Showing posts with label broken heart. Show all posts
Showing posts with label broken heart. Show all posts

Sunday, December 31, 2023

Not 'Happily Ever After' But It Is 'The End'

. . . of this blog.

Christmas Eve 2023

Every Christmas in the past, I was always drawn to the light emanating from the Christmas tree, as I sat alone, in the otherwise dark room, late at night, sending my silent prayers and wishes to God for what I hoped that my future would hold. Those deep desires always had something to do with love. Coming from a family that was not warm or affectionate, and never truly finding love with anyone else, I've felt 'love-starved', my entire life. So many years passed, with no one special in my life of any kind, that those have now become decades, that I'm well aware almost equal an entire expected lifespan for a human being. I just never found a reciprocal relationship to fill the hole in my soul where a mutual love needs to be to heal my badly broken heart. That, intrinsic, human need has remained unmet.  This year, I have felt more hopeless about it happening, than any time in my life.

So, I suppose it's symbolic that, this year, I managed to take my new 6' artificial Christmas tree out of the box, assemble it, and even make an admirable attempt to make the branches look somewhat more realistic, which, I only did because of  a friend's encouragement that I do so, who said, it would bring me some "hope", but I can find no motivation in me whatsoever to put the lights or decorations on it. It is sitting unlighted and unadorned, in the corner of this very room, as I type this; mostly enveloped by the darkness rather than emanating a hopeful glow, as the only light in the house is coming from this computer screen that I'm sitting in front of as I type this. The outside of my home is just as dark, visually creating a black hole of sorts, on a street that is otherwise showcasing each neighbor's light displays for the holiday season. I can't seem to motivate to do any better. I can't muster any hope. I don't know if I am depressed, despondent, or just realistic as  I acknowledge to myself and now to you here that, at this point, I don't think my life is suddenly going to become more of what I've always needed or longed for it to be, since it never has before in all this time, even though I've prayed a lifetime of prayers about that very thing finally happening for me. Why try? It is what it is.
There seems to be a permanent disconnect, between the desires of my heart and how my life actually goes. I simply cannot believe that I will ever have a, 'happily ever after', at this point. No prayer that I've ever prayed, nothing I've ever done, has helped the situation, or made this much-needed miracle ever happen for me.

I don't know why God made me and put me on this earth but it just doesn't seem to have anything to do with my loving and being loved by someone special. Satan seems to have won, by blocking any real love that might have ever come my way, otherwise. I'm resigned to it, at this point. I really have lost all hope that Disney's strongly implied promise, of 'happily ever after', that every little girl seems to buy into from a very young age, has any part whatsoever in my destiny. I just started to tear up as I began to type this next statement: I feel like completely 'damaged goods', that is just not lovable. As painful and distressing as that is, I can't 'fix' it, because I've tried, all I know to do about it, over the course of my lifetime. When it is all said and done, God created me, to be, uniquely, me, and I have to be true to that-- who, and what, that is-- even though, it seems to make me less lovable.

I am a survivor and, so far, I have managed to find some way to keep putting one foot in front of the other, continuing my pilgrimage on this planet. I'm hoping that something about me will bring God glory, since I was His idea. As far as my hopes and dreams, that are smashed to smithereens by all the blows they have suffered over the years, it is simply a fact that, most of my life is behind me now, because I'll be 68 years old, this coming February. It feels too late, and I feel too tired, for 'special', to happen, for me, now. I'd love to be proved wrong about that, though.

I live with both my faults and my qualities 24/7, and all things considered I really like me, even though, who, and what, that is doesn't seem to win me 'the popular vote', in situations where people prefer to be more insincere and superficial. I am far more honest than most people, which makes them uncomfortable, but I don't want to be fake to be befriended. I'm a very genuine-- what you see, is what you get-- person. I am also very funny, love to laugh, and dance around, and sing out loud. I love to feel free to be me, whether I am alone or with others. Even though I have genuine compassion I finally learned that I need to set boundaries because other people drained me dry due to my giving nature to the point of total burnout for me. I had to realize that the one person I needed to advocate for, and nurture, was myself, which I was totally neglecting, while thinking that someone sometime would at least finally reciprocate all the loving care that I gave them, which never happened. I love so selflessly and deeply, when I love, that I have to try to guard my heart because people with wrong motives sense or see that about me and will exploit it for their own purposes that usually have nothing to do with caring about me in return. I barely survived the experience the last time I loved someone, and  I definitely don't want to risk that again, with them, or with anyone like them. If I don't match the description I just gave of myself, to people interacting with me, it is because I have walls up protecting myself due to either not knowing or trusting them. I usually start out giving people the benefit of the doubt, showing them my friendly, funny, nature, but if I see that they don't respect or value that in me I go behind my wall of cool reserve or cordial aloofness; and in the case of people who mistreat me in some way, I avoid them, all I can, and when I can't do that, I stay shut down as completely as possible around them in order to try to protect myself.

When I was beginning this blog, almost 5 years ago, now, I had to give it a title. I finally decided on what I did (Ascent Through The Dark Night Of The Soul: My Life Reflections) because I had felt, at the time, that even though I have gone through some really difficult things, I would, ultimately, triumph over these things at some point (whether that was due to a miracle, or perhaps by my sheer determination), eventually coming out of the long dark night of the soul into the light and life that I have always longed for and needed. However, at this point I not only do not feel like I have been 'ascending' no matter how hard I've tried, but I feel like I haven't even ever really gotten off the ground despite still managing to 'crash and burn'. I just don't have the stamina anymore to keep enduring so much in life that is truly discouraging to me and still manage to find optimism about the ultimate outcome.

I am tired. I am damaged. I am broken in a way that feels 'beyond repair', at this point. The naivete of youth wore off decades ago. There's just nothing left, in me, that believes things will ever get any better. A lot of people live lives without love. I had hoped against hope that I would not be one of those, but the reality is that,  I have been for whatever reason. Destiny? A curse? I marvel at how some people seem to lead such charmed lives in comparison to my own with almost all of their dreams coming true for them. I would not even know how to act, if that had ever happened for me, because I have almost no experience with that, in my own life.

