I cannot make these stories from my life nice and neat or, rather, whitewashed and sweet, in order to make them more palatable, or easier to cope with, for anyone reading them. Whenever the truth gets watered-down, it stops being the truth! I have lived through all these things. It is my story. It is what it is. Our lives are greatly affected by the pervasive consequences of Original Sin, the sins of others, and our own sin, and we must acknowledge that.
Wednesday, November 9, 2022
A Note To My Readers
Monday, October 31, 2022
Still Sorting Through Mementos I've Saved
Wednesday, October 19, 2022
I'm sorting through saved mementos again
Based on my scrawl, this was written by me, in January 1967. I would have been 11. I was fascinated to see what thoughts were in my head at that age, and even earlier.
If the sun came out at night-
and the moon came out at day-
then to set things right,
I'd pray and pray.
That one, and the following poem that I wrote, were on old, yellowed, pages, of notebook paper, carefully printed by me in pencil. Clearly, I am just very verbal.
with lovely, yellow, hair,
that glistened in the sunshine
and in the summer air.
But oh! This pretty dandelion
soon grew old and grey;
and, sad to tell, her lovely hair
blew many miles away.
Starting School At The Age Of 6 (written at some point when I was an older child)
My aunt, Gladys Workman, took me to South Elementary School in Mebane. My mom couldn't take me because she is a teacher and taught her class that day. At first I was disappointed, but Aunt Gladys was very nice to me (she always will be, and is), so, I soon found myself, at school, coloring, and, copying letters of the alphabet.
The days after that meant hard work, studying, homework, and an early bedtime. Also, I had to get a notebook, pencils, and school clothes.
I was timid and shy the first month of school, but I settled down after a while. The work was easy- really!! At least I thought it would be hard. But, I got used to it as it got harder.
My first grade teacher is Mrs. Yoder.
Now there is 4 children in my family because in November, on the 19, my little sister, Pam, was born. She was playful and cute when she was little! But, when she grew- Help!! She was whiny and fussy!
* * * * * *
I found a photograph of me dressed as a harem girl, for a Halloween party, at the Offutt Air Force Base NCO club. It had a face veil also, but I had removed that for the picture. I still have that costume. A note on the back of the photo says it was "Halloween 1987", so I would have been 31 years old at the time. I was a natural brunette. I still have the costume in a box with many of my old dancer costumes.
I came across this old poem that I wrote for an Air Force Major that I met at church. He led the adult Sunday school class, and we became friends. His wife, had left him, and their two, teen-age, children, before I ever even attended that church or met him. He was still legally married though, so we struggled with the feelings we developed for one another, because, for both, of us, our love for, and relationship with, the Lord was our highest, personal, priority. Sometimes the feelings were overwhelming, but I managed to remain friends with him, and nothing more; and because I had once asked his children if they wanted their family reunited, and they did, I helped him work through his feelings about his wife leaving him, and helped him to realize his part, in that happening. I left a cassette tape for him about how to heal a broken marriage. We never became romantically involved physically, and his wife did eventually return to her family. I withdrew, from the situation, before that even happened, after I had done all I knew, to do, to help him work through it, to the point that, his heart was open, to her, again. I knew that it was the best thing for that family. I loved him, as a very dear friend, but nothing more, because my relationship with God has always been the foundation for my life on this earth, and I know that I will never be happy with anyone that is NOT GOD'S WILL for ME. His Will, is ALL that I want!
My Christmas Prayer For You, 1992
I had you on my mind, as I said my prayers,
as Christmas Eve turned into Christmas Day.
I gave it all to God-- all that's in my heart!--
Now, I'll share with you the things I had to say:
Lord, I lift this man to You--
A new and precious friend
Who's come into my life
for something toward Your end.
Help me just to trust in You--
Your best is all I need!--
and let my heart feel nothing
of which You are not the seed.
I don't want to hurt You, Lord,
by anything I do.
Despite my human frailties, Lord,
You know how I love You!
I've seen his love for you, as well.
A blessing to behold!
A man whose mind is stayed on You;
he's not lukewarm or cold.
I lift up his situation.
Reveal Heaven's answers, Lord!
Undo all of Satan's evil works.
Break those bondage cords.
There are some times my heart goes out
to him in risky ways . . . .
And I sigh to think of all the
lack of love throughout my days . . . .
Two wrongs don't make a right, though, Lord,
so there's nothing we can do
but hold Your Word within our hearts
and keep our eyes on You!
Forgive me for the fantasies;
forgive me for the flesh;
forgive the things in me that want to force
what You alone can mesh.
Satan knows my hunger
and he will send 'junk food',
for nothing good will come to me
unless it comes from You!
So, if it does, and when it does,
Lord, I will know You've heard
the whispered prayers, and seen the tears;
and manifest Your Word.
- Deborah Robinson
Christmas Day 1992
P.S. Nothing is a bargain AT ANY PRICE if it's not God's Will, and also what you REALLY want.
