Showing posts with label chauvinist. Show all posts
Showing posts with label chauvinist. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

You Can't Change How You Really Feel . . .

. . . but those feelings may change.

We feel what we feel. Even if or when we try to change whatever that is, rise above whatever that is, deny whatever that is, repent of whatever that is, wish we didn't feel whatever that is, hate feeling whatever that is, feel sad, depressed, angry, or some other dark emotion, about whatever that is... and so forth.

Someone can browbeat you because of what you feel, even try to 'beat it out of you' in some way, including physically, such as when a parent spanks a child, or an abusive person strikes their partner. They try to punish you for feeling what you feel, to try to make you stop feeling whatever that is, for whatever reason they have for doing that. But, while they can make you sit down, on the outside, so to speak, by, outwardly, altering your behavior, because you want to avoid more of their punishment, you may still be standing up, on the inside, feeling whatever it is that you truly feel in your heart of hearts. This causes stress for the person who is simply feeling honest emotions, which they didn't create, and they can't control. Emotions that perhaps they are very unhappy about having, themselves; that they wish were not within them. Yet, they cannot just make those disappear, even when the feelings are painful, inconvenient, embarrassing, or unwanted-- by someone else, themselves, or both. Not even when they are made the target of retaliation, or public humiliation, judgement, and scorn, for whatever it is that they feel.

People lying to me is my main pet peeve. It causes me not to trust them, which causes me not to respect them, which destroys alot, or even all, of the positive feelings I may have had about that person. Lying about me is right up there, too, as something that I tend to loathe people for doing to me. There is no way to feel friendly toward anyone who defames my character and undermines my reputation, usually to try to make themselves look like a better person than they are, at my expense. The last person that I truly loved did, both, those things, to me, but I welcomed that, from him, inasmuch as I didn't want to love him in the first place, and I knew that it would go a long way in destroying the caring feelings that I had. It took a while, but that did finally happen, setting me free from the bondage of it.

I had already, always, been doing whatever I could, to get those feelings out of my heart. I didn't see them coming, I didn't want them in me, and I wanted it to stop, for my own sake. I had hated being in the throes of something that strong, that I couldn't control, despite my best efforts. I was dismayed, and daunted, by that. Even so, his doing those hurtful things to me was very effective in eating away at whatever good feelings I had toward him. That finally broke it, in me, as I ended up, not trusting him, not respecting him, not feeling any affection toward him, having no desire toward him, and generally wanting nothing to do with him, if I could possibly help it. So, I feel alot better now! I had felt like my mind had been hijacked, by those feelings, that had come out of nowhere, and then completely overwhelmed me. But my sanity has been restored to me, now, so I can think rationally again. It feels almost as if I have been freed from the pit of Hell itself.

Instead of the heat of passion, that used to grip me, when I thought of him, and, literally, nearly bring me to my knees, as my legs gave way from all the butterflies fluttering in my stomach, I now feel something like disdain, and a coolness toward him that would make brusque cordiality all I could muster toward him if I ever had to interact with him again in the future (which I am intent on continuing to avoid, all that I possibly can, because of how badly he treated me for feeling what I felt, in spite of my trying not to, and I never tried to force on him). I don't like him as a person, after seeing how many ways he chose to (often publicly) shame me, when I wasn't doing anything at all that warranted that from him. God as my witness. 

I don't think that I hate him (although sometimes it feels like I do), despite his causing me to become so despondent, by how badly he treated me, when I was doing nothing at all to deserve to be treated that way, that at one point I truly didn't think that I would survive it. He continually treated me so disrespectfully, and almost always in front of an audience of other people. I became suicidal about it, briefly, but that is a dangerous place to find oneself emotionally, regardless of how quickly it passed, with the help of a friend, and by God's Grace. I think that it must simply be his male ego causing him to refuse to let go of believing that I still have those feelings for him, because I couldn't seem to convince him otherwise, despite telling him that plainly to his face. I think that's actually rather funny, and pathetic, that he really doesn't seem able to see himself through my eyes, to know my aversion toward him. What I see in him now, isn't very nice, for the most part.


What I see-- who I came to know him as-- is not someone that I would ever think highly enough of to want to be with, even if that were possible, which it isn't, anyway. I deserve way better than that type of person, and I have spent half my life choosing to do without a man because of that fact. I was very thrown by the feelings that I had toward him for awhile, because I wasn't able to control my emotions, as much as I wanted to, and tried. I struggled constantly, and mightily, to get rid of those feelings I had for him. I didn't make the warm feelings that I used to have toward him happen, and I didn't cause the cool feelings that I have toward him now to happen. How he treated me caused both those things in me. He acted, and I reacted. Cause and effect. Life happens and we feel what we feel.

Now I am immune to his calculating charm, because I see him for who he is, and who that is, is a man that I would never be able to trust again. Trust is a critical component of loving someone, for me. Even with friends, or family members. I used to consider him a friend. He destroyed that. He is such a jerk toward me that when I have simply smiled, to be polite, or been courteous, to be civil, he started ranting and raving at me-- almost always in front of some third party-- accusing me of still having feelings for him. He doesn't seem to notice that I continue to consciously avoid him, which I have actually done for a long time now. I just don't need his bullshit. He was disrespectful toward me even before all this happened.

It is offensive to me, especially because I am not doing anything toward him at all to be accused of anything like that. But, it also makes him seem really silly to me. After all, WHAT IS THERE TO LIKE, in being treated this way, by him? I truly think he just tries to keep this thing going for the sake of his own ego. Proverbs 28:1 says that "The wicked run when no one is chasing them." I think this describes him because, among alot of other things, he has lied to me, gossiped about me, caused people to openly judge me when they wouldn't have had any reason to, otherwise. He is a Christian. Jesus wouldn't do any of those things toward me.

He keeps acting like I am sinning toward him, while the whole time, in various ways, he is sinning toward me by biblical standards. Instead of thumping his Bible at me, he should read the verses that apply to his own sins. Hypocrite. He has openly condemned ME for FEELINGS I had, that I never tried to act on, but he seems to have no problem lying, or spreading gossip about me, which are sins that have had real consequences in my life, including damaging my relationships with other people who would otherwise have no other reason to treat me badly; but they have done that on his behalf to show their bias for and support of him. I once felt like he was my favorite person on the planet. I once considered him to be my best friend. I believed that he was actually trying to help me with some serious things that I really needed someone's support for. I didn't want to have other feelings. They just happened, when I wasn't expecting them to happen at all, which really threw me. But my reaction to that happening was always to try to stop it. I never tried to act on those feelings toward him. I didn't try to hurt him.


