I honestly didn't think that I could even attempt to 'accept' these people. This is a very small community though that seems to very often be mainly fueled by gossip
I cannot make these stories from my life nice and neat or, rather, whitewashed and sweet, in order to make them more palatable, or easier to cope with, for anyone reading them. Whenever the truth gets watered-down, it stops being the truth! I have lived through all these things. It is my story. It is what it is. Our lives are greatly affected by the pervasive consequences of Original Sin, the sins of others, and our own sin, and we must acknowledge that.
Tuesday, April 16, 2024
Where Things Stand, For Me, Right Now:
I honestly didn't think that I could even attempt to 'accept' these people. This is a very small community though that seems to very often be mainly fueled by gossip
Monday, April 1, 2024
Dear Readers,
Today I am just updating you so you know where things stand, generally, because I don't want to leave you hanging not knowing what's going on with me right now.
When I stopped writing the blog posts the end of last year, it was because I need to 'get out there', before it's too late and I run out of time to LIVE my life. Sitting here typing takes time, energy and focus away from my attempting to have more of my needs met, and hopefully make more of my dreams come true! I thought I would finally be ready to go do something about all that, as this new year began, but the projects I have been working on all seem to take longer than I think they will. I have been making significant progress, working my way down that lengthy 'To Do List', since I wasn't spending the hours, that it normally takes me, to write each blog, sitting here typing, for the last three months. I'm still not finished with all those things that I need to do, despite the 'Finish Line' coming into view, more clearly, now, with each thing I complete and cross off the list. Sometimes, when I get one of these things done, it causes me to realize that, a NEW project needs to be ADDED to my list, so I don't really gain any ground, with getting through all of these things. I also still have the old PC, with the, tired, keyboard, that now skips spaces as I type on it, causing me to have to back up and fix those gaps in words.
What I have wanted to share with you-- enough to resume writing my blog-- are things that I have been learning, and struggling with, and, trying, to make peace with, in my life here. Things that have made me angry -- even ENRAGED. Things that have hurt me. Things that, very nearly, caused me to abandon what matters to me, just to flee from the relentless stress of having to deal with other peoples' BULLSHIT. There is nowhere on the planet to go to find guaranteed peace though so there really is NO ESCAPE from these people in or aligned with the clique, who have made my life so miserable here; or others like them. I almost allowed them to run me off, including from the aspects of my life that do make me happy-- just to BE RID OF THEM. But when I recovered from my RAGE at them from the most recent round of their CRAP I saw that THEY are NOT WORTH my losing the GOOD things in my life over! I was talking with a neighbor, yesterday, who asked me if I were moving, which could have been because I was outside with a suitcase I was taking to the dumpster or even just because EVERYTHING about my life seems to get GOSSIPED ABOUT, here, and I had asked a few neighbors for empty boxes, if they had any to spare, from their deliveries and such, around the time that I also considered moving away, because of the clique. Several residents actually moved away, from this, otherwise idyllic, place to live, and cited the clique as their main reason, or as one of their most compelling reasons. Even though, I've been their main target-- from my FIRST day here, and for 2 1/2 YEARS, now-- I hadn't ever seriously contemplated moving away from here for any reason, including because of them-- despite the, TRULY HORRIBLE, GOSSIP, RUMORS, and OUTRIGHT LIES, that they have SPREAD, ABOUT ME, HERE-- until, last month, when I became SO ENRAGED that I almost decided to do that. That would have been a real tragedy, though, because there is so much that is good about my life here, now, IN SPITE OF THEM, and because I would have lost everything that matters most, to me, in my life, just to get these bitches out of my life. THEY ARE, WHO THEY ARE. I said to the neighbor who asked me yesterday if I were moving that my living here's a TRUE MIRACLE FROM GOD that HE DID FOR ME, and that it's actually SATAN who comes to steal, kill, and destroy; that the devil seems to do A LOT of his work on this earth through people-- who consider themselves 'good' Christians; and that I realized, it was not wise, or worth it, to let go of this, one-and-only, Desire Of My Heart, that I have EVER HAD, in MY LIFE, because of these people, when it is not even about who I AM, but about who THEY are, and THEIR LACK OF CHARACTER.
So, I need to stop, for now, because, I really have gotten ALOT more DONE, since I stopped blogging for awhile, but I still have more that I need to do, so I can get out of the house, alot more, to try to make more of my dreams come true. I want to have more FUN in my life, and hope for a summer romance if I meet someone! Sometime this month I will write the post about these things I am learning, about me, my life, and how I want to live it, and who I will allow in it-- or not!-- though.
Sunday, December 31, 2023
Not 'Happily Ever After' But It Is 'The End'
In thinking back over a wide variety of instances throughout my own life, I find it remarkable that a single word used, or left unused yet still greatly affecting the outcome, either at or about those times, has so much power! Power to transform, or tear down. Power to heal or hurt. Power to unite or isolate. POWER.
Words are the foundational currency of our relationships with one another. The words of others have deeply and even permanently affected my life in many ways. I have warmed to a word of kindness. I have withdrawn when a word is abusive. I have embraced when a word is loving. I have winced, as if punched in the gut, when a word was cruel, and I didn't need that. I have wept, while being comforted, by a word that was warm, when I did need that. I, also, have affirmed, encouraged, entertained, pledged, promised, rejected, renounced, sworn, and many other things, which I do to express myself as a human being, by a word.