On Christmas Day, I set my stack of tissues beside me to wipe my runny nose if I cried during the Hallmark holiday movies that I watched back-to-back all day long as I sat on the sofa in my pajamas and robe, but I never did cry, once, that whole day. I had cried at some point during almost every romantic movie that I watched all season, up until that point. I just felt numb now. Like love that culminated in a 'happily ever after' was some concept that had nothing at all to do with me or my life. I long ago started living my life in 'the bachelor(ette) mode' because of being by myself all these years with no one to do things for or to impress, so my choice for Christmas dinner may sound somewhat elegant but it was far from it. I looked in the freezer, and the pantry, when I got hungry, before deciding to have, salmon and Asian Brussels sprouts. This meal wasn't plated in a festive holiday pairing for my dining pleasure, though. It was actually a small pouch of flaked fish, that I ate right out of the package that it came in after I tore the top off, and frozen sprouts from Walmart with soy sauce poured over them, that I ate right from the pan that I cooked them in. Even the gingerbread that I had for dessert was from a box and I mixed it up right in the pan I baked it in to avoid dirtying a bowl. All the things I had bought to bake homemade treats, like I used to, are still sitting in the pantry. I had also bought all the ingredients to make a brand-new recipe for an entree I'd seen online, which I still have because I just wasn't motivated to make it after all. Considering the way that I have felt for a while now I was just proud of myself for even getting up and being willing to deal with a new day at all, because I stopped believing, there is ever going to be one in which my dreams will finally come true. 

I don't make 'New Year's Resolutions' anymore, because, as is the case with most people, those, don't seem to last, beyond mid-February. I have realized, however, that for me to have any real chance of finding more happiness than I have, so far, in my life, I have to do something different. That is one of the main reasons that I am not going to continue writing this blog. This, will be my last post. I have sat in front of this (now, very, old, and tired) desktop computer for nearly 5 years, now, spending a lot of hours typing these, often quite long, posts, and crying a lot, as I relive to recount all these things in my life that have contributed to my 'dark night of the soul'. This, final, post will be the 90th one that I have toiled, and teared up, over, for this blog. Most of these blog posts have not been easy for me to write for various reasons, but this month's is even more difficult, because it will be my very last one, so I have to decide, what I still need to say, or not say, here. It is now or never, for that. I just don't think it is realistic for me to keep writing this blog that by its very title indicates that I think I will eventually have a 'happily ever after' at some point, when, I no longer think that I will. I'm just hoping I can survive, now.

It would really be amazing, though, if I changed how I live my life and did end up finding real love finally, and I owe it to myself to make an effort to do that, rather than not even try. Surely, God put at least one person on the planet that is meant to be with me. They won't come, knocking on my door, so I have to go find them.
They say that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. I really need for so many things to be different, in my life. It's become all too obvious to me that unless or until I do things differently, I will continue getting the same results, and not have any hope, that these aspects of my life can ever get any better than they have been. I really feel the impact of every day being a gift to me, now that I'm a senior citizen. I also feel that a large majority of the days of my life that are already spent and gone have been wasted by me while I, passively, waited, and prayed, and hoped against hope that things would finally fall into place. That did not happen, so I need to spend my time and energy doing all I can to find-- and live-- the life I have always dreamed of rather than sitting here alone in front of this computer writing about why I don't have it. After all, it isn't just going to come to me while I sit here, isolated and unfulfilled.  I have had almost 5 years of writing this blog to figure that out. I am not getting what I need or want this way. I'm in a downward spiral, that I need to pull out of.

I started writing this blog in February of 2019. I had never blogged before. It was started for only one reason-- my counselor at the VA (I'm a veteran) told me that  I should write down these stories from my life so I could process them, and make peace with them, as much as possible. She didn't specify what way to write them. I had done a lot of journaling in notebooks with a pen prior to that, which had not seemed to help me 'make peace with things' very much, if at all. All I had to show for that was a stack of old notebooks, and writer's cramp. Typing on a keyboard is so much easier, so I began to pray, about whether I should start writing a blog, to do as my counselor had advised me. I told God that if I did this, I was going to be honest about everything, because, otherwise, it would not really resolve anything. The Bible says, "You shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free."  (John 8:32) I believe that it honors God when we are truthful about things. He IS Truth.

When I felt like God was saying to write it, I created this blog and gave the VA the link to it for my counselor to be able to access it. Then, I sat at this very keyboard that has served me well in writing all these posts and that now has keys that stick as I type, and I started pouring out my broken heart about all the disappointment, damage, and despair, that I have been so deeply affected by, throughout my life. I wrote about the things that weren't the happier moments, because those were the ones that I needed to (try to) come to terms with. Some were really hard to write. Alot of tears fell as I wrote about those things, and I even had anxiety attacks as I wrote about some of the things that have traumatized me. The portrait of me, and my life, that they painted, was not a pretty picture, for so many reasons, including because of my own sin, and shortcomings. It took alot for me to be as transparent as I have been in these posts. I cannot even begin to calculate how many hours of my life I have sat here in front of this computer screen typing all these blog posts. My hope is that, in some way or other, what I have shared here will help others, in their lives, whether that is because they have been through similar things or other reasons. When we can turn our pain into purpose, it can help us, and others, heal.

I have often turned some of my pain into poems, to try to purge it from my heart. I wrote a lot of them about, love, longing, and heartbreak. I said that I would put more of them in my blog along the way, so I am including the ones below to fulfill that promise, since this is my last post. I don't know the dates that I wrote them.

Memories On My Mind  

I don't wanna have him on my mind.
He's gone but my brain just hits rewind.
It makes me relive my broken heart,
From the end all the way back to the start.
It has been really hard to take.
I keep on seeing my mistakes.
I wish it was different but it's not.
This broken heart is all I've got.
How can I make these memories go?
There must be some way that I don't know.
It hurts to remember all that pain.
I don't want to feel all that again.
He was my Heaven and my Hell.
There's really nothing more to tell.
So, what makes these memories haunt my soul?
Why can't I seem to get control?
He's gone but in my mind I see,
Him standing here in front of me.

The Heart Whisperer

He was the heart whisperer,
Taming my wild heart,
Like no one else had or could.

It's All In Your Mind

Who gets to decide, if what you feel,
Is just a crush, or something real?
I've been through that, and it's not fun.
They start a fire, and then they run.
They use their head to judge my heart,
When it is, clearly, torn apart.
They twist the tale, and say a lot,
To make it seem, like it was not,
A special thing, if just for me,
Because there never was a 'we'.
Making sure, they take no blame,
Because for them, it was a game.
They make the truth be redefined.
 When it's not in their heart,
"It's all In your mind."

Feeling The Loss
free verse

I've lost more than I ever had.
Got my heart broke without ever being loved.
Sometimes it really seems like,
 I get none of the good and all of the bad.
I wish my heart had never cared.
I can't control the things it feels.
It holds me prisoner sometimes,
When I want to be free of the pain.
It can be a real bully,
Stopping my smile and stealing my joy,
Leaving me bleeding and broken in spirit,
Because of its unceasing blows.
Why can't my heart be my friend,
Instead of an enemy that tells me such lies?
It can be so untrustworthy and cruel.
I don't ever want to love again,
Unless their heart is sharing the risk, as well.
One-way love is no love at all.
Just another way to have a heartbreak.
Who needs that? Not me, for sure,
But my sadistic heart set me up to fall,
And I fell so hard that,
I shattered into a million pieces
That all still believed the love was right, and real.
The heart can be a very convincing liar.
All it brought me was the loss of someone,
That I never even had.
Hateful heart, hurting me,
When that was the last thing that I needed.

