Words fail me.
Normally, that statement, would make even me laugh, as I am, almost never, at a loss for words. That, is a good thing, for a writer; although, sometimes, the words fill up my head until I feel like I'll drown, in them, before I can transfer them, onto the page that I'm writing. Thoughts, descriptions, observations, revelations, . . . a snippet, of a poem, or song lyric. They come into my consciousness quickly, and if not seized there, can simply vanish into the universal consciousness, where I may, or may not, ever encounter them, again. I believe that creativity, in any form, has to be, captured, as much as, channeled. We often, hear songwriters say, that they don't feel they wrote the lyrics to their song, themselves, because it felt more like they were, being gifted with the words-- like a download, into their consciousness, from, something, beyond themselves. Today, is not, that day, where that happens, for me, though, with, my, writing. Right now, as I sit here, staring at this screen, I am thinking . . .
Oh, there's still a LOT to say about my life and what I have somehow managed to live through-- so far, anyway. But, I just can't 'go there', right now. I've definitely been through some bad stuff, in my life, but even the worst of it doesn't compare to the sheer terror that, Ukrainians, are being exposed to, every single second, of every day, since the evil-intentioned intruders entered their homeland and began to kill civilians, including, little, children, and destroy structures, like, homes, and hospitals. I'm sitting here, shaking my head. I can't even fathom their fatigue. Or truly know, what this level, of trauma, is like, for them. Or, wipe their tears. I just keep shaking my head, in disgust that they are being put through this, and that-- sure enough-- despite, ALL, the, historical, and, hysterical, outcries, of, "NEVER AGAIN!" that go back for decades, since World War 2 ended, history is repeating itself, in plain sight, right before the anxious eyes of the whole world. Scary stuff!
I am not minimizing my own problems, in this post, by any means. Some of them have left me traumatized for life and definitely living life as a damaged soul. Even so, there is just no comparison, to the PURE HORROR of what is going on, now, in Ukraine. I honestly had to MAKE MYSELF sit here to write, today, because I would normally be watching the news, now, and, almost, nonstop, since this, nightmare, started. I even have literal NIGHTMARES about it, when I finally have to give in to sleep, which I try to put off, long enough, to feel as sure as I can be, that Ukraine will make it through the night as the free country that it is, and is fighting to stay.
I am starting to cry, typing that. EVERYTHING, IS AT STAKE, for them. NO part of their lives is UNTOUCHED, by this TRAGEDY. There are not words, which can even convey, how, despicable, and inhumane, I think Putin is. When, I hear people say, may someone ROT IN HELL, I always think it sounds so extreme, because every human being supposedly has a soul. I say supposedly because I just find it nearly impossible to believe that Putin HAS one. I, fantasize, now, about HIM, having to, endure, POISONING, and TERROR, and TORMENT, the very likes of which, HE has so, cynically, and callously, and coldly, bid Russians to do in his name. Even when some of them haven't wanted to, but did so under duress. He cares about no one. Not even, his own people. He has moved up, on my list, of people that I LOATHE.
For weeks now, I have spent most of my waking hours 'watching and praying', as the Christian religion teaches us to do. I've been watching the news, tracking the war in Ukraine, and also praying, that their, charismatic, and inspirational, leader, President Zelenskyy, stays alive, as well as praying for the safety of the Ukrainian people, praying that God sends a Heavenly host, of His angels, to surround them, and do miraculous intervention on their behalf, praying that God puts a righteous 'fear of God' in the attackers, and sends them running away, out of this, free, and once, peaceful, country, that they have invaded, for no good reason, praying that God does, for the Ukrainians, what, He did, for David, when, he stood up, against Goliath, and even praying that God KILL PUTIN. Wouldn't, the WHOLE WORLD, be better off, without, despots, dictators, and dicks? Unless someone as bad, as him, or worse, took his place, the Russian people would be much better off with a new leader, also. Someone that told them the truth, hopefully, instead of lies, like now.
I also know enough eschatology, to be, highly concerned, about, what is going on, right now. Yes, as a, Christian, believer, I look forward to, Eternity, with, the Lord. But, it doesn't mean, that, I'm in a hurry, to get there, either. Eternity, after all, is forever, and I still have some things that I hope to accomplish and achieve, in this Earthly life, before, my time comes. I know, my life, is in God's Hands, and that is fine, with me! It's also comforting. But, even the Apostle Paul spoke of 'nourishing and cherishing' our own flesh (Ephesians 5:29) which leads to being healthier and increasing our lifespan, normally. He also spoke of his feeling 'torn between' living longer in this life on Earth, and going Home to be with the Lord (Philippians 1:23). Because the nuclear capability is present to potentially destroy the planet, that we are all currently on, Biblical prophecies, of the End Times, come into greater focus as well. After, learning this, the hard way, in years past, I refuse to get into any of the, pointless, debates, however, about pre-, mid-, or post-Tribulation theories, as far as the Rapture and Jesus' return to Earth, because the bottom line is, NO ONE REALLY KNOWS the day or the hour (Matthew 24), EXCEPT God Himself. The Bible CLEARLY STATES that. NOT EVEN JESUS KNOWS! He simply, waits, in, continuing, obedience, to His Father, for when the time comes that He is sent to Earth, again.
