate God's Love for me, by saying that I couldn't even be a Christian since I was a nightclub dancer, had been married multiple times, wore both a black leather miniskirt and eyeliner, et cetera, would never believe that I was, and am, a spiritually-oriented person. God has given me Words Of Knowledge to tell perfect strangers standing at city bus stops, with me, that I hadn't even been interacting with, prior to that, and spiritual discernment about waitresses taking my order at restaurants, that I shared with them, and left them in tears because through that they saw God saw  them, and cared about what they were going through. I sometimes had, insights, into people, whom I was ringing up, when I was a grocery store cashier, that God gave to me, and if I felt Led by God's Spirit in me to tell them I obeyed and acted on that. That sometimes clarified their future direction which I personally had not known anything at all about and/or confirmed for them whether they were on the right path, toward their own unique destiny. Ever since I was a very young child I have always been much more of a spiritually-oriented person than a carnal one. I tried to stifle it to a large extent when I was a dancer in the nightclubs, and when I was involved in doing prostitution for a short season, during that era, of my life.

I had discovered quite by accident, one day, that I could look at a total stranger's palm and know things about their lives. Because Christian's make such things out to be 'of the devil', I avoided exploring that method of spiritual discernment, for a while, until a friend told me that I should because it was given to me for a reason and seemed to be able to help others in their lives. The Bible says, we're made in God's image, and Isaiah 49:16 says,  "Indeed, I have inscribed [a picture of] you on the palms of My hands." Without ever knowing how I knew I could simply look at the lines on a person's palm, and interpret the symbols that I saw 'inscribed' in their hand. There was a season, in my life, that I tried, to make that into, my job, and personally profit, from it, and that was the only time that it did not go well as I was using it to inform people of their life journey, past, present, and future, that was revealed in their hands. It was clear that it was entrusted to me as a spiritual gift to bless others, and confirm to them that they are a spiritual being, in a body, with a very specific destiny to accomplish in this life on Earth. Christians, are also, taught not to believe in reincarnation, but I do-- although this pilgrimage that I'm on now has so worn me down, and sucked so much life out of me, that I, literally, pray that this is my final life, prior to the return of Jesus and the establishment of His rule and reign which will make all things new. These are the things that I have experienced, that have caused me to believe in reincarnation: I have always been an 'old soul'; I have never quite felt comfortable, in my human body, or in society, as it exists now. I feel like I'm not really the truest essence of 'me'; that I am not, in the era, or the place, that I feel most at home. Even as a small child, who could never have put any of this into words, I had deeply felt these things, in my soul. I had such an intense, and unsettling, reaction to meeting my second husband, Jim, for the first time, in this life. There was no explanation, for it, and no one else has ever caused that kind of reaction in me, other than him. (I tried to describe it in a post that I wrote about him, for this blog.) I remember somehow knowing that he had been someone that I had a history with, a bond of some sort, before we met, in this life. It was very strange. It really shook me up, when I felt that, although I made sure not to show that to him because I knew that it just seemed crazy even to me. We obviously had some sort of 'unfinished business', between us, when we met. I have never felt what I felt with, and for, him, in any relationship in this life; before, or since. Part, of our destinies, were clearly intertwined. I don't know why.

My cockatiel, CeeBee, whom I have not yet done an in-depth blog post on, 'spoke' to my spirit, with his spirit, after he passed away, and indicated that he wanted to return to me, here on Earth. (I had told him, just before he died, that he would be going to Jesus, and that Jesus could do anything, so that he would talk to Jesus, if he wanted to ask Him if he could come back to me.) Awhile, after he died, CeeBee 'spoke', in my spirit, that, he was coming back! He did, in a slightly different form, that he told me he wanted to try. His first time joining me in this life as a cockatiel was a true 'miracle' testimony, and this second time, as a parakeet, was, as well. I plan to cover all that in a future post. It is an amazing and true story of the power of love. Love between two souls that's so strong and eternal it couldn't be stopped even by death. This angel bird from God was, and is, my greatest love story of all!

Jesus spoke directly to the disciples about reincarnation while also acknowledging their unwillingness to accept it, as truth. (Matthew 11:13-15; Matthew 17:10-13) It both amuses and saddens me how people limit God, to the extent that they will contradict or rationalize what He has clearly spoken in His Word, rather than, take Him at His Word. Christians, often ignore it or try to explain it away, because they don't understand it and can't bring themselves to simply admit that God is able to do anything that He decides to do, and that Love is His greatest motivation. "With God all things are possible." (Matthew 19:26) The Bible makes it clear to me, that nothing is too hard for God.(Jeremiah 32:27) These things I have been describing about me aren't directly related to my marriages with Tom but they're background information, on my being a very spiritual person, throughout my life, because that does include when I was married to Tom. Tom was raised religious but didn't seem to be a spiritual person. I think he was raised Catholic but was attending a Baptist church when I met him, which for whatever reason he never attended again, after we married. However, both, Tom and I, noticed quite a bit of supernatural activity, going on in our apartment that we lived in during our first marriage. He moved in, with me, when we got married, and it was not like that, when I lived there, alone. This spiritual activity affected both of us. It seemed to be, particularly heightened, in me, while I was married to Tom, also, although I have no explanation, for, why, that was. Some of these things were unsettling-- even, to me-- and I was used to having supernatural spiritual experiences happen ever since I was a very little girl.

On Christmas Eve, during our, first, marriage, Tom and I went to the Candlelight Service, at an Episcopalian church, in downtown Omaha, that we did not attend; just to celebrate the Season, with other believers. We sat on a small pew, to the right of the sanctuary, as we walked in, that had space for 4 people. I, normally, prefer to sit at either end of a pew, but for some completely unknown reason we chose to sit in the two middle seats of the 4, so Tom sat in the 2nd seat of the 4, and I sat in the 3rd seat, which left a single seat, on each end, of the short pew. These services, are usually quite packed with people, celebrating Christmas, who most often come as families, or couples. Because of that I fully expected that we would end up scooting over, on the pew, at some point; but, no one ever needed us to so we stayed where we were. As we all stood to sing the cherished familiar carols and hymns I, suddenly, saw Jesus, by spiritual Vision, not physical sight. I have had Visions at unexpected times throughout my entire life. I was delighted, by the sight of the Lord, standing up front, facing the people; and I watched Him smile with obvious pleasure, as He enjoyed praise and adoration by His Christian followers. Visions, are most often, very personal things, that God causes a single believer to be able to see using spiritual sight, so no one else there behaved as if they also saw this apparition. God isn't limited to space, time and communication methods which we humans use. He can speak directly into our spirit without ever opening His mouth, as He did with me, in this instance. I smiled broadly as Jesus eventually walked down the aisle, and sat beside me, in that one vacant seat. He imparted the words to my spirit: "You are very loved!", and then he crossed to sit in the other empty seat, beside Tom. Because Tom and I had challenges in our marriage from the very start and I knew that the Lord knew all about all of them,  I thought He was intervening to make things right between Tom and I (although I had felt strongly that I was not supposed to marry Tom, in the first place). Due to that, I thought, that evening, that Jesus was reassuring me, that Tom actually did love me. (I only realized later, when Tom was sent to Korea, and lived with a yobo whom he even abused, cut off spousal support to me with no warning at all, and I divorced him, that Jesus was not, giving me reassurance, that, Tom loved me, but ASSURANCE that HE LOVED ME. I sat alone, in the base chapel at Offutt Air Force Base, for the service, the following Christmas Eve, because Tom was still in Korea and we were not quite divorced yet, so I still had access to the base, as a military dependent. That year, there were no Visions. Just me sitting there, feeling so sad, as I thought back, to the amazing Christmas Eve, just one year ago, as I sat with Tom. I realized, then, that the Lord knew, how UNLOVED and ALONE I would feel, a year later, when He told me that I was very loved-- words which, I have held in my heart over the years, since then; even to this present day and Christmastime.
I looked upward, before the service began on base, that night, and I knew, Jesus was still there in Spirit, even though I couldn't see Him, this time. I whispered, to Him, knowing that, He would know, all, that I meant, by it, "Lord, YOU ARE VERY LOVED!" Years later I also had a silver charm for my bracelet engraved with those precious, powerful, Words, to me, from Jesus. Those few words changed my life!)