Now I feel much happier, having nothing at all to do with him-- not interacting with him, or having to endure more unprompted and undeserved accusations from him, when I know that I am merely being polite to him in the most basic of ways during any interactions. His doing that, to me, so many times, especially, when I did not deserve it, finally made me feel so frustrated that I lost my temper about it, and said "Fuck you!" to his face. I had just had it with his bullshit. Since then, my only goal regarding him has been to avoid him if at all possible which I continue doing. 

I am enjoying my private life now, and he has nothing to do with that. He is not welcome in that anymore. I am much happier now without him anywhere around me! If I was simply smiling (to be congenial, rather than hostile), he accused me of having feelings for him, that he had already destroyed in me, by mistreating me, so much. If I acted happy, or joyful, for reasons that had nothing to do with him, he glared at me suspiciously, as if my vivacious personality (that is 'me', when I am simply enjoying my life, in general) was some 'come on' toward him. If I had a conversation with him about things that were not remotely personal, he went off on me that it was really about him. It was so frustrating trying to deal with him, and he took it to the point of such ridiculousness, that I finally lost my temper. I had always felt very angry about that, but I finally just quit holding my tongue about it for the sake of trying to at least remain on pleasant terms with him when I needed to talk to him about non-personal things that were important. 

To make it even more maddening than it was, I had actually been actively avoiding him, for a lengthy amount of time, but even so, several times, he saw me walking past, on my way to go somewhere, or to speak with someone else, etc., and he would call out to me (which I tried to ignore, if I were far enough away from him to seem to not hear him), when I was living my life and minding my own business. He also came up to me, to interject himself into my conversations with someone else, or to show me something personal on his phone that he thought would interest me, and such, when I was not even talking to him, nor trying to talk to him. I would have preferred not to, truth be told, as interacting with him was rarely if ever enjoyable for me. I often found him to be very irritating and annoying, from the very beginning, which is one of the biggest reasons why I was shocked when I did develop a crush on him, for a short time, that felt pretty intense in me, for awhile. Nevertheless, I chose to respond politely, when he did these things, while he continually accused me of having ulterior motives related to some strong feeling for him (that I had already told him, clearly, no longer existed in me), whenever I needed to converse with him-- with someone else present!-- that was in no way personal, or affectionate toward him. It was so unfair. Because I was not doing anything to deserve to be continually accused of feelings for him that I did not have, for a long time now, I realized he kept it going for some selfish reason, at my expense, but I have never been sure of what his agenda actually is, for his doing that to me. He almost always seemed to do it in front of others, apparently to discredit me, for whatever his reason. Perhaps just for his ego.

People often make this mistake with me, then wonder why I change toward them.

I held my temper, and my tongue, about it, far, far, far, longer than I should have, but when I finally lost my temper at him about it, he acted like the victim, then, too, and blamed me, as if he didn't have that coming, for how badly, and unfairly, he had been treating me, for so long. Personally, I think he is a chauvinist, and a misogynist, at heart. I also began to notice, whenever I would read things about narcissists online, that he almost always matched what that was describing. That was the scariest realization of all, because a narcissist will intentionally set out to destroy a person, their self-esteem, their life, and their happiness, out of whatever egotistical reasons, that they convince themselves, due to their own deep-seated insecurities, that they are entitled to do that, to their target. He seemed to enjoy subjecting me to his unfair accusations, and he did so often with a smirk on his face, like it was some fun game to him that he was really enjoying at my expense.


But I just gave it all to God, who knows the full truth about everything, and have done my best to go on with my own life, which he is not directly a part of. That's another reason I want to find my 'Mr. Right', finally. With, that, man, in my life, I couldn't keep being accused of things, anymore, that I am not feeling, or doing.


Even so, precisely because feelings are complicated, this man, that has been doing all this to me, is one of only a couple of people who have affected me so deeply that they have actually changed who I am as a person, forever, in both good ways (believe it or not) and bad ways. The other one of those people was my second husband, Jim. For better, and for worse, it is what it is; or, was. I am glad to be past those romantic emotions, toward both those men, so my heart is fully open to embrace a future with a man that hopefully will not mistreat me, as these two men did, each in their own way. If I don't ever meet such a man-- one that I deserve, that will treat me well-- I will continue to do without, rather than settle for less. My head thinks alot more clearly with all the butterflies gone from my gut, and I know that I would not want either one of these two men, that I loved the most in my life, so far, to be with me, because they would not make me happy. I don't want the type of life that they live, either. It is just not my scene. I prefer alot of alone time, as an introvert. People, in general, are a huge drain, to me. They both like having alot of people around them. I'm very private. I also could never trust either one of those two men again. Without trust, and respect, there can be no love, of any kind, including friendship. I choose to appreciate the good things that they brought into my life, and I try to let go of the bad things; and put it all behind me.

I should have continued trusting my gut, because it's a very good judge of people. Had I done that I could have avoided the whole situation with the accuser. My very first impressions of him were that, he was 
a chauvinist, had a very condescending streak in him that seemed to come from him being full of himself; that, because of that, or some other reason, he, definitely, didn't respect me; that he did not want to bother to do the right thing by me, if he could possibly avoid it, when I needed his help; that he was very manipulative; not a truthful person; and, at times, was even rather stupid. When my feelings did change toward him, in spite of all these things, it was partly because he began to behave very differently toward me, and he has a powerful, practiced, charm, that he used to weave his spell on me. Even so it was primarily a physical attraction to his manliness, for me. l'm also a sucker (clearly) for anyone who makes me laugh-- which, he managed to do, quite often.

I was excited to see myself start falling in love with David-- the man I met online, not long ago, on a singles' dating website. I was so hopeful that he was 'the one'! We talked about anything and everything, we made one another laugh, we were sexually turned on by one another. It was a mutual attraction that seemed to be blossoming into real love. I was brokenhearted, when it fell apart, with him, just before we were finally going to meet in person, because I found out that he was doing 'the typical man thing' of telling me some things that he wasn't really honest about, in order to 'get lucky' with me. I was shocked, because I had always been completely honest with him about everything, and thought he was doing the same. I was also hurt, and angry, about it. I had told him how important respecting me, and being honest with me, was, to me, and that if a man didn't do those things toward me it was a deal breaker. There would be no romantic relationship. David had given me his phone number, just before this happened that it fell apart with us, because we were actually making the plans for him to come stay with me that upcoming weekend. I never called him, though, after that, even though I have missed him and thought of him so often, ever since then. I can't seem to forget about David. Sometimes, I am tempted to call him. But then, I don't, because I told him clearly how imperative it was that he respect me and be honest with me, and he missed the mark, with those things. I have to stay strong, and let it go. 