Heart Of Gold 

You gotta love 'heart of gold' people.
They make this cruel world safe,
For those of us with broken hearts
To come out of our dark place,
To the light of their love,
They kindly share with us,
While we find our way again,
And slowly learn to trust.
God bless all the 'heart of gold' people.
I'm grateful to them all,
For taking time to be for me,
A soft place I can fall.
I would not have made it
This far if not for them.
They listen without judgement,
And try to understand.
They really are my heroes,
Helping me get through,
The things that nearly crushed me,
That this world has put me through.

This life is not easy. Everyone has their share of heartache and unmet needs they have to deal with; at least, at some point in their lives. I hoped that my mistakes and failures, that I described in these posts, along with all the other things that I spoke of here, would help someone else to avoid the brokenness in their own life.  I wondered what my readers' lives were like, and I felt like they (I just teared up, typing this sentence) were newfound friends, that had come alongside me, on my journey. I knew they could judge me-- even harshly, for some of the things that I shared here; but I also knew that so many of us long for someone to just be 'real' in this world. So few people seem to be comfortable telling the truth! Truth, is the thing that never really goes away, so whether it is comfortable, or uncomfortable, to live with, it's factual, it's real, it's solid, and it's never-changing. It doesn't shift like it feels when we are standing on sand, so it makes a strong foundation. I can cope with it better than I can with lies and 'spin doctoring', and manipulation and fake stuff. For me to feel secure with a person, or in a place, I have to know, who people really are and what I am actually dealing with. It is anxiety-producing and even excruciating, to not have any idea, about these things. It torments my soul.

I sat here reading through a few of my posts, late last night, that some unknown reader had chosen, from almost 90 posts, to read, in the last couple of days. The ones they selected, were mostly about my describing things not working out with men in my life and how I had been mistreated by men. Some were messy from a formatting perspective (which I was too tired to correct, last night, but have done so now), and some were 'messy' due to all the emotions those posts expressed. I read those old posts, with somewhat fresh eyes, because they were, mostly, from 2019, the first year, I started writing this blog, and one post was from a couple of years ago. They were all very long posts, so I wondered how much of that deluge of my descriptions the reader had stuck with and why they were so curious about those past parts of my life. Two of them were about my second husband Jim, who I'd referred to as 'the one man that I would love forever' until one other man that I encountered came along, and changed that, by making it two men, I've felt that way about, in my entire life, as he left Jim in his dust, because, he was the better man, of the two. No one else had ever been able to do that, to my heart, in all 40 years, since I gave Jim my heart and then he broke it so badly. So, naturally I did not think that anyone ever could do that, so I didn't see that coming. Of course, I got my heart broken-- the worst I ever have, by far-- but I learned, how deeply, I could actually care about someone, and that was a revelation to me about myself. I'd never felt anything like that, before, or even anything close to it. Even for Jim.

As I read about my relationship with Jim, last night, I saw it so differently, now. I was only 24 when I met him, and he was over a year younger than me, I think. I had expected him to be more of a man, when it was clear he was still so much of  a boy. More than that, though, as I read, I saw how broken I was even back then and I wondered how anyone that damaged could, or would, ever be loved by any man. Jim did do some really wonderful things for me that brought me some deep and lasting healing. The sexual healing that he gifted me with opened up options, for my future, that I likely would not have had without that relationship with him.  Because of his skill in the sack, I went from being, sexually shut down, from rape trauma, to 'running hot', in my sexuality. He connected me to that part of myself. 

If a woman is lucky enough to find a truly talented man, sexually speaking, like I did, with Jim, his being a great lover will awaken that, dormant, sexual, part of a woman, to herself, and when that happens, she can never go back again, to what is generally settled for, as 'regular sex' with a man. The 'Wham, bam, thank you, ma'am', quick stuff, selfishly done, and over with, by a man, in mere minutes. It  is impossible to settle for that once you know, how great, the difference is, being in bed with a man who totally turns you on, and takes you to a place of pleasure beyond anything you could conceive before. The lack, of sexual skill, that far too many men never bother to improve on, can't 'turn the ignition on and rev up the engine' in a woman's body and soul before it's over, which is why a lot of women do not like, and therefore avoid, sex. It is not fun, or fulfilling, for them! Sadly, if that's all they have ever known with a man, they don't even realize that the men have never taken them to the place of bliss that, their body is capable of feeling.
I'm forever grateful to Jim, for that one thing alone. Many women never get that.
Even so, I would never want him back because I still vividly remember how badly he treated me when we weren't having sex with one another and how he made it clear to me that everyone else in his life always mattered more to him than I did.

It's clear that I need a man whom I haven't met yet, and I'm hoping the changes that I plan to make in my life will lead to me meeting someone that will prove, to me, that they respect me and value me, which, neither, of the other two men did, based on how badly they treated me, at times. No woman wants a man who does not respect her and isn't honest with her. I know I don't. I underlined part of this: 

Sometimes taking care of the self means we have to let go of relationships that are causing us harm, pain, frustration, and spiritual inflammation.​​​​​​​​ When it comes to letting go, it helps to consciously accept that none of us ever let go because we want to. Letting go is always painful. We let go because the person we trusted has acted in a way that has caused us to understand that the trust we once had is gone. We let go because we understand that the person we care for does not value who we are. We let go because, no matter how many times we have tried to resolve an issue, the issue never gets resolved. We let go because the relationship and communication between us and the other is too painful--it is unbalanced--one-sided--and or abusive.​​​​​​​​ - Lisa A. Romano, Breakthrough Life Coach

I don't know if I will ever, truly, be loved, by anyone, but I am at least open to the possibility. By the time I read those blog posts, last night, I saw myself as just too damaged to ever be loved, though. (I felt tears in my eyes, just typing that.) So, I think I may be on the right track by simply hoping to find a good lover with sex as the focus, not love. Even that will be a challenge for me to find, though. In my age group there is a much bigger chance that a man will have a health condition that's affecting his ability to function sexually, such as, erectile dysfunction, and prostate trouble. I don't want a man to have to take a pill, to get hard, for me. I have been
celibate for so many years now that, I have no idea how my body will be, sexually speaking, as a, post-menopausal woman. I only have my vibrator use to indicate I still have a very strong sexual desire but I don't know how I would do with a man.