That Christmas Eve that Jesus had gone to sit by Tom, the first thing, He did, was to touch Tom on his knee on the leg that was crossed over his other one. As soon as He did that, Tom immediately shifted the position of that leg! I wondered then, how many times, we are touched by the Lord, in some way, but remain unaware, that it just happened, to us. One other thing occurred, in this interacting of Jesus with our spirits. Jesus began speaking into Tom's spirit without moving His mouth as He had just done with me, only He was imparting alot of information into Tom. Intrigued, and frankly, hoping that He was causing Tom to be a better husband to me, than he had been, I spoke to Jesus, spirit-to-Spirit, asking Him if this is what He was doing, with Tom. (Now, all of this was happening without, anyone around, seeing this, as far as I know. So, the church service, continued on, in the natural, earthly, realm, while all of this silent, supernatural, impartation was being done in Tom and I.) Jesus has, almost always, appeared gentle, and loving, in the various Visions that I have had of Him, throughout my life. But, this time, it was different. When I asked Jesus what He was imparting to Tom, and whether it was about me, and our marriage, Jesus answered in a much sterner tone than I have ever heard Him use before or since as He said, emphatically, in response to each inquiry, "It is not for you to know!" I never did know, what Jesus said in Tom's spirit, then. I also couldn't ask Tom about it. He seemed oblivious to that, heavenly download, that the Lord was speaking into him; and Jesus had told me, more than once, as I tried to get Him to tell me, what He was saying, to Tom, that it was not for me, to know. So, as frustrating as that was to me, I had to respect His guidance about it.
Whatever it was, it didn't save our marriage. Either, of the marriages, between us.

Tom couldn't live in this basically-one-room-efficiency apartment, of mine, that he moved into, with me, when we married the first time, and not notice that I 'knew' things because of spiritual impartations and discernment. He kept testing me with questions, about things, and I kept passing those tests. When some football game came on TV, he would ask me, as the two teams were taking the field for the start of the game, which team, would win. As I simply sat on the bed, cross stitching, a Christmas ornament, I would look up at the TV screen, briefly, when he asked me, and whatever spiritual entity told me the answer, or however it was that I knew it, I would give the answer to Tom. That team might have begun losing for the first 3 quarters of the game, and look like they could never pull off a "W", at this point. I just knew that I saw a type of halo, enveloping the team, at kickoff, and that they had to win the game; and they did. Once, when he moved out, in one of his sulks, I lit a candle and made a request over its flame that before the candle burned out, Tom would come home. Whenever I would say his name, the flame would become larger; and only when I spoke his name. I'd never done that before or after. I had just felt spiritually led to do that at the time. At exactly the moment the lit candle finally burned itself out, Tom returned to the apartment, saying, in an urgent tone of voice, that all he knew was that he just HAD TO COME BACK; he could not stay away another moment! He looked confused, because it had only been hours since he had moved out, again; supposedly, for good. Whatever spiritual forces were at work in our marriage, though, they didn't seem to want us together permanently. After all, I had been told by God not to marry Tom, but I had done it anyway, and then prayed for God to bless and fix what wasn't even His Will for me, or for Tom. 

Tom wasn't normally violent, but we did have to go to marriage counseling with a chaplain on base when he started doing things like pulling a knife on me when we weren't even having a big fight about anything at the time. He told the chaplain I had alot of spiritual 'knowing', because, it was so active during our first marriage, that is became impossible to ignore. The chaplain got a somewhat condescending look on his face when Tom told him that about me, and turned toward his desk to pick up a picture-- like, an artist's rendition-- of some scenario, I had never seen, anywhere, in my life, before, that had alot of assorted figures in it. Looking at me intently, the chaplain requested that I tell him, which one, of those in the picture, was Lucifer. This was an Orthodox chaplain as I recall whose preferred manner of worship leaned toward mysticism, much as my own does.** He put the picture in my hands, and it took me about 2 seconds of looking at the beings it depicted, to scan it, with my spiritual discernment, and respond, to him, matter-of-factly, as I handed it back to him, with the correct answer. It also happened to be the one in the picture most would consider to be least likely to be the devil, were they using their natural, physical, sight to look at it. Tom, wasn't in the least surprised, since he lived with me. This was 'normal' for me. But the chaplain sat there stunned as Tom said, "See what I mean, about Stevie?" (I still went by my dancer alias even when I left dancing to marry Tom, and then with my fourth and final husband, as  I had met them both in the Backdoor Lounge where I was working as a dancer at the time. After living my life as 'Stevie', for so many years, it was more my name than 'Deborah', 'Debby', or 'Deb' was.) This chaplain looked at me, and said, with an obvious incredulity in his voice, "I have often shown this picture to people and asked them to identify which character is the devil. No one, has, ever, gotten that right-- until you. I am, truly amazed." Tom and I had several counseling sessions, with this man, but we never knew one single thing about his private life, as it was a professional interaction. However, one day, I was just brushing my teeth before we left for our appointment with him, when the Lord suddenly told me something quite personal about the chaplain, and instructed me to tell him when we went to see him that day. Those types, of directives, from God, sometimes, caused me to feel intimidated, depending on, who it was that I had to tell it to, and the type, of interaction that this was to take place in. Because, this chaplain, was a counselor, to me and my husband, because of marriage problems, this was one of the times that I felt shaky about speaking this rhema*** Word from God; but I had learned to obey God in these situations, despite how I felt, because doing it honored Him.