I have high standards for any man that I would ever be willing to give my heart to. I am more casual with my body, meaning that I would have sex with a man, that I was attracted to, and had a strong chemistry with, even if I was not in love with him. That was not the case, years ago, when I had convinced myself, due to my religious upbringing, that I had to be in love-- or at least have the intent to get married to the man-- to have sex with them. That stern and stuffy puritanical morality imposed its suffocating straitjacket on my personal fulfillment, and led to my having several divorces. It was male-patriarchy-created-religiosity, largely to get, and control, women, rearing its ugly head, to get women to compromise what we really want and need, in order to have a man in our lives and our bed, and it caused me alot of grief, in the past, when I tried to abide by it, because I ended up with the short end of that deal; every time. That is why I say in my singles' site profiles that I have no interest in being married again. Ever. I was very attracted to David (still am; sigh!) and was already starting to fall in love with him. So, we very likely would have had sex had he come here to meet me the weekend that it all fell apart. I haven't been able to get David, or that fact, out of my mind. I just keep consoling myself that I found out just in time to avoid another heartbreak. It would never work out, between me and any man that does not respect me; which includes, being honest with me, and treating me well, among other things. I knew I was far too attracted to David to resist going back into it with him, if he tried to get with me, after it fell apart, so I deleted my profile on that website. I still have my other profile, on another singles' dating website, and in my Inbox, just today, there were four, new, men, messaging me. One even looks somewhat promising! 

I am really picky because I know what I am worth, so it's really hard for me to find someone that I want to be with. I am encouraged, by finding-- two!-- good guys, from this online search, for love and sex, already, though, in Joe and David, even though those didn't work out, when it came to meeting one another. Joe was just plain hot. He pushed EVERY button with me, as far as being a total sexual turn-on. But, David had more depth to him, and he was attractive, which is why he was the one of the two I started falling for. Maybe, 'the third time's the charm' with this singles' site search! I am very hopeful, optimistic, and excited, about my future prospects for finding the romantic fulfillment that I have never, really, found, in my life. The closest I ever came was with my second husband, Jim, but he still fell far short of someone that I would be willing to spend my life with. So, I divorced him (even though he was great in bed). Regardless of whether I ever find my 'Mr. Right' or not, true feelings-- whatever they are-- JUST ARE. I can't MAKE myself feel love for someone, or stop feeling love for them. It'll either happen, or it won't.

We cannot control what we feel. I don't think that any of us decide, in our heads, what we will feel, about people, or places, etc. Our emotions reflect our honest reaction to how we experience people, places, and things, that come through our lives. I still feel like I am partly in love with David, even though I won't call him, because he lied to me, and I hate that, because it ruins relationships for me when I can't trust someone. I love the beach, but I have friends that don't like it at all. I hate pasta, while it seems that most people love it. I did not plan to hate pasta, or try to hate pasta. I just feel a genuine dislike for pasta. When we encounter people or experience things, our feelings-- whatever those are-- just naturally occur in us, as a consequence of how that affected us. I hope I get to experience mutual love!

How can I deeply love someone, whom I later feel nothing at all for, but wariness, distrust, and resentment? The answer to that question seems to me to be that we only know other people in the way(s) that they choose to reveal themselves to us, by how they behave, which triggers emotions in us that we can't control, one way or the other. Those feelings are just our natural reaction to what the other person decides to show us about who they are. That emotional reaction that we have, to how we perceive them, is subject to change if and when what they show us about themselves changes. If we believe someone is being truthful with us, and later we discover that they lied to us, it profoundly affects how we feel toward that person.

I have been fooled, and betrayed, by people, that I truly cared about, causing me to be 'once bitten, twice shy' in regard to them going forward (compound that, for multiple 'bites', from some of them, including friends that I gave my full trust to-- which was a huge compliment to them-- only to realize that my doing so was a big mistake). I am to the point, now, that I really wonder, is anyone, or anything, ever really, who, or what, we think they are? It amazes me, that we can go from loving someone, even more than any other person on the planet that we've ever known, and then find ourselves wondering if we ever, really, knew them, at all. Even more than that, it's like they've become some kind of stranger to us, now, that we don't know, and that we don't think, now, that we even want to know. Feelings changed.

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Why I Have Become A Female Chauvinist

Guys are pretty clueless in so many ways. While I do admire that they have figured out how to build things that make life more comfortable for the human race, such as indoor plumbing and heating, and how to win, in football games, and wars, I must admit that I have evolved into the most quintessential female chauvinist due to my life experience interacting with and observing males. This is the definition of what I am describing, about myself, here: "female chauvinist- a female  who  patronizes, disparages, or otherwise denigrates males, in the belief that they are inferior to females, and thus deserving of less than equal  treatment or benefit."  I know it isn't 'pretty' (and aren't we females also trapped into male stereotypes, of us, including that we are supposed to be, or at least act, 'pretty' for, to, and about them?), and I wish that it were not so. More than anything, that I can think of, in my life I, so badly, would like for this outcome to not be what has happened, within my soul, regarding these creations of God, that were designed and assigned, by Him, to be the companion, husband, father, brother, son, uncle, grandfather, friend, boyfriend, soulmate, lover, protector, and even a blessing, to me. So much of the time-- too much of the time!--  the things that I am feeling about how males are (how they choose to act) which lodge in both my head and heart, regarding them, are displeasure, disappointment, distrust, discouragement, disgust,  and even distress.  I find it unfathomable, that they are the crowning creation* God put on this Earth! Most animals behave better than many men I know, by their being more loyal, appreciative, faithful, and protective, and, less selfish, irresponsible, loutish**, and violent. I have actually even cried out to God in exasperation over this in my life!

While what I am describing, in this post, about myself, is a generalized overview, of what I am thinking and feeling toward, and about, this gender, it runs through me, continually, like a very pervasive undercurrent which is, almost always, affecting my openness to, my respect for, my enjoyment of, my tolerance for, my patience with, my trust of, my closeness to, my willingness with, my submission to (the situational authority of), my desire for, my commitment to, my faith in, and my intimacy with, them. At the same time that men have wanted things from me, in my interactions, or my relationship, with them, their own actions and attitudes have been the very things that have prevented me from either considering or continuing giving them those things! Almost cynically, I even resist doing it, in the most antisocial of ways, thinking to myself, "Why should I 'make their day' by giving them what they want, from me, now? They have ruined my life, by giving so little, to me, that was good, for all that I gave, of myself, to them. They simply took that as their due, and went on their way, with little to no consideration of what they did or didn't do, for me, which I had, also, needed in this person-to-person exchange." I have stated before that men are very utilitarian, in their view of females, and what these are on this planet with them for. They usually make no bones about that and they rarely even apologize for their narrow view, of that, because they don't see it as treating people wrongly; they see it more as their simply consuming***  a product (not a person) that was put here for their enjoyment. We are far too often only objects, to them. They don't seem to see us as human beings, let alone as equal ones.  All of society suffers as a result of this mindset.  Even the males, themselves.