I am still open to meeting men, but I think that I want it to stay lighthearted, and fun, and not turn into something that can put me through the HELL of heartbreak, again. I love to laugh! I have a good sense of humor, but I am also a very serious person, so it is actually not that easy to get me to laugh. The Bible even says that "A merry heart doeth good like a medicine" (Proverbs 17:22).  I truly believe that, God prescribes laughter, and joy, for us to be our healthiest, and happiest. That is what I long for. Lots of laughter (and sex; but, hopefully, not at the same time)! I want to have some fun at this point in my life, because my life hasn't been alot of fun overall. It really is now or never for me to have happiness in my life. I am still not sure how to find it though, and it hasn't exactly found me. Below is something that I posted online about a year ago that is an example of my love of writing and my sense of humor. This guy posted the following with the picture of the cats. . . .

Album cover. Go …

I love captioning photos! The 'creative writer' in me comes out to play! So, I wrote the following captions, for the 'album cover' photograph of the cats group. The top line of each set would be the name of the band of cats, and the lower is the album title, for each set. I referenced the photo directly, to match the mood. This kind of thing is so much fun for me! I love accessing my creative expression. It flexes me.

Deb Robinson
December 8, 2022

Hairball Hellions
Coming For Your Catnip

Mean Mousers
The Last Of Nine Lives

Stray Cats
I Ain't Yo Pet

Beantoes Band
I Ain't No Pussy

Feral Felines
Keep Your Fleas To Yourself

Someone that can make me laugh is the number one thing that I need in a man to live as joyfully as possible regardless of whatever unknowns life may have in store for me. Jim, my first real love, did not make me laugh, but I did not realize at that young age how important that special attribute is in a man. I know it now, though, because, the only other man I have ever really loved, did make me laugh-- often-- and it was a wonderful thing, that I truly appreciated, about him, and have missed a lot. However, he was very disrespectful toward me, a liar at times and extremely manipulative, which are all huge turn offs to me, in a person, so I wouldn't be able to ever trust him, and wouldn't want somebody like that in my life, even if I could.
As silly as it may sound, a hairy chest, would be the second most important thing, to me, about a man. Bald chests on males looks like boys not men, to me. A hairy chest on a man turns me on in very primal ways, that I can't even articulate here, because it would start to sound more like I was writing porn! It is not possible, for me, to be attracted to a man that's slick-chested. A hairy chest on a man is one of the main attributes of the male body which emphasizes the absolute asset of their having masculinity in comparison to my femininity. It's contrast. Vive la différence!
That being said, though, a man might have other things about him which are deal breakers. As an example, I love watching a lot of the videos, online, of John Noble (who goes by Jdaddy74) dancing, but besides the fact that he is a happily married family man, I have seen his camo clothes, for hunting, and the animal heads hung on the walls behind him, in those same videos, and all those things would prevent me from ever having an actual relationship with him if it were even possible to do.

Nobody is perfect, including me, but for a man to be, the perfect one for me, they have to have some specific traits and not have certain other ones. Otherwise, they may be one of several men, that I fantasize about, sexually, when I am getting off with my vibrator to release the pent-up tension in my body from being celibate for so long, but I would never actually be with them in real life, even if that were ever possible. Women can have carnal appetites just like men do and just want orgasm for the pure pleasure of experiencing that ecstatic throbbing sensation that allows me to fall asleep with a gratified giggle and a big smile on my face! We are sexual creatures, just like men are, only we are far more often shortchanged in the sack, by inadequate male partners who are more focused on what they can get from us than what they can do for us, as their lovers. That is why, I realize that, I may be better off having sex with my toys, than being disappointed by a man, in my bed. 

I'm putting this out there into the Universe, to try to activate the law of attraction:
My perfect man would have a combination of attributes from both of the men that I have deeply loved, and some of the characteristics of 'Jdaddy74'. He would have to be free-spirited enough to enjoy suddenly breaking into a dance and/or a song, on his own or with me, and accept that I frequently do this myself. He would have to have a ready smile a lot of the time, and medium build; not thin, and definitely not fat. I want a man to be taller than me, because I am 5'9" and 6' in high heels but I like feeling smaller than and protected by a man. I would like for him to not care what other people think of him if he is at peace with who and what he is. He has to be a nonsmoker. I want someone who, doesn't allow the opinions of others to sway what he thinks about and feels for me. I want him to know his own mind, and heart, and live true, to those things. I want a man who is intelligent, that can comprehend, and converse about, a lot, of things, like Jim was. I don't want some sports fanatic that watches games all the time. I want a man who loves the beach like me. I definitely don't want a narcissist or abuser, who charms me then harms me as soon as they see that they have totally captured my heart. That is so cruel.

I have had enough experiences with men, by now, to know what I want and need, and don't want and need, in a romantic partner. I want a man who is protective of my privacy, and isn't telling people things that are none of their business and that are personal to me. I hate being lied to, and gossiped about. It angers me deeply, and is a total turn off. I want to be hugged and held and kissed and shown lots of physical affection. I want us to give one another massages. I want a man that will defend, and protect, me, not criticize or mistreat me. I want a man that will never humiliate me, either in private or in public; especially, to save face, for himself, at my expense. I want a man who will give me butterflies, in my stomach, and make my knees weak when I think of him, or he touches me. I want him to be my hero!

He has to be honest, especially with me. He needs to communicate with me about anything and everything. I have to be able to trust him. He should show me, I am his priority, over other people, if we are a couple. I need a man to be, the man, in the relationship, and appreciate that I am his woman. A manly man who is strong but gentle. That combination is devastatingly hot, to me. I don't like facial hair on a man. I want a man who loves staying home and cuddling together and enjoying the simple pleasures of private time, not a party animal, or a social butterfly, that always wants to go out and party and be the center of attention, like Jim was. Jim felt restless, and unhappy, and unfulfilled, by staying home but I love to be home!
I need a man who understands I am a night person, and that I always have been, and always will be, because that affects my daily routine, and the hours that I am available and unavailable, to him. A man who is a good, safe, driver; and protects me from contagious viruses and such because he knows I am high risk for serious complications if I catch those things and he wants to keep me safe all that he can.

I've learned, sometimes the hard way, by what I've gone through with men in my relationships with them, what I want and need, and don't want or need, in a man. That information is helpful, to me, because, if I ever do meet him, I will recognize him, because of who and what he is, and isn't. Neither one, of the two men that I have truly, deeply, loved in my life were right for me, for a variety of reasons. But they were, and always will be, very special to me, for how, wonderful, they were, in all the ways that they were, apart from their obvious faults, and shortcomings, some of which, caused them to hurt me deeply, and even break my heart. People aren't perfect. We all, hurt each other. Sometimes, without even meaning to, and sometimes, even intentionally. Despite, all of that, I do hope that, somewhere on this planet is my person, that God made just for me, to love and be loved by, and that we will finally find one another, because time is getting short. When it works, there is nothing better, on this earth, than love! It makes all of the mundane and monotonous things about life seem so much more worthwhile too. Love is magic!