So, at the end, of our counseling session, later, that day, I turned to the chaplain, before we left, and said, "Chaplain, the Lord gave me a Word for you and told me to be sure to tell you." I paused and then carefully told him exactly what it was. I said, "God said that you and your father are estranged from one another because you have let pride and unforgiveness come between you in your relationship, and because you are a representative of God, as a chaplain, He needs you to fix this." This chaplain, had gray hair, around his temples, as a middle-aged man, who was older than I, at the time. So it was a rather awkward Word, to have to deliver, for me. Nevertheless, I knew, God only spoke Truth, and that He had asked me to do this, for Him; so I did. The next time, I spoke with the chaplain, he told me, that, his father was coming, to visit him, and his family, for the holidays, the very next day after I had told him what God said he needed to do, and that he had just not felt, motivated, or able, to reach out, to his father, in a conciliatory way, to try, to heal their broken relationship with one another. His wife had even been wanting it to be better between the two men, he told me, but until God got involved directly through my rhema Word to him he had not been wanting to humble himself to be the one to attempt that process. Realizing that his God, whom he served, was not happy with the status quo of this situation and that since He wanted it to be dealt with, by him, that God must also be prepared to change the two hearts, involved, he reached out to his father upon his arrival for what had been a dreaded visit by him, and reported to me-- to God's Glory-- that things were now much improved.  I always feel, both, humbled, by God using me to reach others that He loves, and amazed, as people, who receive these ministry moments, from God, through me, tell me, about these things, that God is doing, for them, in their lives, that I truly had no knowledge of, myself, prior, to God telling me, whatever He wanted to tell them, through me. There was no more condescension toward me, as a layperson in a troubled marriage, who was being counseled, by him, in this man of God. He was a believer, himself, now, in God working, through me, in various ways, in the lives of people, that He loved and wanted to interact with in a more personal way. He acknowledged, and respected, my spiritual gifts from God, to minister as laity.

I am who I am. I am an empath; even moreso, a mystic, which is not something that I chose to be, or decided to be, and it has made my own life alot harder and sadder, in ways. They say 'ignorance is bliss', but I know alot more, than I let on, because it can often intimidate people if they know how different from most folks  I actually am, and that I just know things about them, that they know there is no way that I could know. I don't try, to find those things out. In fact, I often cringe, when God tells me the things that He does about people, and their lives and sins, because I, often, still have to interact with these very people about normal things in everyday situations, and it can be, distracting to my mind, and troubling to my spirit, to have this burden, of the extra knowledge, about people's 'dirty laundry'. Still, I am humbled that God is willing to use me, to touch people's lives, and I'm glad to be of service, to my Lord and my God. I cannot explain how I was able to 'read (the symbols in peoples') palms' and I know that most Christians say that's 'evil'. I've been a Christian my whole life. Granted, I am not a 'normal' one in the sense that I am not religious-- but I am very spiritual. I was Called by God to be.  I always tell people that I am totally honest with God about everything because I know that He already knows everything about me, and everything I've ever done in my life and He still uses me for His Glory and purposes. If He didn't use people who are sinners, who are broken and imperfect, He wouldn't have anyone to use!  I am well aware of all that I am and all that I have done in my life; as is God. So, a few years ago, when I started attending a new, spirit-filled, church, that was in walking distance of the apartment that I moved into, after, living in the homeless shelter, I knew that, no one knew me, or anything about me, there, which was, a good thing, to me, because, I signed up for a private Prophetic Word session with their Prophecy Team and I wanted a clear Word from God about my life as it was.

When I went into the room, for my turn, with them, I sat in a chair, facing, 3 or 4 Prophetic Team members; none of whom knew me. I prayed, silently, asking God to speak, through these people, and I knew that I would know if what they spoke was truly from God, because God is Truth, so their words to me would have to be true, as well. I was more used to ministering to others. But, after the summer I'd just been through, in 2017, I needed to be ministered to myself, for a change. As  I had ministered to the chaplain, at the Air Force base, decades before, through a personal Word from God to him, I needed a Word from God myself, now. Whether clergy, or laity, those of us who minister to others can end up feeling drained, and burned out, if our own needs aren't met, or we don't, also, receive some ministry, to ourselves. 'Religious' people can often be some of the most judgmental people on Earth. God knows ALL ABOUT ME! He KNOWS, that I was a nightclub dancer-- but I told many dancers and customers about God's Love for them over the years and prevented one customer's suicide by giving him that 'good news', the Gospel, from God. He knows that I used to read palms and tell people that those symbols were unique to them, similar to fingerprints, and were specific symbols showing a destiny that was theirs alone. God created each person including the markings on their bodies. I sat there quietly, silently, before the Prophetic Team, who recorded a CD of the session with them, and presented it to me as a free gift, before I left.  I stand before God daily as exactly who and what I am, in all my imperfections. I know me, almost as well as God knows me. (Most people don't know me; though they tend to think they do. They decide, quickly, about me, put me in a box, that they think defines me, and do their best, to leave me there, ostracized, rejected.) I knew, that this Prophetic Team was listening to God's Spirit, about me, that day, when one of them said, about me, "You, are careful, to give, God, the glory, in all things." God is my life, my everything, and my all-in-all. I love Him, with all I am. 

Personal relationships are often more complicated, and harder, for a mystic, or an empath****. The constant instability Tom brought to my life in our first marriage really stressed me out. He treated our home together like it had, a revolving door, as he continually moved out and moved back, and left again then came back, and I was never really sure why he did that, aside from the fact, that, I needed him to grow up and take some responsibility. He was all about his comic books and video games. It was all about constant escape from reality with him. While, he did that,  I was left to deal with the reality of saving his military career, by getting his debts paid, doing without any sexual gratification, even though I was married now, so I didn't really want to continue to be celibate, and mothering this boy, who refused to be a man. I was really getting the short end of this deal. Adding to the stress I felt, Tom told me that, he could see shadows, going across the apartment wall, at times (which, while unexplainable, were not his imagination, as I, also, saw them, myself), and that, when he was sleeping at night, he had dreams, about them, or something like them, telling him to kill me! Since Tom was normally easygoing, to a fault, and was not usually violent, it was, as concerning, to him, as it was to me.

We weren't sure what was going on with this. My apartment, that he had come to live in with me when we married, didn't have, all this, dark, spiritual activity, in it, when I had lived there as a single woman. One evening while Tom was at work at the military base, my guardian angel, 'Hebriam' (unsure, of the actual spelling, of his name; or if this angel is actually a 'he'), spoke to me as I sat on the bed doing a craft project. (Because we lived in a small, efficiency, apartment, there wasn't a livingroom or a den or a couch or sofa. Basically, just a bed and a dinette set, and bar stools, at the kitchen counter, where we sat to eat our meals.) He told me, his name was Hebriam, when I asked him, during this encounter, so I nicknamed him 'Heebie', because when a being in a deep-blue velvet robe, with very white wings, stands several feet taller than me, and manifests themselves out of thin air, it can give me 'the heebie-jeebies', since it is so sudden and unexpected. Heebie said to me, "You are in danger, from your husband, Tom." After I'd recovered, from being startled, by both, his presence, and his words, I replied, "I never knew, you could  talk, until now. From, the first time that I ever saw you, when I was 18, until now (I was around 28 or 29, when we were having this conversation), you have never, actually, said, anything, to me. What, do you mean, by, I'm in danger from Tom?" 