Due to seeing us in that way, they don't feel the need to consider our feelings about how they are treating us or consider the consequence of their actions and its impact on our lives. Once we have let them in, to our lives, even our bodies, given them our heart, and met their needs, we are often simply left hanging; knowing the cost was not worth it, for us, based on what we got, for what we gave, when they are simply finished, with us. Single teenage mothers reflect this mindset of males. The fact that, 99% of the time, you see news stories, about a girlfriend, wife or mother being murdered it very predictably turns out to be a male that she brought into her life in some way, also displays this male mentality that I'm describing here. This bad story always unfolds in the same scary way: He had initially acted very differently toward her in the relationship, until he decided she had nothing more to offer him, offered him something other than what he had wanted, for himself, or he had found someone else to meet his own selfish needs (better, than she had done). She was then harmed by his scorn, in some way or other, even possibly being murdered in cold blood, by him, as the reward, she got from him, for her efforts. Some, of these sad tales, include that the woman was pregnant with his child as well, and he harmed them both. While the man involved simply wanted to be free, of responsibility for his actions, you can be sure that he had wanted in this woman's life for what he could get from her, that was pleasurable, for him, before he decided to try to cancel the consequences, of his actions, later on. We see such stories on the news, continually, almost even constantly. One man after another behaves in such ways, as this, toward their own women and children!

There was a news story, just last week, about another, little, innocent, girl, suddenly missing, after coming home from school and playing happily in her front yard. As soon as I hear these types of 'stranger danger' news stories I pray for the female victims, while I'm simultaneously wondering if the (most likely male) predator has taken the female hostage, taken her virginity through rape, tortured her, taken her life, or all, of those, horrendous, things. Men tend to get extremely impatient with women wanting to be more careful about our interactions with them and take relationships more slowly; not realizing, thinking, or caring, that this world we live in, together, is a very, very, very different place for us as females than it is for most males. The 6-year-old girl's body was found days later, and a grown man's body nearby. When I heard she was missing, I expected this outcome, although I prayed against it. Men, in many more ways, than just this, feel entitled, to take whatever they want, however they can get it; from females especially. Not only in this way, but others. Then, one way or another, they simply discard us, also, after they are through having their way with us, as if our precious lives meant nothing at all to them. Such sadistic scenarios, as I just spoke of here, are quite common on newscasts.

I get so angry about all these things going on with males, toward females, that my face burns hot from my outrage over it all; over the world, we women are left to live in, because so many men just do not step up and do the right things in their lives! While abdicating their moral and spiritual responsibilities, even their Godly Calling, men can act more concerned with what the score of the last ball game was, and whether they can get some woman to 'put out', for them, so they won't have to bother masturbating. My general picture of what males are is damning-- and it should be! So much of it is sin; unrighteousness, by them, before God. Their behaviors are often such that, that if the situation were reversed, they would not want women to ever do those very same things to them. Men have a double standard. I view males as being weaker, than I am, both mentally and emotionally; as someone who most likely could not well survive, what they so unconcernedly decide to put us women through, if such were done to them. The men do it, because they can. Because they're usually physically stronger. Because society is structured in their favor; and gives them a free pass to act as they please from the dismissive caveat that 'Boys will be boys', while placing almost all of the power, prestige, and profits into their hands, to wield as they wish. Due to all this, combined with the posturing, and puffing up of the insatiable and insecure male ego, it is no wonder that the entire planet is rife with wars, causing death, destruction, and displacement, of millions, including the women, and children. Thousands of innocents have needlessly died so that some pathetically puny person can flex their military muscle, at great economic and human cost, so they feel like they are a big man.

While I understand that the majority of males do not act out to this extreme, we acknowledge, as a society, that such actions as these are almost always attributed to this gender. Men also often shrug off the victimization of others when it's something that appears to them to be at a much lower point along the scale of this behavior, as they seem incapable of comprehending that, when another human being, is treated in such a way, on any level, from being bullied, in elementary school, to being pranked in high school, to being hazed in college, to abused and abandoned, by a husband, or father, in the home, damage is done, to that person! No matter how small it may seem, to the male perpetrating the act, more than likely it will be something that their victim will remember for the rest of their lives. It was something that was needlessly done, and negatively impactful. Think, of the world, we could all live in, if males used more of their time and energy in positive, proper, ways instead of so many looking for opportunities to victimize others, just because they can.  And, because they want to!  Killing, rape, pedophilia, incest, murder, drunk driving, sexually transmitted diseases, robberies, fights, shootings, theft, car-jacking, and almost all of the reasons that we have to have police departments, and wars, would disappear. The seemingly male inclination, to engage in behavior along the scale from indifference to depravity is disgusting and frightening to me! I truly believe that such things as 'Amber Alerts' wouldn't even exist if males were not on the planet. Animal abuse is also a real heartbreak. It includes neglect, cruelty, cockfighting, and poaching; almost all, done by males.

Due to my own experiences with males and additional evidence to support my claims I have come to see them, on the whole, as basically being: selfish, egotistical, immature, unfaithful, philanderers, liars, misogynistic, remorseless, dismissive, dogs**** (but I hesitate to use that description only because my overall opinion of much male behavior is typically so extremely low that I do not want to insult the actual canines, also labeled by this term!). While they are good at some things, they are not very bright, regarding many, often more important, things, although they try to act like a 'big shot', apparently needing to convince themselves, that we can't see them for what (little!) they (often!) are.  Males actually act hostile to, and extremely threatened by, any of us females who choose not to 'dumb down' for the sake of their fragile male egos. It seems to me they want women to give [ it ] (fill in the blank:approval, affection, adoration, awe, etc.) to them at all costs. Even, and sometimes, especially, when doing that would be at the expense of the woman's own self esteem and personal truths. Many males also take unfair advantage, of vulnerable women (whether that came about by impairing us, some way, such as drugging our drink, or by making a game, out of our deep desire to love, and be loved, by pretending to actually care, about us, when they really don't. Often, just to get, momentary, sexual satisfaction from us) making our virginity, our heart, or both (sacred things, to us!), into nothing more, than some, callously, carved notch, on their "Score!" belt. Some assholes even make jokes about it, and/or send out videos, of it, on social media, to actually brag about their doing these things to females; and to  'impress'  their male friends.