I could be cynical, at this point in my life, and say that, just based on the results of my life, so far, there's probably a high likelihood that it won't be long before, I will have to 'bend over and kiss my ass good-bye', as they say about what would most likely occur if nuclear war happens. A-- worldwide-- 'dark night of the soul'. One of the most utilized 'coping' traits, human beings use, is 'burying our head in the sand'; simply not dealing with something unpleasant, to us, through refusing to acknowledge, either, its presence, or, its possibility. Pure denial! People put on blinders, to avoid having to deal with something scary, far into the scenarios that led to World War 2. Not only did, doing that, not prevent that war, it allowed it to develop in the early stages, gain strength, then begin, outright, and continue, for years. I actually had well-meaning Christians say to me that I wouldn't get Covid just because I am a Christian and pray. There is a list of top tier Christian pastors and evangelists that got Covid and died from it by thinking that way. Foolish men. Jesus told us in Matthew 4:7, “It is also written: ‘Do not put the Lord your God to the test.’” Although, I do pray, too, I believe that the reason I haven't caught this potentially deadly virus is because of wearing masks, avoiding crowds and indoor spaces, social distancing anytime I'm around other people and getting vaccinated. I have heard that, God won't do for us what we can do, for ourselves. His Word is also Truth, and it's our responsibility, to know what it says, and "rightly divide it". (2 Timothy 2:15) This means to correctly teach the Word of Truth. The Ukrainians are praying, and alot of us the world over are also praying, for them, but they are fighting for their country, often in cold, and snowy conditions, with every ounce of their strength and courage, with every drop of their blood and sweat, and with all available weapons, they can get their hands on. A real, David and Goliath, battle!
I, still, remember, the day at school, in ninth grade I believe it was, that we were ushered into this classroom that had a projector set up to show a film. At first we were really happy, because films were, usually, something upbeat. A nice change, from staring at the blackboard. When they weren't that, such as being something boring, to us, we snuck notes, across the room, to the person we currently had a crush on, because the lights were darkened in the classroom in order to show the film. The teacher, did not tell us, what the film was about. We took our seats. The lights went down, the film began and we sat there in silent shock at what we saw. News footage-- meaning that, what we were seeing-- with our own eyes-- for the first time, in our, young, unworldly, lives, was something-- REAL! THAT ACTUALLY HAPPENED! It was footage of the atomic bombs which were dropped on Japan by our country. Teenagers, are boisterous, and giggly, at that age, normally. None of us said anything, as we watched this horror. We couldn't look away. Suddenly the world that was little more to us, at that age, than going steady and getting asked to the homecoming game, by our current crush, became, very, large, very, scary, and, very, threatening. The teacher said nothing, for that entire class. As the film ended, and the lights came up, and the bell rang, to change classes, we filed out, silently, and sadly, still in shock. Our young brains, were trying to, grasp the idea, that human beings could-- and DID!-- DO THIS . . . to ONE ANOTHER! But, WHY? We, could not imagine, human beings being angry enough to annihilate someone. This world suddenly became a very sad, and sobering, place, to carefree children.
Can you imagine, heading to the kitchen, for a cup of coffee, and this happens?
I have been through some truly traumatizing events in my life, that have damaged me and made me hard to deal with in ways, and therefore, less 'lovable' as well. It is what it is. I am a, living, breathing, testimony of God's Grace, that I'm even still WANTING to LIVE. Many people including those who have been through less than I have, in their lives, did not survive, through either circumstance or choice. My own brother killed himself-- shooting himself in the heart with a gun while on the phone with a young woman, that was a friend of his, but, had a boyfriend, that she loved. Unable to handle his heartache anymore, after 40 years of 'Friend Zone' rejections, by females, my brother took his own life but made her listen. I hate to think of the emotional trauma, that this, poor woman, was left with, for the rest of her life, and possible guilt, although, it was, in no way, her fault. Human emotions are often not rational; though as a species, we try to pretend they have their basis in fact, more than they do. We humans are such silly creatures! We are far more emotional than logical. The Ukrainians are, admirably, channeling, their emotions, into the defense of their homeland. Many of the videos, coming out of this country, have moved me to tears. A child, singing, "Let It Go", in an underground bunker. Citizens, standing in front of Russian tanks, trying to push them back, out of their besieged city, with their bare hands-- and getting the tanks to GO! The, grandmother, in her, kerchief, holding, her beloved cat, protectively, against her maternal bosom, with one hand, while 'giving the finger', with her other hand, symbolically 'flipping him off', as she says "FUCK PUTIN!" The courage and defiance of these people is inspiring, to me.
Many people have carried their pets in their own arms, for days, for many miles, to try to get to safety. Some have had to leave their animals behind. You can be sure that innocent animals are being bombed, injured or killed, and are starving. Loving and loyal, fur babies, of these families, should, never, have to suffer, in such ways!
Someone did this artwork to honor the pets of Ukraine, expressing a PLEA!
It is clear that, one way, or the other, this has to be stopped. Right now, innocent citizens of Ukraine, from very young, to very old, are paying the price, for Putin's aggression, against their land. Only God knows, how many, of the world's people, will, also, be paying a price, for this situation, before it is all said and done. From higher gas prices, to the possibility of nuclear war, it is already affecting everyone everywhere, to some extent. One man, is managing to, effectively, hold the world hostage, as leaders the world over try to figure out how best to solve this, to end this, without, provoking, Putin, to use far worse weapons than he is already using on these Ukrainians that have done NOTHING to DESERVE ANY OF THIS. Even so, he MUST be STOPPED. Not just, for Ukraine's sake, although, morally, that should be reason enough. There is that saying, "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." Putin, must be stopped, because he will not stop on his own, if left unchecked to do as he wills and wishes. His ultimate dream is the full restoration of the Soviet "empire", as he has called it. He denies this but he lies, and actions, speak louder, than words. I believe, he has some prearranged plans with and assurances from, China's Xi, also, in this matter, which will become known to the world when they think it is advantageous for them to, finally, reveal, and execute, it. If they do join forces, either militarily or economically, that will be very bad for the world. The world, as we know it, would likely cease to exist, then.