So, starting now, I am going to spend more time out and about, than I have been while writing this blog the last several years. I will be pursuing my other interests and hobbies, most of which I have neglected, for far too long, now. I will be going for more walks, spending more time in Nature. Maybe, I will even meet someone, but even if I don't it will be healthier for me than sitting here not getting fresh air or exercise. Studies say that being inactive damages our health, and shortens our lifespan. I don't want to do either of those things. I have this, one, life and I want to live it, as fully as possible. Hopefully at some point I will have better outcomes.
Thank you, every single one of you, for being readers of my blog, especially those of you who have been faithful readers for these many years now. It feels like you joined me on my journey and walked alongside me through some dark days. I so appreciate you, and I am truly, deeply, humbled that you felt that my words were worth your time to read. I hope that some of them gave you something to ponder about your own life. We are each on a pilgrimage, that is uniquely our own, while still being similar to every other solitary soul, in the great mass of humanity, that is happy, and hopeful, and hurting at various times, as we each try to live our life. It seems fitting, to me, to include, my very first blog post, below, in this final one.

The Remarkable Power That A Word Has

[This is my very first Blog. I feel that I have worthwhile words to say here. Through my blogging I may also discover whether others of you, in this cyber space, share that opinion with me. I would truly appreciate your input and interaction here, because, of all the things that words are, I believe that their being a bridge between us is surely one of the most important ones. - Deb]

In thinking back over a wide variety of instances throughout my own life, I find it remarkable that a single word used, or left unused yet still greatly affecting the outcome, either at or about those times, has so much power! Power to transform, or tear down. Power to heal or hurt. Power to unite or isolate. POWER.

Words are the foundational currency of our relationships with one another. The words of others have deeply and even permanently affected my life in many ways. I have warmed to a word of kindness. I have withdrawn when a word is abusive. I have embraced when a word is loving. I have winced, as if punched in the gut, when a word was cruel, and I didn't need that. I have wept, while being comforted, by a word that was warm, when I did need that. I, also, have affirmed, encouraged, entertained, pledged, promised, rejected, renounced, sworn, and many other things, which I do to express myself as a human being, by a word.

While it is sometimes emphasized by the tone, or dramatized by the volume, used to convey it, the word itself is still what possesses the true power. Many if not most of our memories center around things like a baby's first word, being asked out on a date, being told we are hired, or fired, a wedding vow, someone telling us they're pregnant, a disagreement, an emergency phone call, the good-bye of a loved one, the condolences of our friends, the preaching of a sermon that speaks right to our heart as if it's for us alone, and so much more. Whether the result of it was positive or negative in my life, some specific word, which was spoken to me at a certain time, has quite often dropped anchor and tethered my soul to that memory; even, and especially, those times when I have wished that weren't so.

The Bible informs us, starting with its very first chapter, of the creative power behind a spoken word. The Scriptures pervasively teach us that a word has real and impacting power, including the power to bless or curse. Matthew 12:37 says "For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned". Even Jesus Himself was also called 'The Word'! Simply because it was the most important words that I could ever teach him, I even taught my cockatiel to say "Praise God!" and he said it, then, for almost twenty years.   

An unspoken word also holds a lot of power in our lives, whether for good or bad. The silence, from a word not being spoken which is nevertheless present and palpable in the situation, still conveys that word is there, causing it to permeate our psyche as surely as if it had been spoken. Those moments can be filled with such significance and intensity that they have even been called a pregnant pause.

Being a wordsmith is very hard work, and can be extremely difficult to do well. As I begin to grapple with that daunting challenge in this new format, for me, of blogging, I have no idea how I will do with this! In creating and sharing this Blog with you, 
it is my hope that each of us will come to fully appreciate the remarkable power that a word has, both for us and from us. My prayer is that we are all affected by that truth, and that our words will be used to encourage, inspire, and move others, to a better place in their lives, and not a worse one.

In a word, I'm inviting you to enter in, not just to my life as it has been or to my world as I know it, but to me.

- Deb

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Life As, A Real-Life, 'Alice In Wonderland'

I have had a hell of a time writing this blog post. I have restarted it, from scratch, several times now. If this is what you see online, you will know that I FINALLY got through the tremendous, stressful, challenge, of articulating these things from my life. Most likely, though, I will be bald, for awhile, as I feel very close to pulling my hair out over trying to get this said and done. (Apparently, I can still find traces of my sense of humor, in me, somewhere. >sigh!< ) My aim is to accurately describe my life; not to intentionally 'roast' someone. I am in a state of exhaustion because I have been going through so much for so long that I am extremely depleted in my body, soul, and spirit. I would give almost anything for a walk on the beach and to feel some serenity and sanity return to my tempest-tossed temperament. Truth, is very important to me. It can be approached in a number of ways, though, that can avoid being used as a weapon. My intention is not to hurt anyone and I really wish they would have that same spirit toward me. We're all accountable for our actions however; and I do not think it is right, or proper, for someone to mistreat me, and then, expect me, to not ever say anything, about that. Especially, when it, deeply, affects me, and it becomes a part of my life story-- which, I write about, here. The blog's title is, clearly, stating that, I write about the 'dark nights of the soul', that I have been given to have to get through, as best I can. The word "ascent", reflects my deep desire that, at some point, I will, finally, overcome all the assaults on my happiness, that I endure, and live in the light of, peace, joy, laughter, and love.  A big, and perhaps, impossible, aspiration, given the fact that, this planet, I live on, seems to devolve into, increasing, depravity, every day, and my personal life, has been rife with troubling turmoil, and a ratio of life experiences that has seemed to slant, much more, toward, 'bad' ones, than 'good'. I have a (VERY BADLY) broken heart.  A, small, sliver, of hope, still, within me, is the, one, thing, that, keeps me going, toward that goal; one WEARY step after another.  My deep faith, in God, is my strong anchor as I have clung to what, and where, I see Him leading me, and trust Him, to bring about His Will, and Plan, despite, how things LOOK. The Bible says, we are to "walk by faith and not by sight" (2 Corinthians 5:7).  I trust God, and His Word, even when, I don't, fully, trust, anyone else. INCLUDING, MYSELF.