In my view men seem to be at the mercy of their needy little dicks, to the exclusion of almost  all else! To me, this makes them more like an animal, than a human being capable of serious thought, self control, and unselfish decisions.  Men are made in the image of God Himself.  I see them more often than not, though, lowering themselves to the standard of behavior I am describing in this post. I would assert that their Creator made them to be so much more than they are living up to, on this earth! So, my only regret, in comparing them to animals, is that I hesitate to seem that I am disparaging the animals. Those are being what God made them to be, fulfilling His righteous intentions for their existence, which is God's will for all His creation.  It is revoltingly 'normal' now, to see news feeds regurgitating stinky stories about the types of male behaviors that totally turn me off. We have a president (who's bragged about) grabbing peoples' pussies, just 'because he can'. Legislation had to be enacted to make congressmen start paying, their own 'hush money', for their sexual misconduct, instead of taxpayer dollars; some, at times, being asked to leave the legislature, because of their immature indiscretions. Although some of this even sounds like a joke, at some point, none of it is funny, to me, as a female! Sexting (and to underage girls) scandals (plural) caused a politician named Anthony Weiner to ruin his career, led to his wife filing for divorce, become an embarrassment, to his child, earned him a felony conviction, and having to register as a sex offender, and offended Latinos by his use of the alias Carlos Danger while committing his compulsive and repulsive dirty deeds.This jerk (off) even apparently put alot of his illegal and misplaced sexual energy into living down, to his last name, making him easy fodder for every late night talk show host. Doing a Google search to fact check the details for this blog post I even noted that someone had put forth the 'bottom line' question, about this creep, that ties in, to what I am describing, about men, which has led to my having the, very low, opinion, that I have of them in general. Someone posited this query about him online: "What is wrong with Anthony Weiner?" (sigh!)  I'm just so tired of all this being considered or accepted as the 'normal' behavior for so many males!  As far as how many of our elected officials act in these ways I sum up my suspicions by saying that, at this point, I'd really rather see who is left on the short list (of the men put in power, by the sacred trust, of the voters) who have not (or, not yet!) violated God's Will, their marriage vows, or the sexuality, even the safety, of either grown women or little girls. Sadly, I believe such men are a minority, not only in our government but throughout all of our society.

It also appalls me, and strikes me as being really stupid, on the part of all the guys involved, that, even after all the news stories, on acute intoxication deaths, of pledges, from fraternity-related hazing, year after year after year, that this is still going on! Frat boys are exchanging their Greek togas for orange prison jumpsuits. They ruin their own futures, and, even worse, end other people's lives; and FOR WHAT? Seriously! I see so little accountability for actions among males. It deeply concerns me, and, absolutely horrifies me! Keeping with this theme, there was a young Air Force lieutenant, in my past, who was, even to this very day, the only person I have ever loved with everything I am! After I had given all of me, to him, and it was  too late, for my heart to turn back, from loving him, he told me, in a mirthful manner, how he had gone to a Toga party wearing the customary white sheet, and laughingly described how  he had said to a woman there that he thought he looked like a sperm, with the bottom of the sheet trailing a bit behind him. He told me how she then quipped to him to not sit next to her, because she was ovulating. (He didn't elaborate, on where this interaction went from there.) He also told me that, on another social occasion, he had decided (after drinking, I think, but nevertheless) to do a threesome, with Bill and Kathy, a married enlisted couple, stationed at the base where he was attending his military school. My heart sank, all the way down to my toes, as I pondered who this man-- this boy!-- even was, that I had thought-- had believed!-- was worth giving my whole heart to. This intimate partner that I had allowed inside my body, that I had once thought of as so shy, and sweet, that I had trusted, and felt emotionally, and physically, safe with was, suddenly, someone that, I realized, I really didn't even know at all. Given the chance, and the choice, males so often seem to prefer daring themselves, to see 'how low they can go', than being the hero, in the story, of not only their own lives, but ours!

While my deep feelings, for him, kept me, in that relationship, with him, for some time, after those disclosures of his to me, you better believe that those behaviors of his backed me up, away from my (former feelings of) total love of, respect for, and trust in, him! Those type, of things, that he seemed more drawn to, and prone to act on, rather than being satisfied with  our monogamy, were a huge part of why I finally had to accept the fact that, this man, I had believed, at first, was my soul mate, was not even going to be someone I could comfortably stand beside, and be 'all in', for, going into my future. While I never got over him, I divorced him, after we did get as far as marriage, to one another, before our Titanic sank. It's a moot point that I still feel like he is 'the one' that I will love forever; because, more than that fact, I also know that I could never reconcile myself to such a mindset as he seemed bent toward,  nor to him, in an intimate relationship, ever again. Maybe, he was saying those things to me  for the purpose of running me off, out of his life. His behaviors definitely made me feel like I wasn't enough for him, somehow. If he was, doing that, he won; it worked. But, if it was just another guy not accepting the fact that he is fully accountable for his actions in life and if he ever actually loved me (which I never could really believe once I learned what he gravitated toward), then, I would surely say, that, how this man chose, to behave, cost us both. Plenty.

We had a son together, in the middle of this, too. I ended up transferring his custody, to this man (his father) and his second wife so the boy could have a two-parent home and a better economic situation than I could provide him, as a single mother. But I bore the brunt, of this man's choices. It worked out well, for our child, being raised by his own father, and, a great stepmother, since almost half of the country's children are coming up in a home where their father is absent. Most of the women that end up as single mothers aren't even getting child support for the children of the man she let into her heart and her bed. I had really struggled financially, when I had the initial custody, of our son, because I received a small amount, of financial support, while having him with me, but nothing more than that. Meanwhile, my ex-husband had found his next girlfriend who became his second wife, before our divorce was even final! With me having 24/7 custody, of our son, back then, I really couldn't have dated.  Nor would I have had the energy to date. I was exhausted, from continual care of our child. Working menial jobs that allowed me to have my son with me so I could care for his needs, and taking care of him, all by myself, was alot. My son's father did not, ever, even one time, take our son with him for awhile to help me with him, or give me a break, from the constant childcare and everything else I was coping with. He was too busy. Living his life. Going out. Fulfilling his own needs. He never even called to ask me how his son was doing, regarding checkups, with his pediatrician, or anything else. Even thinking back, to that, now, as I type about it, here, leaves me cold, in my feelings toward him. This man used to be the absolute  joy of my life! After he'd caught me, by his charm, he almost immediately started showing a whole new (but not better) guy, as himself! It was a cunning con game, of 'Bait And Switch'. Attract the female, with the persona of a great guy, and then surprise her, with his evil twin, instead. This crap is part of the reason that there is a big hero-shaped hole in girls' hearts!