While it is sometimes emphasized by the tone, or dramatized by the volume, used to convey it, the word itself is still what possesses the true power. Many if not most of our memories center around things like a baby's first word, being asked out on a date, being told we are hired, or fired, a wedding vow, someone telling us they're pregnant, a disagreement, an emergency phone call, the good-bye of a loved one, the condolences of our friends, the preaching of a sermon that speaks right to our heart as if it's for us alone, and so much more. Whether the result of it was positive or negative in my life, some specific word, which was spoken to me at a certain time, has quite often dropped anchor and tethered my soul to that memory; even, and especially, those times when I have wished that weren't so.
The Bible informs us, starting with its very first chapter, of the creative power behind a spoken word. The Scriptures pervasively teach us that a word has real and impacting power, including the power to bless or curse. Matthew 12:37 says "For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned". Even Jesus Himself was also called 'The Word'! Simply because it was the most important words that I could ever teach him, I even taught my cockatiel to say "Praise God!" and he said it, then, for almost twenty years.
An unspoken word also holds a lot of power in our lives, whether for good or bad. The silence, from a word not being spoken which is nevertheless present and palpable in the situation, still conveys that word is there, causing it to permeate our psyche as surely as if it had been spoken. Those moments can be filled with such significance and intensity that they have even been called a pregnant pause.
Being a wordsmith is very hard work, and can be extremely difficult to do well. As I begin to grapple with that daunting challenge in this new format, for me, of blogging, I have no idea how I will do with this! In creating and sharing this Blog with you, it is my hope that each of us will come to fully appreciate the remarkable power that a word has, both for us and from us. My prayer is that we are all affected by that truth, and that our words will be used to encourage, inspire, and move others, to a better place in their lives, and not a worse one.
In a word, I'm inviting you to enter in, not just to my life as it has been or to my world as I know it, but to me.
Wednesday, December 20, 2023
This month's blog post will be delayed . . .
. . . because I am still not sure what to say.
My December blog post is my hardest one to write, in some ways. Sometimes, as I pray and ponder what I should share, and not share, in it, I think I finally have the needed grasp of the words that would convey what I'm thinking and feeling only to have them slip away when I attempt to capture them with my keyboard. It is hard, because it will be my very last post on my blog, after almost 5 years of sharing my life here, with you, including its heartbreak, and hope. It will be posted here before year's end, though, God willing. I've learned not to bother, making any 'New Year's Resolutions', because "the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.” (Matthew 26:41) I just know that I have to do much better about seizing the day every day to try to have more satisfying and fulfilling outcomes, than, what I have had happen, so far.
It isn't just that I am still not sure what to write, to bring some sense of closure to my blog. There are other reasons it is delayed, as well. I am sleep deprived due to staying up to do all that I can to help the pipes not burst, due to the cold weather. When I do lie down, to try to sleep, a fairly bad toothache (from eating treats that were not good for me) makes it very difficult. The holidays, and projects that I am working on, around my house, stretched the budget to the point that being able to see a dentist simply isn't possible, right now. I admit, to indulging my sweet tooth, but I also went ahead and ordered as many of the things as I could to finally finish all these projects because I am extremely burned out from it taking so long for me to do all these things. It has been nonstop, for years now, and it stopped being fun for me quite awhile ago. I just want it done so I can move on to some things that I still haven't had happen in my life but that I know I really need. More laughter and hugs, and friends that I feel 'safe' to let my guard down with, and even a romance.
Although, I did 'meet' David online, on a singles' dating website, last Spring, and I felt like I was starting to fall in love with him, before it fell apart altogether, due to both our faults [Ascent Through The Dark Night Of The Soul: My Life Reflections: Is There ANY Man Who's RIGHT For ME?], sitting here alone, inside my house, is not the best way for me to find the relational fulfillment that, I am lacking, and needing, in my life. I need to do something different, before it is just too late. Time, is a precious commodity. When it's gone, it's gone. There's no getting it back for any 'do overs'.
Besides sitting here exhausted and in pain and being so mentally burned out right now, I am emotionally drained also. Right before I started typing this to you I had watched another Hallmark holiday movie that struck such a chord with my longing that I finished off one box of tissues from crying about it and opened a new box. I always get a runny nose when I cry, so I've had alot of that this season as I watch these movies, which all have happy outcomes, that I can only imagine, as I watch.
Well, it is time for me to go care for the pipes again, to nurture them through this cold. I try to be extra careful when it's really cold like this, and not just leave it to hoping that some small trickle, ongoing overnight, will prevent their bursting. I do not have the money for such repairs, should it happen to my house. I am so tired.
I wish all of you a wonderful holiday season! My blog post should be here no later than New Year's Eve. Because of the encouragement of a friend who told me that it would bring me some hope (which it did!), I have managed to unbox my new 6' artificial Christmas tree, and set it up. But, there are still no lights or decorations, on it, because I have so much going on needing my time and attention right now, including that, I am currently trying to work on the most challenging space in my home to try to bring some, much-needed, organization, and order, to it. Progress is being made, slowly but surely. I will be SO GLAD when it is FINALLY all 'DONE'.
Love, Deb