The sun sizzles, melts, and drips bronzed warmth onto the earth; then evening comes.
I'm stuck in the sadness, trying to shake free. At the moment, it's getting the better of me.
I'm not gonna lie; it's hard watching dreams die.
"Sit down and shut up!" "Stand up and speak out!" Do you need somebody else's permission, to be what you're all about?
I wrote this poem on May 6, 2000 . . .
Saturday, October 1, 2022
Just a couple of my poems, from the heart
While sitting there, I sighed.
"I have NO hope left," I whispered,
and then I began to cry.
I came across this next one while working on organizing my upstairs, which I've been, 'whittling away' at, off and on, for months, now. Now that, the weather, is cooler, I can be up there, alot, more, without, it being so, oppressively, hot, and stuffy. Hopefully, it will be done, soon, and that will be one less TO DO project, from my long list of such things. It is, slowly, transforming into a livable space.
I was raised being a 'TK'-- a teacher's kid-- until I was a freshman in high school. That, was when, we had to move away to another town, after my mother got her Master's Degree and was hired as an Instructional Supervisor for Hickory (N.C.) City Schools. I, had to go back to middle school, there, when we moved, because that was where the ninth grade was there. It was also in the middle of the school year, which made it both very hard to leave old friends that I had grown up with my whole life in Mebane (N.C.) and difficult to make new friends when alliances had already been formed. I, was,' the new kid'; the outsider, coming into that. It wasn't an easy adjustment at all, especially at that age. I have written poems my whole life-- ever since, I was about, the age of 8-- and I wrote the following one, the summer of my first year living there at the end of my ninth grade year. I was 15 years old, when I wrote this. My mother liked it, so much, that, she framed it, which, it still is, and hung it on the wall of her office in the Hickory City Schools Administration Building, until she retired. It was returned to me, after she died.
Wednesday, September 21, 2022
Sometimes, Even Smart People Are Stupid
I am not saying this out of bitterness but am simply stating the facts. I would not want this person even if that were possible, which it isn't and never will be. I saw plenty of Red Flags-- too many really-- that let me know that this person was not right for me. The main reason, being that, disrespecting, me, has, always, been a deal breaker, for me, and they, definitely, did not, respect me-- showing me that, through both, their words, and their actions, time and time and time again. When we were friends, it was the happiest phase of this relationship, to me, but there is no going back now, to that simpler situation. When we first met, he was rude and often unresponsive. I even felt sure that he was stupid, for awhile. So I had never expected that we could ever even become friends. As I look back on everything, I wonder now if we ever really were friends, or if he was just playing me, to control me, and to get on my good side, including so that I would stop complaining about how he was before. It worked. That friendship, as I saw it, was a source of alot of laughter for me, even though as amusing as he was he was also very annoying at times. I am equally annoying in my way, and very frustrating to deal with as well, though, in between my, also, being funny, and, enigmatically, charming, at times. So, in between all the banter and laughter we were mutually irritating quite often.
That, was one of the incidents, that so devastated me that I called the Crisis Line. The person that he brought with him, that didn't even know me, later called me a drunk, to my face, when I had only had 2 bottles of wine on 2 different occasions, and a few canned drinks at a neighbor's house one day, after going for 25 YEARS, without drinking more than a couple of beers, total. His treatment of me gave this person permission to-- also (like, him)-- disrespect me. It was, extremely, painful.
Around this time was when I realized, my biggest humiliation, came from the fact that I had actually thought he was my friend, and really cared about me, and was a decent guy. There was alot of other things, that showed me very clearly that he did not respect me, at all, but I am not going to go into them here. God, knows it.
I will always care about him, as someone who became, very significant, in my life, for both good and bad reasons, whether or not, I ever should have; and I have no desire to hurt him, in any way. EVER. I wish him all the best. The bottom line is, I have only myself to blame. I started the superficial flirting, because it was fun, for me. Then, I couldn't get him to help me stop it, when it, suddenly, started to feel, too real, to me, and scared me. I got hurt and humiliated and that really is all my fault. This, is a cautionary tale, to anyone, reading this. DON'T PLAY WITH FIRE. I should have known better-- absolutely!-- and, I paid the price. I am so sorry, that any of it happened, and the saddest thing of all is it can't be undone. So, I extend grace, to him, because I am so in need of that, myself. I don't feel hatred or hard feelings. I just feel like I WAS REALLY STUPID, for a woman that is normally fairly intelligent. It hurt ALOT, that he disrespected me. But, the awful truth is, I taught him to. I cannot blame him for this; but it did take mistakes on both our parts for it to end up this way. We don't interact at all, anymore, and both think that's best.