Males also will not often explain themselves, especially to the females, in their lives. To us, it adds the sting of insult added to injury that they don't seem to think we even deserve to have reciprocal communication, from them. Having hindsight, now, as I look back, over my lifelong 'education' on the subject of the 'Male Mind', I think alot of that is selfishness, stemming from immaturity and that almost inbred sense of male entitlement, that boys too often get raised to believe is their due. More than that, though, I honestly think that, somewhere in their heart of hearts, they know that how they are acting, toward us, or treating us, is indefensible; so, they don't even try. Women are so much stronger, than men! Guys expect us to pick ourselves up, put our own broken heart back together, and go on in our lives without them in it however we can manage to do that given all the heavy psychosocial factors that come along with that and so pervasively affect our future after they have used us and cast us aside. While I have come to believe that, as a woman, I am better off, not having a man in my life, since they took more than they gave and drained and depleted me in the process (leaving me to refill my own tank, which they emptied) there has also been some elation to be found, for me, in living my single, celibate, lifestyle, where men are not allowed. Inside of my private space, whether that be my abode or my body, I have learned how to nourish myself, by meeting my own needs, of body, soul, and spirit. I revel in my self-love and in God's love for me, and strive for a balanced and meaningful existence by approaching all of my needs holistically. I don't have to resent a man being in my life, for his creating problems, where I had peace; for his violating my inner walls, by his lack of reverence, in being allowed there; falling so short in contributing positive things  to my life while draining my daily, finite, energy allotment, by taking more than he gives to me.

Males are just so needy! Statistically speaking, men actually have shorter lifespans without a woman in their life to nurture and care for them. Driven to have their own needs met this way, men usually move on, to find another woman to be beside them in life, often before your seat next to them has even had a chance to cool, from you sitting there; and sometimes, they find your replacement while you are still (securely?) sitting in that seat. They treat women in ways that, if the same thing were done to them, they could not survive it, and would fall apart! Tired of hearing the maintenance man at my apartment building bring up sexualized subjects every time he entered my apartment, with a work order to fix something or other, in my home, I said something to him, about it, directly, one day, and it was the very last time that he started such conversations with me. Apparently for his own enjoyment as he worked he would start saying something to the effect of wondering how other women would be in bed. [He was saying this, to me, when I was 61; after I had let my hair grow out gray; stopped wearing makeup, around my apartment; and had now been celibate for a couple of decades. He was probably late 30s to early 40s, married (with an attractive wife!), with children, and, happened to live in a house only two doors down from this apartment building; so, I knew everyone in his family, including his wife. That made his doing this, to me, even more uncomfortable!] Because I was probably old enough to be his mother, I did not expect this type of conversation from him, on top of the fact that as the maintenance man it was not a very proper conversation to start with a female tenant, of any age, especially when he's in her home, with a work order, to fix something in it.

This is why it took me several times, of him doing this, before I finally put my foot down, about it: I couldn't comprehend that he would start this type of talk with me for any other reason than he possibly saw me as a mother figure, and was simply seeking my wise, motherly, opinion of his relationship issues. (I did not know then that he also had his own mother, and father, living with him, too!)  So, for awhile I tried to counsel him on these things until I realized that he kept on coming back to it; that my previous advice to him had, apparently, done nothing, to solve it, in order to finally shut down this awkward conversational thread. While I didn't want to directly confront whether he was coming onto me, because maintaining good terms with the man that fixes your plumbing and electrical issues is important to consider in this, also, I simply said to him, when he began saying, yet again, that he wondered, what another woman would be like, in bed, other than his wife, "Well, how would YOU like it, if SHE was wondering, what another MAN would be like, IN BED, for HER pleasure?" His face looked like someone just waking up from sleepwalking! With a concerned crease suddenly appearing, across his brow, he looked at me, in some shock, and said not at all surprisingly, "I wouldn't like THAT at ALL!". That was (thankfully) the last I had to hear of his sexual fantasies but this became a part of my ongoing education, as a woman who was now a 'senior citizen', that men would not ever stop this shit; probably not even if we women had one foot in our grave! How can I say something like that?

Well, for one thing, there is a significant increase in STDs in retirement communities, assisted living facilities, even nursing homes, among the elderly that live in those places, who are most often age 65 and above. It used to be that increasing age meant a decrease in sexual activity, often because men developed erectile dysfunction, due to health issues, as they aged. Viagra and similar medications have caused elderly Casanovas with canes to be able to give little old ladies orgasms, now. Because of their 'manhood' being revitalized, with this medication, some reports are surfacing that one, old geezer, in the place, infects several different women, within that same facility, with an STD as well. It may sound funny, to think about, but I don't think it is. It's a real public health concern, for one thing. These women, living there, are easy prey, since these men have (continual) access to them, to either charm these lonely ladies or simply wear them down over time. For all intents and purposes the living situation makes the availability of potential partners, for males, pretty much like 'shooting fish in a barrel'. He doesn't have to go out, and try to find some fish, in the sea. They're right there, in this fishbowl, where everybody knows everybody, and they all share the same social circle. These old guys capitalize on that, very opportunistically. What this says to me is that men will play around, with women's hearts, and health, as long as they are able to; never learning, whether they have a hard-on or not, to treat a woman (or, several women!) decently, and honorably. I simply have little, to no, faith in men, to act aboveboard, in their intentions toward women. Especially sexually. I know that my concern, over his promiscuous, and, high-risk, behaviors, caused me to lose the desire, to be sexually involved, with that man that I loved so deeply. If he caught something from that crap, my health could have been compromised, and health is everything, for a good quality of life! I did not want to end up with an STD from him. Also, those are a sign, that someone is not fully committed to you, which is simultaneously humiliating and heartbreaking if you would have to sit and get that diagnosis from your doctor. Some of those are incurable; and others can even be deadly! It was bad enough that he'd promised to 'pull out' because I had told him that I was not on birth control then, when he wanted to have sex with me, when we got back together at one point. I had stopped taking the pill because I had no desire to have sex with anyone else, even when we were apart and not back together yet, because I was in love, with him! I ended up pregnant, then, with our son, from that time together. I had never planned to have any kids.