Life is largely viewed the way it is because of the lens we choose to look through. If we look for the bad, it is surely there, and if we look for the good, it is there as well. Recently, someone was (based on results: making the mistake of) asking me the, seemingly, socially innocuous question, "How are you?" In my defense, I had gone to see them, with a smile on my face, solely to give them a gift, which I felt would be welcome, and which they liked, and received with appreciation. I did not go to stay long or have a long conversation, as I was trying to get some things off my To Do list before the approaching weekend. They appeared to also be about to go home for their weekend plans, as well. By all intents and purposes, this should not have ended up being the outburst from me that it was, following the inquiry. I hesitated, struggling, to decide, what to say, in response, when, a sudden flood of my pent-up emotions started attaching themselves to the words which had begun pouring from my mouth. I had been stuffing all that inside me, saying nothing, to anyone, about how I was feeling, for a lengthy amount of time, at this point, and, the dam just burst. As my frustration level began to be expressed, my voice rose, and its volume increased. It could not be stopped at this point as I poured out my very real grief and heartache over some of the ways that I have been treated that are just so wrong; which, this person already knew about, because they had been witness to the things that I was describing. The injustice of it all angered me, and my temper showed, as well. To make this hysteria I was having worse, the person didn't lead me into a nearby room, where they could shut the door until the steam was all out of my hurting soul, over this, ongoing, issue, that I am dealing with. I was asked to "walk with me", as they began to open doors, to the outside, letting this 'go public' at that point should anyone else be around, and then, outside with them, to stand there, in the light of day, as I got the rest of it off my chest, finally finishing this crescendo of righteous indignation I was voicing. None, of which, I'd had any intention of saying at all when I went there merely to give them the item that I thought could well be a blessing, to them, which, they said that it truly was.

How fine you look when dressed in rage. Your enemies are fortunate your condition is not permanent. You're lucky, too. Red eyes suit so few. - Cheshire Cat

It happened because their question seemed to CARE how I am doing, and as they also know, probably better than anyone else in my life right now, I have been put through, some, really, ridiculous, and stressful, situations, in recent weeks, which have caused me to hardly sleep for days on end, lately, and cry (which I normally rarely do, unless I am VERY STRESSED BY SOMETHING), with a sound that is not 'human' but more akin to what comes from the mouth of a wounded animal. Yet I don't know if they asked me how I was because they DO care, or just to be polite. Regardless of which one their intention was, I emailed them saying that I am sure they regretted, asking me that question, based on the results. I did not want that to happen, or intend for that to. I have, clearly, just reached my breaking point in having to deal with some truly bizarre things, that people have perpetrated in my life. I would likely be coping with it much better than I am, if it were coming from people that I don't like, or care about. But, these things are coming from people I not only care about but even deeply love. I think that's why it has been especially hard on me. I am walking by faith, as far as all the reasons that God led me here, and I know that, at some point, His Will, will manifest more clearly, in the natural realm. But these people have already so touched and affected me that they have literally altered who I am as a person, in some profound ways, and I needed that.

It can be confusing, and uncomfortable, to be the clay, on the potter's wheel, and feel like, such a, wobbly, off-center, mess, while having no idea what the potter is trying to achieve, as you see yourself transforming in ways that are profound and permanent. From things as simple-- but surprising-- as seeing my taste in music, change, so drastically, that a genre, that I never listened to or valued, is now my favorite music of all, prompting me to purchase 35 songs, of it, for my playlist, to my gentleness and generosity toward people who have put me through some bad things, because I care, more about them, than the level of hurt, they have caused me, I am not the same person that God Led here, for His, mysterious, reasons; in some significant ways. I could definitely delve into a diatribe about the things they have done to me, and it would be justified. I do not think it is fair, for someone to cause so much crap in someone's life, and not expect them to say anything about it. God knows that the counselors on the Veterans Crisis Line all know me by now.

NO   ONE   DOES    [PLAY   FAIR]    IF   THEY   THINK   THEY   CAN   GET   AWAY   WITH   IT.   - Cheshire Cat
As for the other, equally colorful, characters in my life, now, I feel an affection for them all; even those that have been such bitches to me that I don't like them, for it. They don't see my slight smile, after I walk past them talking together, and am glad to see, they are living their lives in a way that is bringing them happiness. (I just wish they didn't ALSO contribute their bitchy bullshit to MINE because I am a loner, by nature, and I choose to spend the majority of my time alone. I need, the PEACE of PRIVACY, alot, more than most people.) Because of the sometimes crazy Cast Of Characters here (which includes me, in their eyes, because I'm different in some really notable ways myself, being very eccentric, and more uninhibited, than most),  I realized recently that I frequently feel as if I'm Alice in Wonderland. It is a crazy community, in some ways; no doubt about it. It is also, generally, a caring one. These people test me and try me, to my core, but they also are a blessing to me-- even the bitches, believe it or not. I am not at all happy with how badly they treat me-- often in ways that, it goes without saying, they would pitch a fit over if I had done the very same things to them-- but I understand that, how they act, is really out of WHO THEY ARE, not WHO I AM. It is the same way about my being a loner. It's not about them, although, they react to it as if it is a slight, or insult, to them, because they prefer to talk together, often, and gather in groups, to gossip.

I'm JUST BEING ME-- whom I have ALWAYS BEEN, long before I came here. It has everything to do with HOW I COPE with life, and is NOT me avoiding them (except for the secondhand smoke which I do dislike, including because I have respiratory issues). When I have any thoughts, about them, at all, it is things, like, "I REALLY WISH they would quiet their dog! I love that dog but it's BARKED for 20 MINUTES and I WAS, in bed, ASLEEP, before that started." Later, that same day, although, I am, sleep deprived, due to that, I will be in the kitchen, looking in my pantry, and I will think to myself, "I will be so glad, when I FINALLY have the time and money to start baking, again, so I can offer a cake to the community (which includes the bitches, because, for better or for worse, WE ALL LIVE HERE TOGETHER). There is no one here that I wish ANY ILL WILL TO, despite how horribly some of them have treated me. I may not LIKE everyone but God's Spirit in me HELPS me love them. I don't SHOW love for people, though, if my doing so opens me up to their abuse. That's happened to me with several people here, and I withdraw, when they do it.

Just the other day, I was heading home after a walk when a neighbor I had drinks with, last summer, called out a greeting to me, after we hadn't spoken since some serious bullshit happened back then, that left me feeling violated and outraged. It was an appropriate gesture, which I accepted, as I stopped on the street to stand and chat with them a few minutes. I expressed concern and compassion for them, and let them know that me and another person here had prayed together for him, when he was ill. As I turned to go home he invited me to stop by for a drink again sometime. While I am SURE that THAT will NEVER HAPPEN, again, after the fiasco it was last year (his even offering that seemed so clueless, and tone deaf, to me), I smiled, because I knew his intention was to reconcile with his neighbor, and that was a welcome act on his part. Sometimes-- actually, ALOT OF TIMES-- when, we are dealing with other people, the BEST THING WE CAN DO is show them GRACE. I would TRULY BE LOST, in EVERY way, WITHOUT GOD'S GRACE. So, even when I get SO ANGRY AT PEOPLE at times, for how they treat me-- especially, when they REALLY HURT ME DEEPLY, as quite a few people here have, sad to say-- my hope, is that my broken heart, and this dysfunctional community, will eventually, by our choices and efforts, begin to be a place of PEACE, that we ALL FEEL THE LOVE in.