My guardian angel said, "Tom is being deceived, by dark forces, into thinking that you are a danger, to him. They are trying to convince him to harm you." "In what way?", I asked. Hebriam said, "The danger that you are in from your husband, is, up to, and including, death. I spoke, to you, because, I was told to warn you. You are not to tell Tom, about this conversation that took place between us, or what I just told you." I said, "But, Tom is my husband! I trust him not to harm me, and I don't think, married people, should keep secrets from one another." 'Heebie' said, again, "You are NOT TO TELL HIM!" Then, he disappeared from my physical sight.  I was more prone to do foolish things in my younger years, and going against the angel's directive to me was one of those things. Tom already knew there was alot of spiritual activity, in my life, and in our home. He had even told me that, he had woken up some nights after having nightmares, to see dark shadows of otherwise invisible figures moving across the wall. So, I reasoned (wrongly) that if he knew, what the angel had warned me about, that we could stand, against it, as a united front, opposing these forces, of evil; together. However, when I told him, about it, it seemed to unleash a floodgate of even more upheaval in our marriage and Tom began to act out in violent ways, then-- including when he pulled the knife on me.

My guardian angel, had spoken, to me, what the Lord had directed him to; so, he had obeyed God. I had disobeyed not only his admonition to me but God Himself, who had assigned Hebriam to me, to protect and help me. It felt like I unleashed  a hornet's nest, when I told Tom what the angel told me not to. It was like, I was constantly battling the furies of Hell from then on. It began to get worse between Tom and I, no matter what I did to try to make it better. As it became much more unstable, I became so stressed out, that at one point I felt like I couldn't continue coping with all of this, anymore. So, I took myself to the hospital (the civilian one because military members have a security clearance that can be considered to be compromised if their unit became aware that there's violence, abuse or instability being acted out, by them, including, in their home life. If they lose that clearance, they can even lose their career-- and I had worked hard to save Tom's). I told the woman assessing my condition that I was at my wits' end. I was so drained by all the difficulties with Tom, that I didn't know what to do next, to try to make things better, between us. I was crying hysterically as I told her what had been going on.
She kept saying, to me, "You, are just really upset. Go home. We can't admit you, for crying and being upset." She told me that three times, but I was adamant that I could not handle any of this, anymore. So she said, "We HAVE to have an actual MEDICAL diagnosis, to be able to admit you, for insurance billing purposes. So be aware, of that." Then, I was admitted, to the, mental health, floor, for a few days.

The day I arrived, I was told that, I had to have a complete physical exam, which included the, added, female, evaluations, of a pelvic exam, and, a breast exam. I met other mental floor patients in much worse shape than I was in, and my heart just went out to them. But, I felt completely burned out, by Tom's behaviors, and stressed out, by the instability, temper tantrums, and selfishness that he brought into my life and my home. All the patients, on that floor, ate meals together. Both male and female. As we started to converse, with each other, at mealtimes, I was horrified, to realize that, a pattern, of diagnosing women, with breast cancer, was going on in this place; probably for profit, since, the news had, recently, reported that this very hospital was operating in the red, and was struggling to stay afloat. One, of the women, spoke up, as she ate, saying her exam had revealed that she likely had breast cancer, and she was extremely upset by this devastating news! I was, also, feeling, even more, stressed, in addition to the acute stress, that I had begged to be admitted because of, due to the doctor who had examined me when I first came, seeking help, saying that, he'd found lumps, in MY breasts; and that, they could be cancerous, which called for a mammogram to be ordered along with more testing. When, I heard, this one other woman, say, that, she, had been told, that she had lumps in her breasts, which, could be cancerous, and how much that was adding to her feeling really upset, right now, all, I thought was, 'What are the odds, that we were both told that? Maybe, our constant stress level contributes to making us more vulnerable, to this issue.' However, just after, she told us all that, and every patient from that floor was in that room, to eat lunch-- another woman spoke up, even before I could, and said, "Wow! Really?!? I'm sorry, to hear that. I was told the SAME THING, earlier, today, in MY exam!" Then, a third, and a fourth woman, spoke up-- ALL saying that, THEY had ALSO been told this, and that, as a result, of that, more testing was being ordered, for them, which, they did not like, being forced, to have to deal with, along with the, added, anxiety, associated with that frightening doctor's report. After the 4th woman, saying this, I told them that I had been given that same report, by the doctor who had done my exam, when I was admitted. Then, I asked, whether, all the other female patients, in that room, had also been told this news, when examined-- and EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM said, that they had. We all sat there, in shock, looking at each other, as it dawned on us that this hospital had to be lying, to us; or, at least, most likely, many of us.

I left that dining room immediately, asked the nurse to let me use the phone, and I called Tom, to come, get me-- right away; which, he did. Even though, as a wife of a military member, CHAMPUS insurance would cover the cost of these things, it was wrong of this hospital, that was struggling for its very survival, to try to make a profit from scaring patients with false reports of their conditions, and take unfair advantage, of our vulnerability, and our trust, like this; and operate so unethically. Who knows how far, they were willing to take this? Would they claim, after adding a mammogram, to each woman's medical bill, that they no longer saw any lumps; or, would they go so far as to tell us, after that-- and who knows, how many other patients!-- that we needed surgery to remove things from our bodies that weren't even really there? HOW LOW WOULD THEY GO-- for MONEY? MAIMING, people?!? Getting out of there, as fast as I could, that day, put me back into the situation at home, with Tom. But, I still had both my breasts. Not surprisingly, no other doctor ever told me, before, or after, that happened, at the hospital, that I had lumps, in my breasts; or, anything else, that, they would, then, tell me, could be cancerous. I signed out AMA, to leave that place, and I prayed they would go out of business.
What ended up failing though wasn't the horrid hospital, but my marriage to Tom.

When our one year of, legally required, separation was done, and our divorce was final, I left Nebraska to take a nanny job in Dutchess County in upstate New York.[Post is:, that, job, eventually, fell apart, I was hired by a divorced woman with adolescents, a boy, and a girl, whom, I met, but was never actually the nanny for, because they were gone for the summer, to be with their father's family, and the woman who hired me was not a nice person. [] I had to scramble, on, very sudden, notice, to get out of her Manhattan high-rise, causing me to grab any domestic worker position, I could find. That turned out to be a job being the live-in maid for a single middle-aged man, in Oyster Bay on Long Island, who sexually assaulted me (by touching but not raping me), causing me to look in the yellow pages of the phone book for  a church that might help me get away from him while he was out of the house for awhile. In a pure panic, I also called Tom, who was now stationed at Fort Drum in Watertown, about 30 miles from Canada, in upstate New York. Although he was a weather forecaster in the Air Force he had been stationed at this army base to do that job, after he requested a duty assignment closer to his relatives, in New York City, where he was from, following his year in Korea. Tom, heard the terror, in my voice, as I told him about this man sexually exploiting me, after a quick hire for a domestic employment job, with him, that was caused by the woman in Manhattan doing what she did. Tom told me he was coming to help me, but in the meantime, I had to get out before bedtime, when this man posted his two Dobermans by his bed, and ordered me to lay down beside him. I was truly scared of those 2 dogs-- and, this man! I ran my finger up and down the long list of churches in the phone book, asking the Holy Spirit to show me, which one might help me escape. I felt a strong 'anointing'-- a, quickening, of God's Spirit, in me-- as I touched one, of the churches, name and number. I dialed them, quickly, explaining, the situation, and the pastor, whom I was speaking with, told me that, he was sitting in his office, at the church, when the phone rang, and that, just before, I called, two men, that go to his church, had just wandered into his office and said they had their van parked right outside, if he had, anything, that he needed them to do. God as my Witness!