"Lack of commitment", is given as the main reason people get divorced, which women file for, much more often, by far, than the men they are married to. I think that is because males tend to want to have their cake and eat it too. They often want it both ways: to be nurtured by their wife, in marriage, but still play the field, as if they are single. To me, there isn't even any such thing, as 'a little harmless flirting'; unless, you consider dropping a lighted match into gasoline to be 'harmless'. Whether the man sleeps with another woman, or stops somewhere short, of that, he is still engaging in mental, and emotional, infidelity, at the very least, when he carries on with a woman other than the one that he made vows with 'to forsake all others'. I see men as saying whatever they feel they have to say in whatever moment they find themselves in to get what they want from whatever woman they want it from at the time. Very few things seem to be sacred, to men. I often see them showing more commitment to their favorite sport team, than their spouse. Women often get the short end of the deal, and as long as it is her and not him, getting that short end, in the situation, males are often okay with that. Arguments are the second biggest reason that divorce happens. (Remember, that women file, for the majority of those!) She finally gets fed up from getting the short end of the deal and stands up for herself. Also, infidelity is a very close third place, in what causes divorces in our society. Other factors also contribute to women wanting to dump these self-centered sinners they married, including but not limited to domestic violence. I am literally shaking my head, as I am sitting here typing this paragraph, as I recall all the awful, undesirable, problematic, things that men have put me through in my own life, as I am cataloging just some of those things here, for this post. I thank God fairly frequently when I am counting my blessings that I am single without any man in my personal life at all. I work very hard to keep it that way too. My opinion of men is they take way more than they give, and are far more trouble than they are worth, based on my knowledge of them. Believe me, I had wanted it to be different, but, after a lifetime, of interacting with males, and all that I have been through, because of them, I finally realized, that a true miracle of God would be the only way, that I ever could or would allow another one of them into my life, and I made peace with the fact, that, given what I have seen, from men, that is not likely to happen.

I have men acquaintances and friends, to this day. Do I care about them as people? Yes. Do I respect them, for the ways, that they have chosen, to display their maleness, toward me? Not the ones, that so annoy, and irritate, me, by their trying to turn this relationship into something else (sexual, of course!), when I have made it very clear, with every man I know, that I am not interested and am not going there with them. Men have been replaced in my life, by my close relationship with God, and other things which have met my needs, and wants, so much better, and safer, than they ever did! All, of that, has been an upgrade for me, compared to what any and all, males, ever brought into my life, with their presence. I am over men. I don't find them charming, because I see them as so insincere; I don't need their compliments, because those turn out to be attempts at manipulation; most, of them, are not even able to hold an intelligent or interesting conversation with me. My being a very smart woman, they tend to bore me, in a very short time. I don't need to be taken out to eat because I am a good cook, and order in all kinds of food that I enjoy eating that gets delivered right to my door. If a man would argue that going out to eat is about the company, my response would be that the company of a man has not been very fun or fulfilling, for me, enough to tolerate it through a meal. Maya Angelou said "When people show you who they are, believe them!" Men have shown me who they are, and now I have finally come to believe them. Who they are is not anyone, or anything, that I would want, in my private life. They are okay at a distance; being kept at arms length. In a friendship. Delivering my mail or online orders, and then going on their way. Fixing a broken appliance or changing the filter in the HVAC, then getting out of my home. They have their useful purposes.

I also appreciate their contributions to my life as physicians, pastors, and other professionals. I have so many news stories in the back of my mind now though about doctors sexually abusing their female patients; including Larry Nassar, who is now the convicted-- serial-- child molester, that perpetrated that on so many of the trusting, young girls who represented our nation on the USA Gymnastics team. Several preachers and evangelists, who have risen to worldwide fame, over the years, especially on the, Christian, TV networks, due to their powerful preaching skills, and captivating charisma, have also joined the, fallen, ranks, of boys behaving badly. While the Christian community seems to 'turn the other cheek', by keeping all of these men's scandals as 'hush hush', as they can, for as long, as they can, before these sins are exposed, to the light of day, and worldwide media reporting (likely getting God's notice, too, I would think), some of the stories are so sickening, that I wonder how these men could stand and preach, in God's name, in the pulpit, and not truly fear that they would be struck dead, as they stood there in a position of spiritual authority? Do these 'men of God' not think or care, about what their indiscretions do to weaken, and even shatter, the faith, of those trusting in the holy Christian life that these men preach about, when they are deciding, what mistress's vagina, or other men's anuses, they are going to stick their upright cock into; while virtually all of these men have a wife at home? They become a joke, that the TV documentaries delight in displaying, for all to see; and the cause of Christ suffers real damage, because their crap causes people to really wonder, if this God, and the faith, that these men have preached about, is even real, or even makes a real difference, in peoples' lives. (No, I am not 'casting the first stone' at these men; yes, I have a dirty laundry list of sins, in my life, myself. Several of my posts have, and several more will, openly address, my sins, as well. However, this particular post, is about why I, generally, scorn and look down upon the male gender; and while I have been alot of things, myself, at different times in my life, I am, very thankfully, not a male!)  We've also seen news footage, of prominent, male, sports figures, and actors, doing outrageous things, to women and to others, from assault, to rape, to murder! These positions of prestige in our society used to be known for having the heroes, for little kids and good folks to look up to and admire, for inspiration, and role modeling. Not much anymore. Even the most powerful man, in the world, the president, of the United States, acts like a thug!

There seems, to me, to be a certain leaning toward some level of depravity, in males. So many of the things that so many men do are things that, most of us, both male and female, could not picture a female doing! So, why is it then that we, as a society, seem to just accept so much of this shit, that men do? Because, 'boys will be boys' (and, many, males are not men, but boys)? Because our prisons are already way too overcrowded, with them? Because, for whatever the reason, we don't raise them right, hold them accountable, or expect more from them than this? There are news stories about male nursing assistants raping old, feeble, and even drugged or dementia-plagued women, in their own beds, in the nursing homes! Not long ago, there was a report, of a comatose young woman, living in a care facility, that delivered a baby, whose DNA traced back to one of the male attendants that worked there! No matter where I turn my weary eyes, to look, at men, and their actions, and behaviors, it is never difficult, for me, to see, why, one of my biggest heartbreaks in life is seeing how few heroes there are. TV newscasts like to show us the stories of men that do something heroic. Why? Because that stands out so starkly against the greater majority of news stories, that we see every single night on the news, about all the dishonest, destructive, dirty deeds that males are doing with their lives; and to our lives. Men especially, will merely laugh off some of what I am saying here, thinking it is simply funny stuff; but, that very mindset, in many of the males, is the one that I am most concerned about!