I should also say that he did, finally, 'pull the plug' on it, but not way back when I asked him to, to prevent this, from happening, to me, in the first place. I do, fault him, for that. If he had done that, helped me with that, when I saw trouble ahead and asked him to help me to keep that from happening, instead of doing, more of, the very behaviors that, I was telling him, I was most susceptible to, this could all have been avoided, then, rather than, avoiding, one another, now, because, it did, happen. That's why I got so angry at him, about it. I asked him, not to encourage it, in me, but, he did, for whatever reason; and, he knows that. Maybe, it was just an ego trip, to see a woman's eyes shine that way when she looked at him, but he was not in a position, to be entitled, to that, from me, and I did not want to be, in a position, to provide that, extra boost, for him, and end up with nothing, to show for it, but being teased and heartbroken. This became a dark night of the soul, for me, so it is being addressed in this post, but I am not planning to expound on any of this or describe more, about it, in any future blog posts, that I might write. This post, provides a sufficient overview. All things considered, and that, covers alot of ground, with us, I know that, he has had a huge impact, on me, personally, and is one of those people that I will never forget. Even if I really wish that I could, now.
I did lose alot of respect for him, though, because of how he treated me, and how he handled this situation with me. He brought several other people into it to make himself look like he is just a totally innocent victim of it, when he absolutely needs to share the responsibility and the blame; and I'm the object of gossip because he did that. I have also had to endure these people putting me down, including to my face, while, he sat there, and tried to get me to say that he did not do anything to cause any of this-- which I refused to do for him, because that would be a lie, and he knows it; even if he won't admit it. I wasn't saying anything about it to anyone until, I finally told one person (my best friend), because, I had, no one, to turn to.
Nobody notices your pain, but everyone notices your mistakes.
I am just focused on going on with my life, and keeping my distance, at this point.
The humiliation has been very humbling for me, and I think that I have needed to learn a real lesson from all this. I also think, it wouldn't be wise to try to stand on that slippery slope, again, and believe, I can stay, firmly, on my feet, when, I slid, almost all the way down it, before. NOT. A. GOOD. IDEA. I didn't expect that at all when it happened, but now, I know, that it can; because it did. No one, was more shocked (and upset, about it!) than me, but it also, truly, terrified, me. I DID NOT SEE THAT COMING. Just like, the car that gets hit by a train, on the tracks, and is totaled, I was blindsided. I cannot handle something like that! I do not know how to deal with it. It is crazymaking**, for me, because of that. I was miserable, and that made me so pissed off. It's no wonder it drove me to drink, when nothing, or no one, had, for 25 YEARS, prior to that! I was self-destructing, and I couldn't get a grip on my emotions, at all. It was horrible. I HATED IT. I am also left terrified it could happen to me again, now that I am back to being 'myself'. I hadn't thought that I would, ever, have to deal with something like that, at this point in my life. I was therefore not happy when I had to, because I didn't have a choice. It was too much for me. I am so much happier, being free, and independent. Not, controlled, by overpowering feelings. It also hurt like hell, to have someone mean so much to me and see, clearly, that I did not mean much to them. It had to be that way, too. There is more I have to say about it, in the following message to my blog readers.
The only person that I did, finally, confide in about it is my best friend here, who has assured me that, he is trustworthy, with not sharing the things I've told him. The following Facebook Messenger post I sent to him recently, while I have been working on this blog post, speaks of my life improving so much, by this situation ending, and me going on with my life. I am much happier now this way, but I do realize that I also need to stop writing my blog posts, too, on a regular, required basis, as I have been doing, which is why I am writing this message to all of my readers. I have prayed about it, for some months now, and I don't feel like I am to stop writing my blog altogether. I do-- desperately-- need to reclaim my time, and start doing alot more for my holistic health such as more exercise than I am getting by sitting here, writing, for hours and days and weeks, on end, for years. There is also a realization in me that, now that I have covered all of my past life, in large measure, by the posts that I have written over these past few years, the challenge now is for me to, actively, live my present-day life, more so than write about it. There is only so much sand, in the hour glass, of my numbered days on this earth, and I have been setting aside, fully living, my life, for years now, as I took all this time to sit here, at my computer, and write about it. My writing blog posts has not been a waste of time, because, through that, I received, alot more clarity about things, that I wrote about, which brought about more healing to my injured soul. In other ways, it has shown me, how many open wounds, there still are in my psyche, that I am not yet healed of. Two steps forward, one step back, it feels like as I try to be my best possible self while simultaneously being such a damaged soul. As I often say summarily, IT IS WHAT IT IS. I am what I am. This relationship-- this friendship that got trampled to death by all the other feelings I found myself dealing with, in dismay-- which, this post, is about, was a source of much laughter and, frankly intermittent, support and I miss having those aspects in my life, because they made my world a happier and warmer place. It, also, left me feeling, angry, indignant, gossiped about, stressed, played, treated extremely disrespectfully, at times, and like I am actually better off without it, on the whole.
It's not that you're afraid of love. It's the fear that everyone else is just like the last person who destroyed you.
** crazymaking: (Urban Dictionary definition) obsessive thoughts or overwhelming desire for something or someone, that causes a conflict struggle between meeting moral versus primitive needs/urges.