I knew, it was the church, the Holy Spirit let me know I should call! They drove to the house right away, and got me and my belongings into the van, and out of this house, before the man returned. I didn't get paid for the chores and meals, that I did, while, briefly, working for him, there; but, I didn't get raped again, in my life, either, which I felt, pretty sure, he was going to do to me soon. I called Tom, with an update, that I was out of the house safely, and at the church. Even so, he said, he was still coming, there, to be sure, I was okay. It took him a couple of days, to finally get to the church, due to some car trouble, he had, and other issues on his end. But, another interesting thing, about this church, which the Holy Spirit knew, when He led me there-- was that they had a dorm for transients that their church was helping, right on church grounds; and although a few people lived long-term, in these rooms, one guy, was away, at the time, I was brought there, so, I stayed in that room since he was gone. God is so amazing! I'd never been to Long Island in my life, and after, this man hired me, and picked me up, in Manhattan, to drive me out to his home, in Oyster Bay, I never saw anything else but the inside of his house where I was basically watched by him and kept like a prisoner, for the week or so I was there. When Tom arrived at the church, we spent a couple of days just talking, but when it was time for him to get back, to base (his commanding officer called the church and told me that Tom didn't wait for clearance to come there, by getting officially authorized Leave, so that he was technically AWOL, on my behalf, at that point!), he decided that he didn't want to take me with him, and he left me there in Oyster Bay at the church. That's how capricious Tom's emotions about me always were. Hot and cold, back and forth, with no seeming rhyme, or reason, for any of it. I enjoyed my time in Oyster Bay, though. I was able to stay there at the church, for a few weeks, before I left, to start a, new, nanny job. I did some deep cleaning at the church, while I was there, to repay them for taking me in like that.

I was offered the chance to work for, the, comedic, actor, Bill Murray, in Palisades, New York, as a live-in nanny to his kids. The domestic employment agency said, I could be driven to his house, that very day, to start that job, if I wanted it. It was an overwhelming responsibility to me, so I declined. (Here's a link to the property that Bill Murray lived in, then: Instead, I went with a job, through another nanny agency, in Westchester County, New York, to be the, full-time, live-in, nanny, for a, sweet, red-headed, baby boy, named Will. I sat in a movie theater that same year on my day off, from this nanny job, eating popcorn and saying to myself, "THAT could've been MY BOSS right now!" while I watched the 1988 Bill Murray movie, Scrooged. I plan to write a separate blog post about the nanny job that I took at some point.

Fed up, with trying the nanny thing-- which, was great, when it worked out, but I was finding, that was harder to come by, than I had thought-- I went back home, to Omaha, Nebraska; and, to dancing in the nightclubs. One day, I called Tom, at the army base in Watertown. When I called his unit, he answered the phone, and sounded both shocked, and surprisingly delighted, to hear my voice, on the other end. We started talking, again, after I hadn't seen him since he left me behind, in Oyster Bay, before, and I ended up leaving Omaha to go, by bus, to remarry him. I NEVER-- in ALL my (5 with 4 husbands) marriages-- had a REAL wedding dress; or a diamond ring. So, before I left Omaha, I-- rather pathetically-- bought those for myself. Even so I didn't end up wearing the wedding dress. I think we just got remarried at the courthouse there, and I wore jeans; but, it was so unremarkable that, while I think, that is right, I am not absolutely sure of it. As for the diamond ring, I sold it, many years later, because I only wore it a few times, and I actually DON'T EVEN LIKE to wear RINGS! The wedding dress and diamond ring are what, we are TOLD, we're SUPPOSED TO WANT; but, I realized that, I didn't really need OR want those things. I am just not a 'typical' girl, in many ways. Besides unique aspects of who I am, as a person, many of which, I touched on, or elaborated on, in this post, I don't even like wearing rings, and rarely wear jewelry. I sold all my 'real' jewelry pieces, over the years, so when I do occasionally wear jewelry, it is, cheap, costume jewelry-- that I actually like better! Many of the 'trappings', of an earthly existence, that most people seem to want or be chasing after-- like power, prestige, climbing the ladder of success to the top rung, expensive toys and trips,  and such, are not things that I want, at all. What, I love, about life, is having real and meaningful conversations where my soul interacts with another person's soul  and eating fresh fruits and vegetables while savoring their simple, straightforward goodness. I love going for walks in Nature; listening to the birds, calling back and forth. I like being spontaneous; bursting out into song or doing a happy dance for no other reason than I felt like it. I don't even own a car. I walk and I have a bike  I can ride. The simpler, the purer, the better, for me. Laughter, is a real necessity, for my happiness. I don't need, fancy, or formal. I like, for MY life, to be, SIMPLE!

When, I called Tom, at Fort Drum, and we reconnected, which, led to our, second, marriage, I didn't do it because I truly believed it would be any better the second time around. I did question him, about his finances. Whether he was handling his responsibilities. He assured me, he was; and there didn't seem to be unpaid bills, this time around. He did have a mountain of unwashed laundry, though. It seems that he simply bought more new outfits to wear rather than wash those that were already available to him. When he moved out of the barracks, where he had been living as a sergeant, before we remarried, and moved into temporary housing, for families (while we were on the Waiting List for more permanent housing on base) and I saw, that pile of dirty laundry, I told him that, I would NOT BE WASHING IT. I honestly wondered, for a minute, if he had remarried me just to get a wife to do his chores, which he had apparently neglected while single. I was very well aware of Tom's stacks of comic books, still, being, his pride and joy. In fact, in doing the research, for this blog post, I came across a link to Tom's Amazon Wish List, of all things, and ALL that was IN it were publications that appeared to be comic books. I also researched whether he ever married anyone else, since he was always such a Peter Pan, and it appears that he did. I couldn't help but wonder, if she came to regret that, if, in fact, he never did grow up, into a man. He was younger than me so he is 62 now. He shares the same birthday with my deceased cockatiel CeeBee  which is November 14th. (My son Jay's birthday is November 15th.) Tom was, still asexual, around me, during the second marriage. Because he had a yobo in Korea and he claims they were sexual, with one another, I didn't know, what to think, or believe, about why he, literally, never tried to (or apparently, wanted to) have sex with me. TWO MARRIAGES, to this guy, and I was living as celibate as when I was single! The few times that I got him to, at least try, to have sex with me, we could have played, 'The Minute Waltz', for 'mood music', because he was all done within that, short, amount of time. I felt like, I was drowning, in disappointments, in life.