I still recall a local news story, from decades ago, of how the Omaha police were patrolling the stock yards here, back then, and shined their light upon a (married) man who was there in the dark, having sex with a pig. I don't know any woman but, especially, not me, I can assure you, that would want a husband like this guy. The trouble is, such behavior is often happening with married men, that appear outwardly to be upstanding men in their community; who even their wives, next to them in the bed each night, have no idea are living this sick, sexual, double life. These men aren't thinking or caring about the animal they do this to, their own health, or their wife's health. The fact that he probably had done that before, and then gone home to the bed with his wife in it, literally nauseates me, with disgust, and horror, but, also, from fear! I would be truly terrified, by this point in my life, given everything I have experienced myself and seen other places, to have a man in my life; especially in my body! There are, actually, even males that are into necrophilia. Can you even imagine, being a male, who is putting his hot-blooded hard-on into somebody's cold, stiff, corpse and ejaculating into that? Just simply watching the nightly news whether local or national (and sometimes international), provides no shortage of shocking stories about the bad behavior of males, even though I don't need more 'fuel for the fire' that burns hot within me, that men are mostly disgusting, untrustworthy, jerks, whom I try very hard, now, to keep out of my private life. Just the things that males have already put me through, in my own life, much of which is being described in my blog posts, about men, such as my father, brother, uncles, cousin, husbands, son, etc., is enough for me to be squeamish about opening myself up further than I have to a personal, vulnerable, relationship with them.

What does the landscape look like, in my life, currently, as far as males that are in my world?
Right now, I have a male neighbor living beside me, who seemed to accept my declaration to him, from when he first met me, that I had no interest, at all, in anything more than friendship with males. He behaved, as if he cared, in that way, for a short while (men usually can't keep this up very long, because it is a propped up, fake feeling, on their part, and, because they're so impatient with us women when their actual target turns out not to be our friendship but our vagina); then, when he felt accepted (which he never really was, by me, anyway because his habits are so unhealthy, etc) he began to repeatedly say to me that he liked being around me so that he could look down my shirt. The guy who had lived across the hall from me who was creating alot of problems here by his using the apartment as a drug den and a flophouse with some domestic violence thrown in, for good measure (making me feel truly terrorized, when I heard that woman's screams), moved out, thank God; but only because he went to jail again. The male neighbor, who lives above me, right now, spent the holiday season of 2018 making excuses and finding reasons to come downstairs, to my apartment. He was around my son's age, so I felt like he was, actually, a friend, and not coming on, to me, at all, as we talked and laughed together about all kinds of things. He liked my sense of humor. It ended though, with him sitting on my couch, by himself, with his coat over his lap, apparently masturbating as we talked, leaving his wet semen on my brand new couch cover (thank God that I had just gotten one!) which no one, but him, had even sat on, at that point; not even me. Because I had been talking to him about Christ (while unbeknownst to me he was apparently jerking off) I took his hands to pray for him when I walked him to the door for him to leave, and I wondered why his damp hands had felt, not just sweaty, but sticky! I gag, even thinking about that, again, now. I only saw his ejaculate, on my new couch cover, after he had left, and I hurried, to the laundry room, to wash it. Following that I ended (what I thought had been) our friendship, but he kept texting and calling me and refusing to accept my decision about that, until I finally threatened  to call the police and get a protection order against him. I can hear him, walking around in his apartment, above me, as I'm typing this sentence. I have some male neighbors that aren't so bad. The guy on one side of my apartment is very (properly) smiling and friendly, greeting me and chatting a bit every time we see one another, outside or in the hallway. Another one asks me if he can help me by taking my trash to the dumpster when he is on the way with his own. There is one, that gave me a Christmas card, maybe the prettiest card I ever got, after I gave Christmas cards out to the tenants, from me, a couple of years ago. That was a tough, tense, holiday season, for me, too (mostly, because of the pervert, living above me, but due to other stresses, as well), so that card meant alot! Some of these guys living here are alcoholics, but at least the neighbor who was kind enough to give me the only Christmas card, I got, after all those I gave out to the tenants in the building, is a happy drunk. I have already described the maintenance man. I won't even get started on the landlord here, since this post is already so long!  >sigh!<  I look around me, at the men that are populating my (view of the) world, and I think to myself, quite sadly actually, "Where have all the heroes gone?" This, is just how it is.

If I'd known, as a young woman, all that I have seen and experienced with males, in this world, I believe: (1) I would have remained a virgin or (2) I would never have given myself to any man that was not willing to truly be my hero, in this life, by his values, integrity, and treatment of me, others, and also animals. The famous pilot 'Sully' Sullenberger spoke in an interview, after 'the miracle on the Hudson' plane landing that he accomplished, that day, about getting 'Hero Sex', from his wife, and how that was 'a real thing'. You bet it is! From the time that we are little girls, females are searching for, and are drawn to, the heroes in their life, starting with their daddy (if they're lucky, and he actually is one, since, many, if not most, fathers don't bother to be this for their little girls; setting them up-- just like it was, for me!-- to settle for much lower standards, in the men that they let into their lives because that was the acceptable standard their own father demonstrated, was available, to them. To us. To me.). I settled for the men in my relationships, and they did not rise, to the honor! They gave me even less than I had settled for, going into it, with them. That is how they repaid me, for my giving them the chance they seemed to so want to have with me. One of the things, that I would tell young girls, who are growing up expecting that someday their prince will come is that many men, no matter how old they live to be, never grow up, into, truly, being men. They remain immature and irresponsible little boys, and a little boy is never going to be up to the task of being anybody's true prince. From disappointment in daddy, growing up, on into adulthood, a woman will hope against hope, that the men in her life will rise, to the challenge, because she has a natural inclination to want the males in her life to be her hero in some way; and her protector. For me, I was amazed whenever my father would simply rise from the couch, where he spent all the years, I was in his life, sitting, in front of the TV. He couldn't be bothered to talk to me, or create a relationship, with me, beyond the simple genetic fact that we were related to one another. He certainly was never my hero. In his failing me in those ways, he set me up-- in the true, textbook, sense-- for what my relationships, with males, would be like, and why those would fail, time and again, until I gave up altogether, and stopped opening up my wounded, fatigued, heart, to what, I became convinced, could only be more impending doom, for me. Males are the biggest disappointment, to me, in my life, and in my world. I would rather not have any in my life at all than have to wonder who they really are, and what they are really doing that I have no idea about, which could affect my wellbeing now. For me, males are simply someone, and something, that I am, mostly, much better off without!
* "For you have made him a little lower than the angels, and have crowned him with glory and honor." Psalm 8:5

** Notice that the definition for this word even ascribes the description to being specifically about male behavior! "loutish: (of a man or boy) uncouth and aggressive"!

*** What does 'consume you' mean? To destroy or expend by use; use up. To devour, as prey.

**** dog: a person regarded as unpleasant, contemptible, or wicked.