There isn't ANYBODY I have met here that I don't truly care about, and even love. They make it REALLY DIFFICULT, FOR ME, to not only, EXPRESS that, but to, FEEL it, some days. That's for sure! Nevertheless, GOD BROUGHT ME HERE, and I'm so GRATEFUL TO HIM for that! In spite of everything, I know that I know that I know that THERE IS NOWHERE ELSE, in this WORLD, that I would rather be! I hope this community will become something as special, to EVERYONE here, as it is TO ME! I can't always express my appreciation, and gratitude, here, because people cannot accept it for what it is. They sometimes give it more meaning or manipulation that I did not mean, by it, which deeply discourages me from saying anything to them, at all. It's hard for me to trust people, as it is. There's not one person here, that I totally trust, at this point, not to hurt or betray me, which is sad. To NEVER KNOW WHERE YOU STAND with someone, is a SCARY THING FOR ME. I have a very deep need to FEEL SAFE, in my surroundings, and I can't feel that way when people are treating me in some of the hurtful and hateful ways they have done to me, here. I have experienced some pretty petty behaviors from people. Even, right now. It all comes down to people NOT LOVING THEIR NEIGHBOR, like they do themselves. It is going to become, and be, whatever the people here make it. Sometimes I really wonder, if what they are contributing to the community is WHAT, THEY WANT, it to be like. THIS IS THEIR HOME, and MY home. It would be SO MUCH NICER for ALL of us if everyone either MADE IT BETTER, or AT LEAST didn't spend SO MUCH time and energy, on gossip and schemes, that MAKE IT WORSE. NO ONE would want to shit in their own food dish, and then try to nourish their body by eating that CRAP.

In a way, that is EXACTLY what some people here are DOING. That will never lead to good results, for ANYONE here; including them. I long for people to STOP being JERKS to others here and show some genuine, neighborly, good will, so things can IMPROVE. When, someone is doing UGLY things, to ME, it is NEVER going to make me WANT to INTERACT WITH THEM. Their actions, place me in a protective mode, where I avoid them, and have no desire to interact with them, or open myself up, to them, in any way. I truly don't understand how people can treat people in ways that THEY WOULD BE UPSET AT if that were done to THEM. For things to IMPROVE someone would have to demonstrate 'good faith', by treating me how, they, would expect me to treat them, were it reversed. When I am DISRESPECTED it DOESN'T encourage me to WANT to interact, with the people who are treating me that way.

This community is going to be what people make it. Bottom line. Some people, do seem to prefer feeding from the same pot they shit in, so to speak. I have no idea why that has been their choice. Ego. Insecurity. Women, that are elbowing others, to secure their hierarchy in the henhouse, and that, becomes their priority, over a better quality of life; including for themselves. For many of us here, we are in our 'Golden Years'. Some, that moved here, have already passed away. Any of us, can expect something to, take us out, of life on this earth, due to our health issues, or such, any time now, although I am sure that, WE, ALL, HOPE to LIVE, for decades more. I just find it REALLY SAD that the LAST LEGACY people here seem to WANT to LEAVE BEHIND THEM is the one that, they have been demonstrating, so far. To be honest, I have actually cried out to God, at times, about people here that have done some REALLY CRUEL, and MEAN-SPIRITED, things, to me, that I KNOW that, if I did those things, to THEM, they wouldn't appreciate that AT ALL. When I have been, DEEPLY WOUNDED, by their actions, toward me, and/or, LOST MY TEMPER, over it, I have even told God that I WOULDN'T MISS THEM AT ALL, IF THEY DIED THIS MINUTE! Wouldn't they RATHER the community MOURN THE LOSS, of them, among us, and all talk together of, HOW MUCH THEY WILL BE MISSED? I wonder what people are thinking, when they sully their standing here, by behaving badly.  I DEFINITELY have MY faults and shortcomings. I am NOT PERFECT EITHER. But I CAN say for certain that I have never TRIED to HURT someone ON PURPOSE. The way I write my blog posts about my life now, which is here, REFLECTS that truth.

People know that I write a blog about my life-- ESPECIALLY the 'dark nights of the soul', which are the BAD things. Many know it is read by people around the world, in 62 countries, now. (THANK YOU, Readers!) You might think that, they would be more careful about how they treat me, since, those experiences, and interactions, become a part of MY LIFE, and therefore a part of my life story. Even that, doesn't seem to motivate them, to BEHAVE BETTER, TOWARD ME; which, is REALLY ALL I WANT. Just to be TREATED BETTER, than I have been, on many occasions, since I moved here. >sigh< It is what it is. We, all, have to decide, individually, and, as a community, if this is what we REALLY WANT IT TO BE. After all, it BELONGS to ALL OF US. I don't know what people here will decide to do, BUT I HAVE FAITH, in our future, here. Not because of THEM, or ME, necessarily, but because the ONE thing that I KNOW FOR SURE is that, GOD BROUGHT ME HERE, in the course of doing a MIRACLE for me! The Bible says that, He desires that I BE BLESSED, and tells me in ...

Jeremiah 29:11: For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, to give you a future and a hope.





Wednesday, October 19, 2022

I'm sorting through saved mementos again

Before I moved from my old apartment, in Omaha, Nebraska, I sorted through all of the memorabilia that was in three old footlockers that I had. I didn't do a good job of getting rid of alot of those things from my past although I tossed some out. I allowed myself to be impractical about that chore and overly sentimental toward too many things, that I then lugged along with me to my new place, which I have no room for here. After over a year living here I am finally facing this task, again, simply because I have no choice. It has to be done and without nearly as much of my past 'sentimental attachment' to these things. For lack of storage space alone, I must throw out twelve times what I end up keeping! That's how challenging this chore is. I started working on it, today, and was proud of myself, for getting rid of much more than I kept; from the first stack. Hopefully, I can, and will, do at least as well, on the rest of the sorting of this, accumulated, documentation that I have indeed lived on this earth, for over 66 years now, and have, so far, lived to tell the tale. I decided to write this blog post, to share some of my finds, with my readers. One thing's for sure. There's ample evidence that I've been a writer my whole life.

Based on my scrawl, this was written by me, in January 1967. I would have been 11. I was fascinated to see what thoughts were in my head at that age, and even earlier.