I had no illusions left, about Tom, though. I did, go into it clear-eyed this, second, time, around. The alternative, seemed to be, continuing on, dancing, in the clubs. I enjoyed the dancing-- the creativity of performing; of interpreting any song that I got from the jukebox or the DJ with the movements, of my body. Expressing, it. But those men, the club customers that I had to sit and talk to almost every hour of every shift, wanted me, in the most superficial of ways, which began as an ego boost, but became the junk food for a starving soul. Mine. They wanted me, but I needed, to be needed; and, Tom, needed me. Not as much to save his career, get him out of debt, or do his laundry, but to help him grow up. Tom, didn't want me, but, he definitely needed me. There is something about being needed that brings out the best, in me. It causes me to, at least want to, and most often, try to, rise to the occasion. I am my best self, and my most fulfilled self-- given all, possible, options-- when who, and what, I am, as 'me', can be of help, support and benefit to other living things on this planet-- whether that is people, pets, or plants. Even inanimate, projects, with no emotions, need my input, to become better versions. One example from our second marriage was that Tom told me, a few weeks prior, that his annual fitness test was coming up, and that he had done very poorly with it, the previous year. I can't recall now if he was able to finish that, or pass it, but in the military someone can even be discharged from the service, for not meeting fitness standards, and Tom never exercised except for walking places on base. He was, the poster boy, for the term, 'Couch Potato'. He wasn't obese, but, he wasn't physically fit, either. There was a street near the barracks that we were housed in along with other families waiting for permanent base housing, which was not ever very busy with traffic, and I knew exactly what was expected, of him, for this run, that was coming up, because I had been active duty military, also in the Air Force, and I had to pass the same fitness standards, while I was in the service. I helped, Tom, prepare for and pass it by taking him outside, regularly, to train for that run.
I ran alongside him, to both coach and encourage him. I gave him tips, about how to avoid hyperventilating while running, and we ran the distance he would have to be able to handle, when the day of the Fitness Test evaluation arrived. Tom, would never have done any of this, on his own. He was basically lazy, or, at least, he was not motivated, much. I don't know whether that was due to, depression, or not, in the sense that, people who usually choose to live their lives in escapism, may also suffer from depression, or some other psychological and behavioral manifestation, of an inability, or unwillingness, to accept, the, harsher, realities, of life. He wasn't diagnosed as depressed, or being treated for it, or anything else. However, he was extremely escapist. He improved alot, with his run, because of all the support and encouragement that I gave him. I was concerned, though, when it got late, on the day of his Fitness Test, and he still hadn't come home. I made a call to his unit, to ask whether he was still at work. The commander answered, and laughing a little, told me that the unit members had actually done "much better' with their run this year, but they were also requalifying on weapons, and that part, was going poorly. Being on an Army base, which was hosting this Air Force weather unit, that was a big deal, as well. When Tom, finally did, get to the barracks that we were living in, he told me that he completed the run. There was no hug, no thanks, no gratitude, from him, for me, though. Tom was a taker not a giver. I got nothing in return for all the ways that, I was there, for him, in our two marriages, except for knowing I made a huge difference, in the outcome, of the major aspects of his quality of life. I enjoyed, knowing I was needed; but I would have appreciated some affection as a wife. Dare I even say, a little love? It was so daunting and disheartening. I gave alot, while, I settled for so little. It's sad, to think back, to these things, in my life.

I always knew that I was worth more and deserved more than I was given, by the people in my life who were my, most personal, relationships. Parents, siblings and spouses. Even, the military, of my country, that I served when I was enlisted, but was so continually sexually harassed that I became despondent and gave up on it in despair. That teaching that says we reap what we sow pisses me off, because it hasn't been the case for me. I've given so much more to people than I ever got in return from them. Eventually I became bitter and burned out from doing this, and I knew that-- for my own survival-- I needed to stop, doing that. I'm better about it, now; but, still, a long way, from having or maintaining an equitable investment in the relationships, of various types, that I am involved in or engaged in. Perhaps the statement, pictured below, holds the key, to the truth about why I came up so short, after investing so much of my care and concern in others that didn't do that for me, to the degree that they should have, at least, in the name of love, if these relationships were to truly be, happy, and healthy, for both, of us, in those. Maybe it wasn't what I have sowed, that was the problem, but, the soil of, these, people, that I sowed into. I don't think that any of the people who have shortchanged me in my life with these poor quality relationships would ever admit or agree that the fault lies in them, much, more, than it does, with me. I sowed some great things, into very poor quality soil. So, of course, I got weeds, instead of flowers. There is a real life lesson in this realization, but sadly I learned it much too late, in my life.

The consolations I got, in my second marriage to Tom, were outside our marriage. I had never been on an army base, before, and Fort Drum was a big and beautiful base. Home to the 10th Mountain Division. I sat outside, on bleachers, listening to commanding officers praising the achievements of their troops while their families looked on. It was inspiring to see and hear. Army life is a very different orientation to U.S. military service, in many ways, than, the Air Force, that I was enlisted in. I saw soldiers in line to buy things in the Base Exchange (BX on Air Force bases; PX on Army bases) wearing camouflage face paint, after a day of training as warriors. One day, I heard, live, music, and looked out the window of the barracks that was our temporary housing on Fort Drum to see a marching band, in formation, on the street right outside. I grabbed my camera and ran outside to take photos of them, as they marched back and forth while they played the song, Somewhere Over The Rainbow from the movie, 'The Wizard Of Oz'. It turned out to be a National Guard unit, known as, the 'Rainbow Division', from the New York City area, fulfilling their 2-week-long Annual Training requirement there. Their commanding officer, was on the steps of the nearby barracks, that they were staying in, while at the base, and he saw my delight, at the band playing. After he let me know that I was welcome, and not intruding, or out-of-line, I actually went into the paved street as the band did another about-face, while marching back and forth, and laid on the asphalt, to take some photos, of the rows of band members, as they walked right past me. (I gauged, the safest place to put myself, to do this, according to the, fixed, straight, rows, that they were marching in.) When, it was over, I walked over, to thank, the office in charge, for his allowing me that pleasure and privilege. We talked awhile. He introduced himself as Lieutenant Colonel Kessenich. Tom, was still sulking, and had moved out, again, for awhile. I never knew when, he would be back, when he did this, move in, and move out, thing, that he did; including, during this, second, marriage. It was, just what he did, when I placed expectations on him to be more responsible, than he had, any desire, to be. Poor, little, Peter Pan! So, I was often, left alone, by him, at the old barracks; at least, until, he would, 'boomerang' back, again, for, yet another, inevitable, round, of this, move in, move out, game, which never, accomplished anything, except to, allow him, to escape, his responsibilities.

This, happened to be, one of those times. In the course of our conversation, as he asked, how I came to be there, on base, I told Michael (this Colonel) that I was a, married, dependent, of an Air Force weather forecaster, stationed there, and what I was dealing with, from Tom, regularly going AWOL, from our marriage, to sulk. I ended up agreeing to go out to dinner with this man, that evening. I had been left alone, ALOT, by my, so-called 'husband', and it was wearing really thin, for me, by now. I believe we went to the Officer's Club, on base, to eat; and we just talked. I was so glad to finally feel some, affirmation, from someone. He brought me a gift. Two bracelets. He said the solid one represented my strength, that he had noticed as we had talked earlier, after his band had played, and the spiral one, caught the light, representing the beauty of my spirit that managed to remain upbeat despite all of the heartache in my situation. We didn't do anything sexual with each other. We did talk more, for the short time that he was there with his troops, and kept in touch, for decades, after that. Our destinies, did not seem to align, to be together, romantically, but, Michael was a man, that saw, all, the amazing attributes, in me. He reminded me of them, during, many, hard times in my life, when he thought, I might be, losing sight of them, because I was going through so many, bad, things. He really was a, good, and caring, friend, to me, and I appreciated that, so much!

I barely noticed, other families, moving out of the old barracks that we were living in, while waiting for, better, base housing. When, I did see it happening, because a new friend, who I met while living there, would come to our door to say good-bye, when, they got their permanent base housing, I chalked it up to the fact that, she was married to an Army soldier, and that, since, this was, an Army base, perhaps, they, got, preferential, treatment. About the time that, another, family, with small children, arrived, to the barracks, and I overheard, and saw, the mother, combing lice out of her children's hair, after they had just used a product to try to rid them of a, family-wide, lice infestation, in the showers of the ladies' latrine, I started to really pay attention, to the fact that, I no longer saw, any, of the familiar faces, in the halls, bathroom, or kitchen, which, we were, all, sharing, while, we were here. There were, completely, different, people now. I told Tom about there being lice in the barracks now which is easily spread, and I began to question him about where exactly we were, on the Waiting List, for permanent housing. Fort Drum, was in, a real construction boom, while, we were there, and the, permanent, housing, being assigned now, was all, newly-built, quadruplex homes, each with their own private patio and yard. It would be a tremendous, and welcome, improvement, over living in this, old, bare-bones, military barracks! Tom updated me but only when I asked him, about, where, we were, on this Waiting List; saying that, they just weren't to our name, yet. Days, had become weeks, that had become months, and, families, who had come to the temporary housing barracks, long after we did, were also all gone, now, to brand new, never-lived-in, homes of their own, on base. I got more and more insistent about it. Tom's telling me to just be patient, and wait our turn, wasn't cutting it at all, with me, anymore. I thought he was just being too passive about this issue, by continuing to not get it addressed and resolved on our behalf.

I finally took matters into my own hands, and got the phone number for the office that managed the housing Waiting List, and called them, myself, to ask, what was the delay, with, our being assigned permanent housing? I was, stunned, confused, and angry, at their answer. I was told that, our name, had come up, to the top, of the list, to be assigned permanent housing, several times, already; but, that, each time, that it had, they had called the service member (in this case Tom) to let him know, and that he, had declined, the permanent housing, every single time! So he had been, playing me, lying to me, all this time! But, why? Despite our having the usual marital issues, that we had always had, which I have described in both blog posts about him, he had never spoken of, or initiated, divorce, or behaved as if he weren't going forward, with the plan, to move us into permanent housing on base. I was appalled, at what turned out to be the only, apparent, reason Tom had done this. This old barracks, was walking distance, to his weather unit, on base, but the permanent housing was over, on the other side, of the base, and, the base shuttle came through there, but since most people had cars, to get around in, it was only at bus stops on the perimeter, of the permanent housing area; meaning more of a walk, and a farther overall distance from Tom's unit. He did have an old car, but it wasn't well-maintained, so, by the time I joined him, we were without any, usable vehicle. We had to, walk, ride on the base shuttle bus, or, call cabs, to get around.

Tom had no problem, spending hundreds of dollars, collecting comic books, but he wouldn't save it for a car. Peter Pan priorities. He did this to us, to me, because he was, selfish, lazy, and, dealt poorly, with the, adult, realities, of life. I was furious, with him, for this, and told him in no uncertain terms, that he had better get us in permanent housing, ASAP, or he could move back to the barracks he was living in before we remarried, which was also not close walking distance to his unit, on the base. Honestly, looking back, and taking all things, into consideration, with him, I think it's entirely possible, for who Tom is, that he may have remarried me just to get, himself, into the temporary housing barracks, set aside for families, which he could not have qualified for, as a single sergeant. He needed a military dependent, to be able to access that closer location to the weather station he worked in. Lazy man's commute. (Or, boy's, in his case.) Tom, also stood to benefit, financially, by marrying me, since military members receive a pay increase, as part of their cost-of-living and housing allowances, when they marry. Tom never acted like he loved me, or said that he loved me, either time we were married. He wasn't affectionate toward me. He never wanted sex with me. I felt really used and manipulated now.
He knew, I was serious, though, about him, solving, this housing situation, for us.

We moved into a spacious, newly-constructed, home on base, soon after I put my foot down about it. It was a two-bedroom so, the spare bedroom, Tom devoted to his beloved comic book collection, lovingly, sorting them, into stacks, according to their value to him. The only reason, that I knew, Tom was capable of being loving, was because I watched him, interacting with these pieces of paper, that made him smile and his heart flutter with excitement. I do not exaggerate this. As his wife, I was well aware that, in his, mind, and heart, I was no competition, for Superman, Batman, and all of the other superheroes who were portrayed in those pages that he fondled with such affection and enthusiasm. There came a day, in this, second, marriage, that Tom, finally, did, actually strike me. Physically hit me, in the face. I called a base social worker for help, not realizing that it wouldn't be considered as confidential counseling, and they would actually have him arrested by base police, and jailed for a short time. He never should have struck me; and as someone who has been abused, many times, in many ways, over the course of my lifetime, I am tired, of being told, and treated like, the protection of the perpetrators of violence, and wrongdoing, matters more, in the general, societal, scheme of things than my being mistreated, and sometimes, damaged, by that, in various ways. This idea is due to it being a man's world, when it's all said and done. Whether communicated implicitly, or explicitly, it is a horrible legacy, to leave women, who are treated this way, by the men; that they love. That being said-- that, IT IS NEVER OKAY!-- Tom only struck me directly this one time, and it was a slap more than a punch. He put me though alot, in our relationship, and two marriages; but physical abuse wasn't something that was going on, between Tom and I. He had pulled that knife on me, once, and struck a wine glass, out of my hand, causing it to shatter in the bathtub that I had been sitting in trying to destress from all my disappointments with him. But, he was not punching me, choking me, breaking any bones or things like that.