If the sun came out at night-

and the moon came out at day-

then to set things right,

I'd pray and pray.

That one, and the following poem that I wrote, were on old, yellowed, pages, of notebook paper, carefully printed by me in pencil. Clearly, I am just very verbal.


There was a pretty dandelion

with lovely, yellow, hair,

that glistened in the sunshine

and in the summer air.

But oh! This pretty dandelion

soon grew old and grey;

and, sad to tell, her lovely hair

blew many miles away.

Starting School At The Age Of 6 (written at some point when I was an older child)

My aunt, Gladys Workman, took  me  to  South Elementary School in Mebane. My mom couldn't take me because she is a teacher and taught her class that day.  At first I was disappointed, but Aunt Gladys was very nice to me (she always will be, and is), so, I  soon  found  myself, at  school, coloring, and, copying letters of the alphabet.

The days after that meant hard work, studying, homework, and an early bedtime. Also, I had to get a notebook, pencils, and school clothes. 

I was timid and shy the first month of school, but I settled down after a while. The work was easy- really!! At least I thought it would be hard. But, I got used to it as it got harder.

My first grade teacher is Mrs. Yoder.

Now there is 4 children in my family because in November, on the 19, my little sister, Pam, was born. She was playful and cute when she was little! But, when she grew- Help!! She was whiny and fussy!

*         *         *         *         *         *

I found a photograph of me dressed as a harem girl, for a Halloween party, at the Offutt Air Force Base NCO club. It had a face veil also, but I had removed that for the picture. I still have that costume. A note on the back of the photo says it was "Halloween 1987", so I would have been 31 years old at the time. I was a natural brunette. I still have the costume in a box with many of my old dancer costumes.

The photograph below was one of my high school graduation pictures. I was 18. I was dreamy-eyed, naive, vulnerable, and hopeful for the future. I had been in the Chess Club in high school and was a studious bookworm. I was not a party person at all. When I look at the innocence, and purity, and sweetness, on my face in this photo, I feel so sad for that girl. I am not that girl, anymore. Too much happened.

I came across this old poem that I wrote for an Air Force Major that I met at church. He led the adult Sunday school class, and we became friends. His wife, had left him, and their two, teen-age, children, before I ever even attended that church or met him. He was still legally married  though, so we struggled with the feelings we developed for one another, because, for both, of us, our love for, and relationship with, the Lord was our highest, personal, priority. Sometimes the feelings were overwhelming, but I managed to remain friends with him, and nothing more; and because I had once asked his children if they wanted their family reunited, and they did, I helped him work through his feelings about his wife leaving him, and helped him to realize his part, in that happening. I left a cassette tape for him about how to heal a broken marriage. We never became romantically involved physically, and his wife did eventually return to her family. I withdrew, from the situation, before that even happened, after I had done all I knew, to do, to help him work through it, to the point that, his heart was open, to her, again. I knew that it was the best thing for that family. I loved him, as a very dear friend, but nothing more, because my relationship with God has always been the foundation for my life on this earth, and I know that  I will never be happy with anyone that is NOT GOD'S WILL for ME. His Will, is ALL that I want!

My Christmas Prayer For You, 1992

I had you on my mind, as I said my prayers,
as Christmas Eve turned into Christmas Day.
I gave it all to God-- all that's in my heart!--
Now, I'll share with you the things I had to say:

Lord, I lift this man to You--
A new and precious friend
Who's come into my life
for something toward Your end.

Help me just to trust in You--
Your best is all I need!--
and let my heart feel nothing
of which You are not the seed.

I don't want to hurt You, Lord,
by anything I do.
Despite my human frailties, Lord,
You know how I love You!

I've seen his love for you, as well.
A blessing to behold!
A man whose mind is stayed on You;
he's not lukewarm or cold.

I lift up his situation.
Reveal Heaven's answers, Lord!
Undo all of Satan's evil works.
Break those bondage cords.

There are some times my heart goes out
to him in risky ways . . . . 
And I sigh to think of all the
lack of love throughout my days . . . .

Two wrongs don't make a right, though, Lord,
so there's nothing we can do
but hold Your Word within our hearts
and keep our eyes on You!

Forgive me for the fantasies;
forgive me for the flesh;
forgive the things in me that want to force
what You alone can mesh.

Satan knows my hunger
and he will send 'junk food',
for nothing good will come to me
unless it comes from You!

So, if it does, and when it does,
Lord, I will know You've heard
the whispered prayers, and seen the tears;
and manifest Your Word.

                                           - Deborah Robinson
                                             Christmas Day 1992

P.S. Nothing is a bargain AT ANY PRICE if it's not God's Will, and also what you REALLY want.


The sun sizzles, melts, and drips bronzed warmth onto the earth; then evening comes.

Thoughts . . .

I'm stuck in the sadness, trying to shake free. At the moment, it's getting the better of me.

I'm not gonna lie; it's hard watching dreams die.

11th Hour

It's the eleventh hour. All our bridges are burned. Can't go back where we were. There's no way to return. Why'd we end up like this? I don't really know. But I've always heard that we reap what we sow.

Lord, did You give us this life to be happy? Or, just to be pawns in a game? Why do You let the devil devour, when the buck stops with You, and Your Name?

"Sit down and shut up!" "Stand up and speak out!" Do you need somebody else's permission, to be what you're all about?

I wrote this poem on May 6, 2000 . . .

Looking Back

I'm afraid to ask you
if you feel what I feel,
'cause what if you don't;
you say, "It can't be real",
like you did once before,
about three years ago,
when I told you I cared
so you told me to go?
Then how will I ever
know the real reason why
you go out of your way
to look into my eyes,
though you don't say a word,
and you don't ever smile?
Are you feeling it, too?
Or, are games just your style?
Did you figure out that
I get weak in my knees
when your eyes meet with mine?
Do you just like to tease?
Is my heartache a game,
that you score high points for,
so you hurt me to "win"
like it's some kind of war?
We could talk this all out
if we weren't so afraid;
and that isn't just from
the mistakes we've both made.
There's something between us,
though denied, it's endured,
that all our attempts
have simply not cured.
Live the life that you want--
Live the life that you have--
I don't feel what I feel
to change that, or be bad!
If I could I would stop
all my feelings for you.
I've tried and I've tried;
what more can I do?
Just don't try to convince me
you don't feel it, too,
when you're looking at me,
and I look back at you.

More Thoughts . . . 

Life doesn't just happen-- it happens to us-- and it leaves its marks on us, whether we like it or not, or admit it or not . . . .

No one is totally good . . . or all bad.

I have a truly broken heart, and no one can fix that-- except God.

. . . and, I'm still waiting . . . 

but I've almost given up hope.