Tom was also, not a bully. Nevertheless, he reacted like any male abuser toward a woman they have mistreated, that they then get into trouble themselves for doing that to. Rather than be contrite, apologetic or conciliatory toward me, his reaction to, the base MPs, showing up, at the weather station, to, arrest him, and take him away to jail, in handcuffs, was to be, absolutely livid, toward me, when, we spoke, on the phone, while he was incarcerated. He, apparently, used his privilege, to call someone, from jail, not just to let me know where he was, but to tell me how mad he was. Not, at himself, for hitting me, but, at me, because of his being in trouble, now, because, he had hit me. Men. I am sitting here, shaking my head, in disgust, and disbelief, at how, convoluted, their thinking is, in terms of, how women should be treated by them. Additionally insulting, in any conversations that I had with his formerly, pleasant-toward-me, commander, following this incident, I received cold, and uncooperative, communication from this man. A total reversal of his cordiality toward me, prior to this happening. Even his commander turned against me, now, after raving to me, previously, that the homemade pumpkin pie I had baked for a visit he had made to the base unit was the best he had ever had. All niceties, and smiles, toward me, until, the shit hit the fan, DUE TO TOM'S BEHAVIOR. I decided to leave Tom and go back to Omaha, because, not only my husband, was blaming me, for this happening, but the small Air Force unit, banded together, against me, as the gossip, about it-- and Tom's version, as the victim, here-- was told, among them. However, I wasn't getting any cooperation, from anyone, including, Tom, to be able to accomplish this, even though, he had been out of jail for awhile, now. I was being totally, and unfairly, ostracized. It really pissed me off. I finally felt that I had no choice, but to call 'the mother ship', Air Force Global Weather Central, at Offutt Air Force Base, back in Omaha, and tell them, the situation. They, were not happy, with Tom, his commander, or anyone else, involved, who were, refusing, to provide assistance, for me, to move, back to Omaha. Tom got extra pay, for being married, but I had NO access to ANY money, in the second marriage. I only did in the first marriage, because I was also legally responsible for his debts, when we'd married, which, he hadn't even told me he had, or that, virtually all of them were, delinquent, or in Collections, or somewhere, along that spectrum, of legal liability.

In the first marriage, I took over his finances, to solve all of that, and save his Air Force career. He had let me do that, because, he had NEEDED me to do that. This was now. Global Weather, told them that, Tom, had to provide me with dependent support, and that the unit needed to offer me assistance, with my moving back to Omaha. The next time I talked with Tom's commander after he had received these directives (that were nothing unusual; and he knew, on his own, I was entitled to, without my finally having to call AFGWC to get their help; but he was just being a prick), I could hear him literally clenching his teeth through every word, he spoke, as he suddenly offered help and cooperation, according to the regulations. It isn't a good idea to wrong me, abuse me, or piss me off, in any way, shape, or form. I weigh things out, and see more than I say about things; and, I bide my time. But when, I have-- finally-- had, ENOUGH, of someone's BULLSHIT, and my righteous indignation, rises up, to a boiling point, in me, I DO TAKE ACTION. Even if it's not 'pretty', or 'ladylike'. God, is on my side, in such situations, and I invite His wrath about it, to be made known, as well. He doesn't take kindly to people mistreating His children. You can BE SURE OF THAT. If you AREN'T sure of that, trust me-- He will MAKE you a BELIEVER. God is a God of RIGHTEOUSNESS and He knows it all. Some people, describe this, as 'KARMA'. Whatever, you choose to call it, it works!

I went back to dancing in an Omaha nightclub, but this time I didn't bother to get a divorce from Tom. I paid for our first one; I figured it was HIS turn, now. He got orders to go to the Middle East, but he was such a coward, that he did everything he could think of, to screw up; enough, that (he thought) they wouldn't send him. But, it seemed that the Air Force was pretty tired of babysitting Tom, during those years that it wasn't MY JOB to DO THAT, and perhaps, they even thought that this would help him to mature (good luck with that!), but I doubt that it would; or did. I actually met a military guy in the club one night, and we got to talking about his training troops, to go overseas, to the Middle East conflict zones. I told him about Tom, and--  he remembered him!-- out of all the hundreds of guys he had to deal with in that job. The reason he did, was because he kept having to discipline Tom, for being uncooperative and problematic, during that training. He said that he had seen alot of, immaturity, in Tom, but that, he DID MAKE SURE that, TOM WENT, in spite of all that. Because, I didn't initiate our second divorce, but I simply went on with my life, while enjoying, the full military dependent benefits-- which I figured, I had more than earned, being, married to this boy-- Tom's mother did it, for him, while he was overseas. She, was afraid that, he might, be killed, over there, and I was, still, his legal spouse, which entitled me to certain things. I didn't resist it, or delay it, when, she, started the process. The divorce papers got served, on me, at my apartment, and I, always, signed them, and, sent them back, as soon, as they came. In the meantime, I tried, a few times, to send care packages to Tom just to help him deal better with his intense dislike of having to be there. I knew it had to be hard for someone like him to handle. He always put, RETURN TO SENDER on it, so they came back to me, unopened. So, I re-sent them to ANY SERVICEMEMBER, and got several very nice letters of appreciation from servicemen, for those boxes. I had sent Tom NICE things, so they were REALLY ENJOYED, by the OTHERS that I re-sent them to, over there. The second divorce, eventually, came through. I went on with my life in Omaha. We didn't keep in touch. Tom, was done, with me, and I was done, with Tom. I had done so much for him, and I had received so little back from him. He wasn't worth it. I didn't want to be a boy's mother. Not, as, his wife!


** mysticism - belief that union with or absorption into the Deity or the absolute, or the spiritual apprehension  of knowledge  inaccessible  to the intellect, may be attained through contemplation and self-surrender. [Also reference my blog post:] Samantha Vincenty provides another good resource to learn more about mystics in 'Signs You Might Be A Mystic'. The link to her post is Here is a quote, from that:  "Who can be a mystic?  According to Starr, a mystic can be a bartender or a bus driver or a schoolteacher or a journalist—it's got nothing to do with your external life  and everything  to do with  internal  experience. 'A mystic is an ordinary person  who does ordinary things  and experiences these moments of profound  union with  The Source',  Starr says." I assert, based on my own life experience, that the list of 'ordinary people' even includes a nightclub dancer. Me.

*** rhema - a spoken Word from God imparted by His Holy Spirit, which is often more specific to the individual(s), it is given to, compared to, the Logos Word, of God, which is His scripture, His written Word, that is given to everyone on Earth.

**** 'Here are 10 reasons most people can’t handle an empath', by Lachlan Brown ; '10 Reasons Why It's So Difficult For An Empath To Get Into A Serious Relationship' by Brianna Wiest; 'Why  Many  Empaths Struggle       To       Hold       Down       Relationships'       by       Alex       Myles: "They  tend  to  attract people who  want  to be   saved,  not  people who  want  to be  loved.  The classic relationship issue that an empath will face is  the one  they have  with a  narcissist – people who have  a deep desire to help others  are magnets  for people who  want to just receive their light, and not give anything back.";  "Being intimately involved with someone can lead empaths to burn out,  as in relationships  they are known to  give far more  of  themselves than they should give. If there isn’t an equal energy exchange, they often become emotionally depleted. There are many reasons for relationships starting or ending. However, when it involves an empath, the chances of them working out long-term seem to be far lower, which is  part of  the reason  a lot of empaths are introverts who choose to stay single. . . . It is common  for empaths  to become so invested in their  partner’s  well-being  that they  neglect  taking  care  of themselves. . . . risking  their  own  emotional,  mental,  or  physical  health. . . . It  is  imperative empaths recognise that  their compassion  and nurturing abilities  can sometimes lead to  self-harm, because  as the saying goes,  'You can’t  drink from  an empty cup.'  It is vital that empaths replenish themselves  before they pour their energy into anyone else."